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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


hypothèse, prévision > degrés hypothétiques




hypothèse très probable

(présupposition / anaphore)



Comics ci-dessous,

première case (référence à l'épisode antérieur) :


Mark suspects that Birdie's husband

might be shipping drugs inside mounted animal trophies



est ici présupposant

et anaphorique (renvoi à un déjà dit) :

... pourrait bien ...


Cette légende est un résumé

des épisodes précédents,

et n'apprend rien au lecteur.



A l'inverse,

He may be going to pick up drugs

(dernière case > ouverture narrative)

est une hypothèse première,

d'où l'emploi de may.




Mark suspects thatconjonction Birdie's husband

might be shipping drugs inside mounted animal trophies


He may be going to pick up drugs


Mark Trail    Jack Elrod    Created by Ed Dodd in 1946

5 December 2004

http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/mtrail/about.htm - broken link










Elderly might not benefit

from regular aspirin


[ reprise de may (§1)

par might (titre) ]


Fri May 20, 2005

9:59 AM ET



NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A daily baby aspirin is often recommended by doctors to help prevent heart attacks or stroke, but for people over 70 years old the benefits may be offset by bleeding risks, investigators report. "The balance of harm and benefit could tip either way," they say.

Elderly individuals are at increased risk of having adverse reactions to drugs, Dr. Mark R. Nelson, from the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia, and colleagues note in the Online First edition of the British Medical Journal. However, most of the clinical trials looking into the prevention of cardiovascular events with aspirin have involved middle-aged subjects.

To further investigate the matter, the research team constructed a mathematical model based on clinical trial data and demographics to compare risks and benefits of low-dose aspirin in a theoretical cohort of 10,000 men and 10,000 women ages 70 to 74. The virtual participants were "followed" until they died or reached 100 years of age.

The model suggested that, for men, routine low-dose aspirin therapy would prevent 389 heart attacks and 19 strokes; for women, the numbers were 321 heart attacks and 35 strokes.

However, this benefit was offset by an extra 499 episodes of gastric bleeding in men and 572 in women. On top of that, the team calculated that 76 more men and 54 more women would suffer bleeding in the brain.

"On balance, there was no indication of a net benefit or harm in terms of deaths, years of life saved, or years of healthy life saved," the researchers report.

Their findings highlight the need for a randomized clinical trial of aspirin use in elderly patients, they add, and "underscore the importance of targeting preventive treatment to those for whom the potential balance of benefit versus harm is optimal."

SOURCE: BMJ Online First, May 19, 2005.

Full text,
R, 20.5.2005,






PARIS (Reuters) -

Yasser Arafat remained in a critical condition

as uncertainty mounted over who might succeed him

and where he might be buried should he die.

One aide to the Palestinian president said

he was "between life and death" in a coma,

though one from which he could still recover.

Others, hoping to calm fears of chaos back home,

said his life was not in danger.

Arafat Stable Amid Puzzle Over Burial and Successor,
R, Fri Nov 5, 2004 06:51 PM ET,






All 50,000 troops who served in the first Gulf war

might have been exposed

topréposition low levels of chemical warfare agents

during the fighting and its aftermath,

a US investigation has suggested.

50,000 troops in Gulf illness scare,
G, §1, 11.6.2004,






A possible new cattle disease

which might pose a risk to human health

is being urgently investigated by government vets.

Vets investigate mystery brain disease in cattle,






Rich diet 'may harm' low weight babies


Small dietary changes during pregnancy

might have a dramatic effect on a baby's life expectancy

- at least in mice, according to research

linked to Addenbrooke's hospital.

Headline and sub,

















The Guardian    p. 9    28 August 2004


















(pourrait bien / vraiment, être sans doute)




















The Guardian    p. 19    16 July 2005

















The Guardian    p. 3    14 October 2004















Revealed: The real cost of air travel


It might be cheap,

but it's going to cost the earth.


 [ Traduction explicative :

c'est sans doute pas cher,

mais ça va coûter cher à notre planète ]


The cut-price airline ticket is fuelling a boom

that will make countering global warming impossible.

Headline and §1, I, 28.5.2005,






When fed to rats

it affected their kidneys

and blood counts.


So what might it do to humans?


We think you should be told


The secret research we reveal today

raises the potential health risks

of genetically modified foods.

Here, environment editor Geoffrey Lean,

who has led this paper's campaign on GM technology

for the past six years, examines the new evidence.

And he asks the questions that must concern us all:

why is Monsanto,

the company trying to sell GM corn to Britain and Europe,

so reluctant to publish the full results

of its alarming tests on lab rats?

Why are our leaders so keen

to buy the unproven technology

against the wishes of consumers?

And why is the man

who first raised these concerns six years ago

shunned by the scientific establishment

and his former political masters?

Headline and sub, IoS, 22.5.2005,


















Mandrake    Fred Fredericks

Created by Lee Falk

7 May 2005 > Suite : 9 May 2005





Comics ci-dessus >

Bande dessinée 1, publiée un samedi :


1. ...as sparks begin to fly from the overheated generators...

indicating they might explode at any moment!


might > anaphore (= référence) textuelle

( référence à :

...as sparks begin to fly from the overheated generators...)


anaphore visuelle (fumée)





Traduction explicative :

... qu'ils pourraient bien exploser à tout moment !





Bande dessinée 2,

publiée un lundi

(pas de Mandrake le dimanche) :


"remise à zéro" de l'énonciation avec may,


à une hypothèse première fictive / théorique


intensification avec

un verbe à particule (blow up)

et deux points d'exclamation :


2. The abandoned refrigeration plant may blow up

at any moment!!

















Steve Roper and Mike Nomad    Fran Matera    6 October 2004











Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


modaux > hypothèse, prévision >

degrés hypothétiques



syntaxe > séquences hypothétiques >

séquences avec auxiliaire modal,

séquences avec auxiliaire non modal






might > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse + / - probable,

présupposition, conseil



be :

conjugaison présent,

passé temporel, "passé" hypothétique



may > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse première



hypothèse relative au passé



hypothèse > could ≠ might



reprise de may par might / could



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag




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