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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


temps, formes verbales


groupe verbal > expressions du futur


be + -ing


valeurs énonciatives :


verrouillage, validation,

certification, garantie,

décision, programmation

avec souvent

une forte implication

de l'énonciateur / énonciatrice,

qui se pose en autorité.



23 February 2005

Sous-entendu compris

de tous les lecteurs / lectrices :

I'm not going [ to go ]  to my son's wedding.

















Rex Morgan        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        23.2.2005






Mark Trail        Jack Elrod        9.2.2005
















Standard Life is replacing its finance director

ahead of its planned flotation on the stock market,

the insurance group announced yesterday.

John Hylands is stepping down from the role

but will remain as an executive director

in charge of the project

to demutualise the Edinburgh company.

Standard Life, which for years resisted the idea

of abandoning its mutual ownership,

performed a u-turn earlier this year following concerns

about its financial strength

as a result of new regulatory requirements.

It has hired headhunters Heidrick & Struggles

to find a suitable candidate to take on

what could become one of the highest profile roles

in the financial services industry.

Standard Life seeks new head of finance, G, 22.6.2004,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


groupe verbal > expressions du futur




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