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GV > auxiliaires non modaux




do / didpassé


sens et valeurs énonciatives


insistance, emphase, constat,

rappel d'une évidence,

contraste (souvent avec but),

confirmation, validation,

certfication, assurance




forme affirmative


Ce que je dis

est évident, vrai, validé,

certifié, indéniable.

Aucun doute, pas d'erreur



doauxiliaire + Base Verbale


Climate solutions do exist.

These 6 experts detail what they look like


March 5, 2023    NPR















doauxiliaire + ellipse / Ø de la Base Verbale


If you don't appreciate us,

we'll find people who doauxiliaire + [ Ø = appreciatebase verbale ]





Ted Rall

political cartoon


June 23, 2021



















But the fact is I did get vaccinated,




Garry Trudeau


September 19, 2021





















Jerry Holbert

political cartoon

The Boston Herald

Boston, MA


6 December 2005



C: George W. Bush,

43rd president of the United States.

R: Vice-President Dick Cheney.


















Freshly Squeezed


Ed Stein

April 14, 2014


















Tim Eagan

Deep Cover


27 September 2010
















Spiderman        Stan Lee        9 September 2004





Mark Trail        Jack Elrod        Created by Ed Dodd in 1946

23 April 2005





























































Retour sur la relation prédicative ( Sujet + Prédicat )


L’énonciateur / l'énonciatrice effectue

un retour - réel ou rhétorique -

sur ce qui a été dit du référent

(la chose / la personne dans la réalité)

du nom sujet pour souligner, mettre en valeur

 confirmer, infirmer,

s'interroger sur la relation Sujet + Prédicat.


Prédiquer = dire quelque chose du nom sujet,

via le verbe et son / ses complément (s).


doauxiliaire s'insère dans une relation prédicative,

par exemple I believe you :


I do believe you

(do a ici une valeur emphatique :

moi qui te parle,

je veux te convaincre

que ce que je te dis est vrai).


Une relation prédicative

n'apporte souvent rien de nouveau.


Dans un énoncé à la forme affirmative,

do valide clairement et définitivement cette relation,

signifier / signaler qu'elle est vraie (valeur épistémique)

et importante.


Ce qui est dit est vrai.

Au cas où vous auriez un doute,

moi qui vous parle,

j'applique un sceau d'évidence /

de vérité sur ce que je dis.


Cette validation,

mise en relief à l'oral par l'accent tonique ('do / 'did),

peut être renforcée à l'écrit par divers procédés graphiques :

rouge, majuscules, caractères gras, soulignage.






NoW        22 January 2006












NoW        14.11.2004







Traduction explicative :

moi qui vous parle,

ce que je vous dis est vrai, sûr, vérifié, prouvé,

démontré, définitivement établi,

il n'y a aucun doute.



Double validation :

un adverbe (really) peut renforcer doauxiliaire (1).


Voir aussi Impératif.



1 -    If it works, if it really does work (…)

        BBC Radio 4.


Contexte :


Un journaliste dubitatif

interroge un cinéaste qui veut faire un film

sur la crucifixion du Christ. (c. 2002)



Traduction explicative :


si ça marche, si ça marche vraiment /

supposons que ça marche dans la pratique…

















Rob Rogers


The Pittsburgh post gazette


27 September 2004



















































French Researchers:

Hitler Really Did Die In The Bunker In 1945


May 21, 2018



A new forensic study of remains

jealously guarded by Russian intelligence

for seven decades has determined with certainty

what historians have always assumed –

with World War II irredeemably lost by Germany,

Adolf Hitler did in fact kill himself at his Berlin bunker

on April 30, 1945.

French Researchers: Hitler Really Did Die In The Bunker In 1945,
May 21, 2018,






'Cold does kill':

plunging UK temperatures

prompt health warning


With a forecast of frost

and temperatures dropping to -4C,

Public Health England advises people

to prepare for the cold


Mon 28 Nov ‘16 19.03 GMT

Last modified on Wed 20 Sep ‘17 19.15 BST

The Guardian







Poisonous Algae Blooms

Threaten People,

Ecosystems Across U.S.

August 29, 2016

4:21 PM ET



(...) As for the threat the algae outbreaks pose,

water districts carefully screen for toxins in drinking water.

It's boaters and swimmers who are most at risk.


Discovery Bay,

a community about 60 miles east of San Francisco,

is normally buzzing with boats and personal watercraft.

But this year, the waterfront has been eerily still for weeks.


On a recent day,

Dave Holmes watches with disgust

as his white speedboat and blue kayak bob

in mucky green water.


"We've been here since 2002," Holmes says.

"It is by far the worst we've ever seen."


Down the street,

another Discovery Bay resident regrets

diving into the water in mid-July.

Wade Hensley ended up in the hospital

because his body went numb from the waist down.

It's still numb.


"And, it was about three days of swimming.

Not constant, but in and out.

And they can't pinpoint exactly what it is," Hensley says.


But, county health officials did find microcystin

— one of several toxins produced by algae —

in Discovery Bay.

More typical symptoms are dizziness,

rashes, fever and vomiting.

Poisonous Algae Blooms Threaten People, Ecosystems Across U.S.,
AUG. 29, 2016,






Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses


DEC. 21, 2014


The Opinion Pages



Since the day President Obama took office,

he has failed to bring to justice anyone responsible

for the torture of terrorism suspects —

an official government program conceived and carried out

in the years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


He did allow his Justice Department to investigate

the C.I.A.’s destruction of videotapes of torture sessions

and those who may have gone beyond the torture techniques

authorized by President George W. Bush.

But the investigation did not lead to any charges being filed,

or even any accounting of why they were not filed.

Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses,






Compassion for Cheney

as Victim Heads Home


February 18, 2006

The New York Times




— Declaring that "accidents do and will happen,"

the 78-year-old man who was shot by Vice President Dick Cheney

at a weekend quail hunt emerged from the hospital here Friday

looking tanned, cheery, robust and speckled with bruises.

The patient, Harry M. Whittington, an Austin lawyer and well-known figure in the state's Republican Party, thanked his doctors, praised the news media and expressed sorrow that the whole incident had become such a political flashpoint for the vice president.

"This past weekend encompassed all of us in a cloud of misfortune and sadness that is not easy to explain, especially to those who are not familiar with the great sport of quail hunting," Mr. Whittington said.

"My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through this past week," he added.

Dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and gold tie, with only a few scratches and purplish blotches visible above his crisp collar, Mr. Whittington walked out of the hospital and spoke for slightly more than three minutes, taking no questions.

He neither recounted what happened late last Saturday afternoon on the Armstrong Ranch, in Kenedy County to the south, nor revealed any new details about the shooting. Instead, he insisted — as the vice president and others in the hunting party have, and as the local county sheriff has since ruled — that it had simply been an accident.

"We all assume certain risks in whatever we do, whatever activities we pursue, and regardless of how experienced, careful and dedicated we are,"

Mr. Whittington said, "accidents do and will happen,

and that's what happened."

Compassion for Cheney as Victim Heads Home,






TV violence does make your child aggressive


Daily Mail



Parents should keep violent or sexually-explicit films and computer games locked away from their children, just as they would prescription drugs or bleach, doctors warn.

The call came after research confirmed watching screen violence can have a 'substantial' effect on youngsters, making them more likely to become aggressive or fearful.

Experts said allowing a child to see images intended for adults could be regarded as 'emotional maltreatment'.

They suggested parents keep such films and games out of reach of the under-11s,

just as they would other dangerous items, and be aware of what their children are watching on television.

Headline and first §§, DMa, 18.2.2005,






Straw: We did know of Africa coup


The British government knew about the alleged plot to overthrow the President of Equatorial Guinea at least five weeks before a group of mercenaries was arrested in March for planning the coup.

In a dramatic admission, the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, confirmed that the government had been 'informed' of the alleged coup plot 'in late January 2004'. On 7 March a group of mercenaries, led by an Old Etonian and former SAS officer, Simon Mann, was arrested in Zimbabwe. They were charged with plotting a putsch.

Straw's disclosure is the latest twist in a remarkable tale that has dragged in several high-profile figures. In August, Sir Mark Thatcher, the son of the former British Prime Minister, was arrested in South Africa after being accused of helping to finance the coup to remove President Obiang. He faces criminal charges that he broke the country's anti-mercenary laws. Thatcher denies any knowledge or involvement in the plot.

Headline and first §§, O, 14.11.2004,






It may not entitle you to take up the lifestyle of a lord or lady full time,

but it does allow you to behave like one - at least for an evening.

Tomorrow night 100 lucky lottery winners will be attending the opera

at Covent Garden, many for the first time in their lives

in an unprecedented audience experiment.

They are the random winners

of the £10 ticket Royal Opera House lottery

and will be licensed to sit in some of the best seats in the historic house

for the opening night of a new production of Werther, by Massenet.

A trip to the opera - all for a tenner : Best seats in house for ballot winners,
O, 19.9.2004,






Deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein

did let al-Qaida operate out of Iraq,

Downing Street insisted today.

A US report yesterday said

there was no conclusive evidence

of a link between the former Iraqi dictator

and Osama bin Laden's terrorist group.

But Downing Street said

Saddam had created "a permissive environment"

for terrorists and al-Qaida operatives

were in the country during his time in office.

No 10 said it was not claiming a direct link

but a spokeswoman said:

"The prime minister has always said Saddam

created a permissive environment for terrorism

and we know that the people affiliated to al-Qaida

operated in Iraq during the regime.

No 10: Saddam let al-Qaida operate,






Chimps have language.

They can, and do, communicate with humans.

There is a linguist chimp called Nim Chimpsky

with a vocabulary of 125 signs,

all used correctly. Chimps can solve problems, use tools

and when they lose their teeth,

even improvise a makeshift food blender.

Two observers have now claimed to see chimps in the wild

leaving each other "notes".

Separate groups of chimpanzees

have different ways of doing things,

and pass these ways on through the generations:

that is, chimpanzees have culture,

just as humans have culture.

Family matters,






Sir Paul, who has four children by his late wife Linda,

also insisted Heather — formerly model Heather Mills —

DOES [ en majuscules ] get on

with his fashion designer daughter Stella, 32.

Rumours have spread that the pair are at war.

Macca: Lay off my wife, S, 16.2.2004,
http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2004072303,00.html - broken link






'What goes on television

does have an impact on children's view of violence,'

Clarke said.

'The main argument I want to challenge,

about which there is too much acceptance,

is that violence on television has no effect on children.

I think it does have an effect on children.

Clarke: TV violence creates bullies:
Education Secretary demands summit meeting with broadcasters,






For years anglers have claimed

that fish feel no pain when they are hooked.

But now a new British study appears

to provide evidence that fish do suffer.

Ouch, that hurts: Scientist claims fish do feel pain,
p. 2,


Traduction explicative :


Mais aujourd'hui une nouvelle étude britannique

semble prouver que les poissons souffrent vraiment.






« On giving the bag to a policeman

to put into the X-ray machine…

he told me that he had a bomb in his bag.

I informed him not to make that kind of remark.

He insisted that he did have a bomb in his bag »,

he wrote.

South African police chief accused of joke bomb threat,
GE, p. 8,


Traduction explicative :


il déclara qu’il y avait une bombe dans son sac

/ Il répéta avec insistance

qu’il y avait vraiment / bel et bien / bien

une bombe dans son sac.






Last May, Dudley Higgins was convicted

of a crime he did not commit.

A month later, inside prison,

he met the man who did [ did en italiques ] do it.

Wrong Man, GE2, p. 5, 14.6.2002.


Traduction explicative :


En mai,

D.H. est condamné pour un crime qu’il n’a pas commis.

Un mois plus tard, en prison,

il rencontre l’homme

qui l’a vraiment / réellement commis /

il rencontre le vrai coupable / le meurtrier.






Damilola witness :

I DID [ majuscules ] see the killing

Headline, p. 6, ES.


Traduction explicative :


Oui, j’ai bien / vraiment été témoin du meurtre.



Relation prédicative initiale :


I - see the killing.



Contexte :


le témoin est accusé de mentir

pour recevoir la récompense promise par la police.






Mandelson did mislead us

Headline, O, p. 6, 3.3.2002.


Traduction explicative :


Mandelson nous a bien / bel et bien / vraiment

menti / trompé / induit en erreur.

Oui, Mandelson nous a menti, etc.

Pas d'erreur, il nous a bel et bien menti, etc.






If Prince Charles did abuse his influence

to get the trial stopped he is unfit to be king.

There must be an independent inquiry

This could be the Windsors' Watergate,
G, p. 7, 12.11.2002.


Traduction explicative :


si le Prince Charles a vraiment / réellement

abusé de son pouvoir...










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Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé












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