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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


may, might, can, could


 sens et valeurs énonciatives > pouvoir



may / mighthypothèse > énonciation première
















cancapacité / compétence / savoir-faire


OpenAI releases latest ChatGPT

it can talk, laugh and even sing like a human


May 16, 2024    NPR










couldhypothèse / présupposition  / possibilité













































The Guardian        Rise        p. 5        4 Fébruary 2006








Cette publicité

comprend quatre occurrences

de can :



1    Valeur de potentiel,

capacité, compétence (présent) :

I can oversee.



2 - 3 - 4    Valeur hypothétique

(conditionnel en français) :

but I couldn't manage

- If you think you could - Could you?
















The Guardian        Society        p. 8        10 December 2008


















The Guardian        p. 11        15 February 2007



















Rex Morgan

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis

20 May 2005
















It might have seemed unlikely that Mr. Mohsen, the founder of a San Jose company called Aptix Corporation, would try to hire a hit man to kill a federal judge who presided over a patent-infringement case. But, as a result of that civil case, Mr. Mohsen was in jail facing multiple charges of conspiracy to commit perjury and obstruct justice. And, according to the government, he did indeed solicit a fellow inmate to kill the judge - although he quibbled at the asking price of $25,000, saying he considered $10,000 more reasonable.

The inmate, an informant, caught the conversation on tape.

"So, now, what would you want?" the informant asked Mr. Mohsen, according to a tape transcript Mr. Mohsen's lawyer provided. "He could be shot. He could be knifed. He could be blown up or it could look like, maybe a gas leak in his house or what?"

Mr. Mohsen asked the man which approach would be "the least traceable," and though he expressed some discomfort with the idea of killing a judge, he ordered the informant to track the judge's movements.

"I wouldn't want to do it at the courthouse," he said. "Get him when he's driving around. I'm sure he goes to a golf course or something."

When Mr. Mohsen pleaded not guilty last summer to 23 criminal counts including solicitation to murder a federal judge, the case had to be assigned to a judge in Sacramento because the entire San Francisco bench recused itself from the case.

In Courts, Threats Become Alarming Fact of Life,
NYT, 20 March 2005,






Scouring the internet may not sound

[ première étape discursive ]


as romantic as wooing your future partner

with candlelight and champagne


but it could be

[ reprise de may en could >

hypothèse présupposante ]


much more effective, research suggests.


As a result,

many couples sitting down tonight to enjoy Valentine's night

might well have met

[ renforcement de la présupposition,

par might et well ]


in cyberspace.

Forget champagne, online chat is the way to woo,
G, first §§, 14.2.2005,






Dear X,

Sorry about that - here are the options,

think I'va attatched (sic) them properly this time.

If not, it is 4.00 for airmail, or 15.00 for a courier services

(that is insured).

You can email me back

[ can : présupposition ],


and I can place the order

- or alternatively you may place it over the Foyles website

[ may : choix ouvert, latitude laissée au co-énonciateur ].


Unfortunately I can't find a Penguin edition,

but there is this one, that I think is most similar :

Series: Oxford Bookworms Library, Stage 1
The Elephant Man : 400 Headwords
by Tim Vicary

Therefore the total would be 3.20,

plus the postal rate you wish to choose.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely


Customer services

Email, 16.2.2005.


















The cleaning in this hospital isn't all it might be


Private Eye        added  25.7.2005
















Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





can > valeurs >

potentiel, pouvoir, capacité, autorisation



could > forme "passé" de can


could >

forme "passé" de can >

concordance des temps



can > reprise de can par could



could > valeurs >

hypothèse > présupposition



questions en can / could



formuler une hypothèse



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag




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