Les anglonautes

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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives



série d'énoncés en be + -ing


valeurs :



focalisation, dramatisation,






dans l'extralinguistique

(dans la réalité)


co-séquence linguistique

(dans la langue) :


le deuxième énoncé / le co-énoncé

indique souvent la conséquence

de l'action / de la situation

exprimée par le premier énoncé.



Job cuts are rolling in.



who is feeling the most pain so far


June 29, 2022    NPR



















Border Policy Is Getting More and More Convoluted.


That’s Creating False Hope for Migrants.


The Biden administration

and the Mexican government

have made the situation

at the border so confusing

that even seasoned experts

can’t always determine

who is allowed in and who isn’t.


That may

be contributing to the high number of border crossings.


May 13, 2021    ProPublica







May 13, 2021
















Oxygen shortages are killing thousands.


Why aren’t we doing more about this?


















Saint-Louis is being swallowed by the sea.


be + -ing au passif :

be + being + Vau participe passé



Residents are bracing for a new reality


November 11, 2022    NPR



















India's Single-Screen Cinemas

Were Struggling Before COVID-19.


Now They're Dying Out


July 17, 2021    NPR



















Cargo Is Piling Up Everywhere


And It's Making Inflation Worse


June 21, 2021    NPR



















New Doctors In India

Are Starting Off Seeing The Worst.


It's Taking A Toll


May 21, 2021    NPR



















autres énoncés


More Retail Workers Are Quitting Than Ever,


But More Stores Are Opening Than Expected


August 26, 2021    NPR













Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


toviseur -> Base Verbale


be + -ing



be + -ing




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