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GV > auxiliaires > modaux


can + Base Verbale (BV)


différents sens


savoir faire,

pouvoir faire,

avoir le pouvoir de + V,





être en mesure de + V,








OpenAI releases latest ChatGPT

it can talk, laugh and even sing like a human


May 16, 2024    NPR





















 “Finish It”

is from the American Legacy Foundation,

whose previous campaign, “Truth,”

helped cut teenage smoking rates.


A Less Defiant Tack in a Campaign

to Curb Smoking by Teenagers


AUG. 10, 2014


















The Guardian        p. 34        4 January 2007
















The Guardian        G2        p. 26        22 January 2009
















The Guardian        Society        p. 26        10 December 2008


















The Guardian        p. 38        2 December 2008


















London. August 2008.

Digital photo by Anglonautes.

















The Guardian        p. 12        10.4.2007
















The Guardian        p. 12        12.3.2007

















The Guardian        Society        p. 12        16.8.2006

















Can the doctor see us?


Popeye        Hy Eisman        17 August 2004

















Plants can communicate

and respond topréposition touch.


May 6, 2024    NPR



































































































Avec can à la forme affirmative,

l'énonciateur se pose en autorité :


mon-savoir-à-moi me permet d'attribuer

une capacité / un potentiel / une caractéristique

au référent du nom sujet.


Traduction explicative :

Vous ne savez pas vous,

mais moi je sais et je peux vous affirmer que...

/ je suis en mesure de vous affirmer que...




Référent du nom =

personne, ensemble de personnes,

objet, fait, institution, image, action,

phénomène dans les réalités / mentalités / imaginaires.


Le référent n'est pas nécessairement visible / "visualisable"

(diabetes / cholesterol) :




The Guardian    p. 8    2 October 2004














Traductions :


savoir, pouvoir, "être en mesure de",

avoir le droit de (acceptions pratique et morale),

avoir la faculté de / la capacité / les moyens,

la possibilité / le potentiel ( 1 - > can est proche de could).



1 -  Seroxat and Prozac

'can make people homicidal'


Doctor who found suicide risk

says experts ignoring danger


Evidence that antidepressant drugs like Seroxat and Prozac

could make people homicidal

is being ignored by the body responsible

for regulating medicines in the UK,

a leading expert said yesterday.

Headline, sub and §1,






Canada's Mounties

Female Officers Can Wear Hijabs


August 24, 2016

3:01 PM ET


Jason Slotkin

Canada's national police force says

it is allowing women in its ranks to wear the hijab.

A spokesman confirmed Wednesday

that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police,

known as the Mounties,

recently approved the headscarf for its Muslim officers.

"This is intended to better reflect the diversity

in our communities

and encourage more Muslim women

to consider the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

as a career option," Scott Bardsley,

spokesman for Canada's public safety minister,

told the Canada-based Global News.



Photo caption :

Canada's national police force confirmed Wednesday

that the hijab would be permitted for Muslim female officers.

Canada's Mounties Say Female Officers Can Wear Hijabs,
August 24, 2016,







 Arafat can leave Ramallah


The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon,

spoke to his Palestinian counterpart today

and agreed in principle

to permit the ailing Yasser Arafat

to be flown abroad for medical treatment.

Headline and sub, G, 28.10.2004,






Nuclear waste from overseas power stations

has been sealed in concrete

and buried in several miles of trenches

in breach of official government policy,

the Guardian can reveal.

Ministers break promises over nuclear waste, G, 31.8.2004,






Humans can remember and identify up to 10,000 smells.

The olfactory system plays a powerful role

in warning of danger, in identifying fresh food,

and linking mother to newborn infant.

Scientists' sweet smell of succes? G, 5.10.2004,






Employers can spy on staff


Bosses can now use "big brother" technology

to keep track of their workers throughout the day.

A new service allows companies to find

where staff are anywhere in the country

by tracing their mobile phone signal.

The information sent back

enables managers to pinpoint their location on a map

- and potentially catch out those who claim to be elsewhere.

Headline and first §§, PA, 17.10.2004,
















Daily Mirror    2 February 2005






Feb 2 2005

By Jeff Edwards

Chief Crime Correspondent

THE new guide to tackling a burglar

makes it clear what you can and can't do.

As Home Secretary Charles Clarke

stressed it was

"the right of every British citizen"

to protect himself, his family and property".


Acting "honestly and instinctively"

is now the key.


The leaflet from

the Association of Chief Police Officers

and the Crown Prosecution Service

was aimed at ending confusion

in the wake of high-profile cases

such as that of Tony Martin.

It said: "You are not expected

to make fine judgments

over the level of force you use

in the heat of the moment.


"So long as you only do

what you honestly and instinctively believe

is necessary...

that would be the strongest evidence

of you acting lawfully and in self-defence.


"This is still the case

if you use something to hand as a weapon."


A police source said:

"If someone was trying to kill you

with a gun, knife or an axe, for instance,

you would be legally within your rights to shoot him

if you had a legally held gun handy."


The leaflet said intruders did not necessarily have

to be the first to use violence.

It added:

"If you have acted in reasonable self-defence...

and the intruder dies,

you will still have acted lawfully."

You can kill burglars, DMi, 2.2.2005,












can ne se traduit pas toujours :


Can you hear me?        Vous m'entendez?


I can't see you!              Je (ne) te vois pas!
















The Guardian        p. 12        30 Szeptember 2005
















The Guardian        p. 8        3 December 2004














autorisation / interdiction :

can ou may ?



Il ne faut pas confondre can et may.


May "donne" l'autorisation lors de l'énonciation :


You may turn over your paper now.


Traduction explicative :

vous pouvez / avez maintenant le droit de...









may peut se traduire par

pouvoir / devoir :



Air Travel - Prohibited Items

Prohibited items are weapons, explosives, incendiaries,

and include items that are seemingly harmless

but may be used as weapons

- the so-called "dual use" items.

You may not bring these items

to security checkpoints without authorization.

Transportation Security Administration,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security,






At the review session,

you will be allowed to review

the Test Booklet and Proposed Key Answers.

The purpose of this review is to permit you

to submit protests against the Proposed Key Answers.

You must appear in person;

you may not bring with you

or have present any other person at this test review.

You may bring any reference materials you wish.

You may not bring any handwritten notes

or recording devices of any kind.

There will be no rescheduling of appointments

for the protest session.

NYC Civil Service Exam Protest Procedure,



est en gras et souligné dans l'original.






What should I expect? 

Answer: You should plan on spending

at least part of your stay

outside the courtroom waiting to be called for a trial.

You may bring reading material or other appropriate items

to occupy your time when you are not in trial

You may not bring electronic pagers

or cellular telephones with you

into the jury room or trial.

These items are allowed only in the juror lounge.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Jury Duty,






Unfortunately, you may not take alcoholic drinks

from the lobby seating area into the theatre.











Can permet notamment de rappeler des règles :


Those who want a slice of Britain's

most exclusive postcode

face strict planning rules.

'An American company owns the land

and has told the residents

they can't have satellite dishes in the garden,

can't change the colour of their door

and can't park vans on their drive,'

Wall said.

How postcodes put the wealthy in their place:
Purpose-built village luxury in Kent
and a road in the centre of Middlesbrough
reveal that Britain's north/south divide is as entrenched as ever,







En savoir plus :

Traductions du verbe devoir en anglais














can > autres énoncés




Satellite trackers mean

police can watch offenders' every step

Welcome to the prison without bars, G, 3.9.2004,






BT Mobile. You can talk for free.


With BT Mobile Home Plan,

get 1000 free minutes of quick calls home.

Join by 31 March and get £50 discount,

only when you order online.

BT ad, 10.3.2004,






There is no way

harpoons can kill humanely,

says wildlife broadcaster

David Attenborough joins campaign against cruelty of whaling,
G, 9.4.2004,






This week the world's most advanced human-shaped robot has been performing to amazed audiences at the Science Museum. The gig was booked after weeks of haggling with his agent. "I'm sorry, but my boy is not sharing a dressing room with the Dalek. He gets star room number one, with a whole crate of WD40 and top billing above the animatronic Gollum."

The new Japanese robot is called Asimo, short for "Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility" (and it was also his grandfather's middle name). He really does possess an incredibly advanced range of human skills. He can walk up and down. He can shake hands. He can wave. Apparently the royal family are worried he might make them completely redundant. Asimo will even stride towards you and offer an outstretched hand as a greeting, except for the teenage version, which barely looks round and just grunts from the sofa.

All week crowds at the Science Museum have gasped as the robot has followed orders to walk up steps, walk down steps, turn around and come back. While the security guard stood there thinking: "Well I can do that! Walking up steps, that's easy. But does anybody ever ask me? Oh no, I just stand here being ignored while they applaud that stupid robot doing things I could do when I was two." There are fears that Asimo's new-found celebrity status may be getting out of hand. He's already been photographed for the Party People section of the colour supplements, chatting with weathergirl Suzanne Charlton and the drummer from the Darkness and saying: "Of course, I love performing; but what I really want to do is direct."

Asimo is small, only 1.2m, and looks like an extra from a science fiction film. He is connected to the internet, so he can provide all sorts of useful information for his owner, like how to get your android a penis enlargement. He can recognise different voices and walk in different directions, and in a decade they're hoping he might even fetch sticks. A lot is being made of his highly developed ability to walk down stairs, with no credit, apparently, being given to his British forerunner: the Slinky.

The Japanese may well make the cleverest little robots, but we can still pride ourselves on making the hardest. In a straightforward fight, Asimo wouldn't stand a chance against one of those destructive monsters from Robot Wars. We can feel a surge of patriotic pride as we imagine Asimo being sliced in two by Mr Psycho's rotating blade, while a strange man in an anorak impassively wiggles his remote control behind the screen.

Can robots get asylum?,
G, 20.2.2004,






The Prince of Wales personally

orchestrated a campaign against

Tony Blair’s policy of slaughtering farm animals

during the foot-and-mouth epidemic,

The Times can disclose today

Charles tried to stop cull, subhead,
Times web frontpage,






Minister insists checks will prevent cheating

by overseas visitors,

but department cannot substantiate

hundreds of millions of pounds'lost

Foreigners will be vetted to get NHS treatment,
G, 31.12.2003,






Your cash can rebuild

shattered victims of a war the world forgot

Headline, O, 14.12.2003,















forme négative


can + not




cannot (forme pleine)


can't (forme contractée)













'We can't leave them to suffer alone'


Thousands of Britons are dying of a lung disease

hat has been largely ignored.

James Meikle on the extreme surgery

that may be the best way to treat a secret epidemic

Headline and sub, G, 16.9.2004,







'We can't forget'


Twelve years ago,

Ed Vulliamy first revealed the horrors of Omarska,

a Serbian concentration camp in Bosnia,

to a stunned world.

This summer the survivors returned to the place

where they were tortured and raped,

their friends and families murdered.

He joined them

We can't forget, G, headline and sub, 1.9.2004,






Economic stability

cannot be taken for granted,

says Brown

Headline, I, 12.3.2004,






Noter ci-dessous les traductions

du Groupe Verbal en not :

"ne peut pas..." /

"ne peut pas se permettre de ..."


Secret intelligence papers from across the continent reveal

a growing danger from a widening network of fanatics

- and this is a struggle the West cannot lose

Terror cells regroup - and now their target is Europe, sub,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





traduire "pouvoir" :

may, might, can, could



could > valeur "passé" de can


could > valeur "passé" de can >




can > reprise de can par could



could > valeurs > hypothèse >




questions en can / could



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag




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