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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives



present perfect en -ing



present perfect simple






present perfect en -ing


have been + -ing


caractéristique habituelle, attendue du Nsujet


développement prévisible, logique





present perfect simple

actif affirmatif


haveauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé


caractéristique inattendue du Nsujet


information inédite





They've been watching that TV all day.


Traduction explicative :

Comme d'hab / comme on pouvait s'y attendre,

rien de neuf, la routine,

ils ont regardé la télé toute la journée.


For Better or For Worse

Lynn Johnston


January 12, 2014
















A homeless vagrant

who has been sleeping rough on the streets of Paris

has been hailed as a painter of genius,

reports Matthew Campell

in The Sunday Times.


Answering only to the name of Joseph,

the softly spoken man - who is in his thirties,

has a fondness for whisky and speaks good English

- was discovered when lawyer Alex Ursulet trod on him.

"I looked down", said Ursulet,

"and saw he was painting as he lay there.

I looked at the painting and was mesmerised.

It was new. I had incredible strength."

Ursulet bought the work for £300

and since then the Dubuffet Foundation,

an organisation dedicated to promoting avant-garde art,

has acquired its own small collection.

The Pompidou Centre's Museum of Modern Art

is also said to be interested in acquiring a canvas.

But tragically, it is unlikely that Joseph will be able

to enjoy his success for long.

He is now in hospital suffering from cancer.

Paris's street-dwelling genius, TW, 4.10.2003.






La première phrase de ce texte montre bien

que -ing n'est pas un marqueur temporel.



Le sans-abri

- A homeless vagrant

who has been sleeping rough on the streets of Paris -

ne passe plus ses nuits dans la rue :

He is now in hospital suffering from cancer.



sleeping rough on the streets of Paris

est une caractéristique passée du sujet.


Il s'agit d'un attribut logique,

sans relation avec le temps chronologique.


Un sans-abri dort souvent dans la rue :

A homeless vagrant


sleeping rough on the streets of Paris





L'énonciateur développe un GN

en lui donnant une suite en -ing

logique, attendue, prévisible.



-ing est ici la marque

de cette relation anaphorique et logique

(anaphore : lien vers du déjà dit).



L'ensemble forme un GN complexe

- A homeless vagrant who has been sleeping rough on the streets of Paris -

sujet du Groupe Verbal (GV)

au present perfect simple passif

has been hailed.




A l'inverse de have been + -ing,

le present perfect simple

est la forme verbale de l'information

( -> valeur informative

du present perfect / présent simple).



A la différence du développement prévisible

véhiculé par has been sleeping rough,

le groupe verbal au present perfect passif

has been hailed

annonce un développement inattendu :

as a painter of genius.





Le changement de perspective est complet :


A homeless vagrant  =  a painter of genius





Orientation sujet / objet ou attribut :


A homeless vagrant    <-    sleeping rough on the streets of Paris


A homeless vagrant    ->    a painter of genius










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


be + -ing




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