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be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives


valeurs :

déjà dit, continuum, reprise, repère,

focalisation, emphase,

présupposition, connivence,






toviseur -> Base Verbale


valeurs :

mode d'emploi,

urgence, annonce, découverte,

information inédite, jamais-dit,

fiction du jamais-dit,

instant discursif décisif

("c'est maintenant ou jamais"),

sortie de la routine,

du continuum énonciatf




avec un objectif

souvent évident, récurrent, bien connu,


remis en scène / en discours

sur le mode de l'urgence,

de la nouveauté,

d'une nouvelle manière de faire

(mise ou remise en scène

exprimée par la proposition principale) :



To stay on track with New Year's resolutions,

try this smart goal strategy


Updated January 1    NPR







To tackle poverty,

more states will offer bigger child tax credits in 2024


January 1, 2024    NPR







To Combat The Pandemic,

Biden Will Aim To Depoliticize Mask-Wearing


November 24, 2020    NPR







To Combat Homelessness,

Spokane Is Starting To Put Relationships

Before Punishments


February 19, 2020    NPR







An Act

To deter and punish

terrorist acts in the United States and around the world,

to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools,


and for other purposes.



added 8 April 2005
















toviseur -> Base Verbale


sens et valeurs énonciatives


fiction du jamais-dit,

de l'énonciation première


effet d'annonce,

faire du neuf avec de l'ancien



The Plan to Shut Down Gitmo


FEB. 23, 2016

The Opinion Pages




The Obama administration this week

will begin the task

of trying to persuade Congress

to support its plan

to shut down the prison

in Guantánamo Bay

before the president leaves office

in January.

The Plan to Shut Down Gitmo, NYT, FEB. 23, 2016,
















toviseur -> Base Verbale


autres énoncés
































































































































































































































































4 Ideas To Stop Violence Against Girls:

A Walking School Bus, Sports Talk And More

May 7, 2018,






Braving Cancer Amid the Chaos of Syria

As the conflict grinds on,
parents of sick children

face a wrenching choice: to risk traveling for treatment,

or to risk forgoing it.


AUG. 8, 2017

The New York Times



Braving Cancer Amid the Chaos of Syria,
AUG. 8, 2017,






How To Stop

The World's Worst Cholera Outbreak


June 30, 2017

1:59 PM ET


How To Stop The World's Worst Cholera Outbreak,
June 30, 2017,






The Plan to Shut Down Gitmo


FEB. 23, 2016

The Opinion Pages




The Obama administration this week will begin the task

of trying to persuade Congress to support

its plan to shut down the prison in Guantánamo Bay

before the president leaves office in January.

The Plan to Shut Down Gitmo
FEB. 23, 2016,






A Chill Grips a Michigan Haven

for Syrian Families


NOV. 23, 2015

The New York Times




— In late 2011, as killings, kidnappings

and sectarian strife crept

across the battle-scarred city of Homs, Syria,

the family of four made a sorrowful decision:

to flee.


A Chill Grips a Michigan Haven for Syrian Families,
NOV. 23, 2015,






How to Fight ISIS


NOV. 17, 2015

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages




The mass murder of civilians in Paris has inevitably reignited the debate over using military force in the Middle East to attack the Islamic State. The debate, like anything that gets tangled up in American presidential politics, is divorced from reality. The United States, and other nations, is already engaged in military action with some ground forces in Iraq and Syria.

The panicked reactions, fanned by right-wing politicians in the United States and Europe, to “declare war” on the Islamic State are mostly just noise. None of those proposing that kind of response offer the slightest idea of how it would be done; all they have is an understandable desire, which we share, to obliterate the terrorist group also known as ISIS.

President Obama struck the right note in his remarks on Monday: Military action can be only one part of a broader strategy that the United States and its partners will have to pursue over many years. Important Muslim nations, notably Saudi Arabia, will simply have to stop paying for and politically enabling the mosques, imams and paramilitary groups that fuel extremists and their virulent perversions of Islam. Moderate Muslims need to redouble efforts, begun after 9/11, to ensure that their vision of a more tolerant and inclusive Islam prevails.

In retaliation for the Paris massacres, President François Hollande of France was entirely justified in sending fighter jets to strike Islamic State targets in Raqqa, Syria. In the past year, the United States has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and Mr. Obama has said there will be many more.

Given the expanded threat, it is time to engage diplomatic mechanisms that legally and politically bind the international community in a common cause. On Tuesday, France formally requested that its European partners help. What should follow is passage of a United Nations Security Council resolution formally authorizing the use of force against the Islamic State and, if France requests it, a NATO decision to invoke Article 5 of its treaty, which obligates the alliance to defend its members under attack.

The nation and the world would be better off if Congress took a break from partisanship and finally debated a legal framework for the American military action that has been underway for more than a year without any such grounding. Republican lawmakers prefer to simply blame President Obama rather than earn their paychecks.

What sensible — and effective — further military action, if any, might flow from such a debate is unclear. America must not repeat past errors and commit thousands of troops in a Middle East ground war, as some Republicans are urging. On Monday, Mr. Obama wisely refused to agree to escalate America’s involvement, which in addition to airstrikes already includes 3,500 troops in Iraq ostensibly devoted to training, and about 50 Special Operations forces in Syria.

The Islamic State is not a challenge America can handle on its own. Should more ground troops ever be needed, they should come from countries in the region with the backing of air power, intelligence, logistics and possibly other support from the United States, France, Russia and other nations.

One major problem is that Arab countries are divided on who the main enemy is, making it impossible to focus resources on defeating ISIS. Saudi Arabia is more concerned with Iran and toppling President Bashar al-Assad of Syria; Turkey wants to oust Mr. Assad and put down separatist Kurds; Iraq’s central government is primarily interested in preserving its Shiite-majority rule.

Only if America, Russia and other governments agree on a political settlement to end the Syrian war will there be a realistic opening for the warring parties to shift from fighting Mr. Assad to fighting the Islamic State. The bombing of the Russia airliner over Egypt should persuade Moscow that it needs to help ease Mr. Assad out of power in a way that doesn’t destabilize Syria further and get serious about confronting the Islamic State.

On Monday, America and France expanded intelligence-sharing; other countries should be included. Even before the killings in Paris, the United States last week intensified attacks on facilities that help finance the Islamic State through the sale of oil. More effort must be made to shut down all revenue streams to ISIS; the porous Turkish border with Syria remains a huge problem on this front.

It is impossible to prevent all violence by hate-filled sociopaths and ideologues who are willing to die, and confronting the extremist threat from ISIS and other terrorist groups will require many strategies. But none of them require demolishing the values that are the heart of democratic societies, including the free flow of people and information. Banning all refugees, as some in America and Europe are demanding, would be an ineffective and tragic capitulation to fear. Governments should improve border controls and vigilance, but expanding wiretapping and other surveillance in free societies must be resisted.


A version of this editorial appears in print

on November 18, 2015, on page A26

of the New York edition with the headline:

What It Will Take to Fight ISIS.

How to Fight ISIS,
NOV. 17, 2015,






To Defeat Terror,

We Need the World’s Help

John Kerry:

The Threat of ISIS

Demands a Global Coalition


AUG. 29, 2014

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages

Op-Ed Contributor



IN a polarized region and a complicated world, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria presents a unifying threat to a broad array of countries, including the United States. What’s needed to confront its nihilistic vision and genocidal agenda is a global coalition using political, humanitarian, economic, law enforcement and intelligence tools to support military force.

In addition to its beheadings, crucifixions and other acts of sheer evil, which have killed thousands of innocents in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, including Sunni Muslims whose faith it purports to represent, ISIS (which the United States government calls ISIL, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) poses a threat well beyond the region.

ISIS has its origins in what was once known as Al Qaeda in Iraq, which has over a decade of experience in extremist violence. The group has amassed a hardened fighting force of committed jihadists with global ambitions, exploiting the conflict in Syria and sectarian tensions in Iraq. Its leaders have repeatedly threatened the United States, and in May an ISIS-associated terrorist shot and killed three people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. (A fourth victim died 13 days later.) ISIS’ cadre of foreign fighters are a rising threat not just in the region, but anywhere they could manage to travel undetected — including to America.

There is evidence that these extremists, if left unchecked, will not be satisfied at stopping with Syria and Iraq. They are larger and better funded in this new incarnation, using pirated oil, kidnapping and extortion to finance operations in Syria and Iraq. They are equipped with sophisticated heavy weapons looted from the battlefield. They have already demonstrated the ability to seize and hold more territory than any other terrorist organization, in a strategic region that borders Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey and is perilously close to Israel.

ISIS fighters have exhibited repulsive savagery and cruelty. Even as they butcher Shiite Muslims and Christians in their effort to touch off a broader ethnic and sectarian conflict, they pursue a calculated strategy of killing fellow Sunni Muslims to gain and hold territory. The beheading of an American journalist, James Foley, has shocked the conscience of the world.

With a united response led by the United States and the broadest possible coalition of nations, the cancer of ISIS will not be allowed to spread to other countries. The world can confront this scourge, and ultimately defeat it. ISIS is odious, but not omnipotent. We have proof already in northern Iraq, where United States airstrikes have shifted the momentum of the fight, providing space for Iraqi and Kurdish forces to go on the offensive. With our support, Iraqi leaders are coming together to form a new, inclusive government that is essential to isolating ISIS and securing the support of all of Iraq’s communities.

Airstrikes alone won’t defeat this enemy. A much fuller response is demanded from the world. We need to support Iraqi forces and the moderate Syrian opposition, who are facing ISIS on the front lines. We need to disrupt and degrade ISIS’ capabilities and counter its extremist message in the media. And we need to strengthen our own defenses and cooperation in protecting our people.

Next week, on the sidelines of the NATO summit meeting in Wales, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and I will meet with our counterparts from our European allies. The goal is to enlist the broadest possible assistance. Following the meeting, Mr. Hagel and I plan to travel to the Middle East to develop more support for the coalition among the countries that are most directly threatened.

The United States will hold the presidency of the United Nations Security Council in September, and we will use that opportunity to continue to build a broad coalition and highlight the danger posed by foreign terrorist fighters, including those who have joined ISIS. During the General Assembly session, President Obama will lead a summit meeting of the Security Council to put forward a plan to deal with this collective threat.

In this battle, there is a role for almost every country. Some will provide military assistance, direct and indirect. Some will provide desperately needed humanitarian assistance for the millions who have been displaced and victimized across the region. Others will help restore not just shattered economies but broken trust among neighbors. This effort is underway in Iraq, where other countries have joined us in providing humanitarian aid, military assistance and support for an inclusive government.

Already our efforts have brought dozens of nations to this cause. Certainly there are different interests at play. But no decent country can support the horrors perpetrated by ISIS, and no civilized country should shirk its responsibility to help stamp out this disease.

ISIS’ abhorrent tactics are uniting and rallying neighbors with traditionally conflicting interests to support Iraq’s new government. And over time, this coalition can begin to address the underlying factors that fuel ISIS and other terrorist organizations with like-minded agendas.

Coalition building is hard work, but it is the best way to tackle a common enemy. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, the first President George Bush and Secretary of State James A. Baker III did not act alone or in haste. They methodically assembled a coalition of countries whose concerted action brought a quick victory.

Extremists are defeated only when responsible nations and their peoples unite to oppose them.

John Kerry

is the secretary of state of the United States.


A version of this op-ed appears in print

on August 30, 2014,

on page A21 of the New York edition

with the headline:

To Defeat Terror,

We Need the World’s Help.

To Defeat Terror, We Need the World’s Help,
















be + -ing



toviseur -> Base Verbale















toviseur -> Base Verbale


valeurs énonciatives > fiction du jamais-dit




Tories find their voice in middle England  :

As Michael Howard and his party begin spring conference,

their anti-immigration message

seems to be in step with voters' concerns

The Guardian        p. 10        12 March 2005










Cette affiche électorale,

diffusée par le parti Conservateur (Tories) en mars 2005,

lors de la campagne pour les General Elections,

joue sur le jamais-dit et sur le présupposé.



Le premier slogan

- to impose limits on immigration -

est en mode toviseur -> Base Verbale



Avec toviseur,

l'énonciateur / l'énoncitarice vise

impose limits on immigration :


It's not racist -> to -> impose limits on immigration



toviseur -> Base Verbale

fait entrer le lecteur / la lectrice

dans la fiction de l'énonciation première :

on fait comme si c'était la première fois

qu'on parlait de ce sujet.



Fiction, puisque


fait depuis longtemps partie, en 2005,

du débat politique britannique,

à gauche comme à droite.



Tout comme shut down Gitmo

qui n'a, début 2016 aux USA, rien de neuf :

cela fait plusieurs années

que le président Obama

a pour projet de fermer cette prison.



Pour en revenir à


on pourrait très bien rencontrer,

dans un entretien ou un débat :


imposing limits on immigration is not racist.



Mais l'effet obtenu serait différent :

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice reprendrait du déjà-dit

en s'en servant comme une séquence figée,

au sémantisme affaibli

(semblable à une vieille pièce de monaie,

usée, presque effacée).



imposing limits on immigration

fonctionnerait comme une reprise

(la reprise / le déjà-dit

sont des valeurs de -ing).



En voici deux exemples, extraits des blogs

Napo discussion forums / http://www.napo.org.uk/ (1)

et Toriphorums / www.yessaid.com (2)



Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 12:03 am:

Not to worry.
There is a Pay and Reward Review
that will settle this once and for all.
There is also the undeniably just basis of the current pay claim
that will see everyone rewarded appropriately
(just like the remarkably similar claim from last year did).
NOMS will turn out to be a blessing in disguise
as all those dinosaurs in the probation service
will realise that a civil servant seconded
from the Ministry of Defence probably knows best.
Cognitive Behaviourism is the answer to all of our ills
despite what the doomsayers suggest.
Trust the current Government.
The past 7 years has all been a run-up to the implementation
of their real underlying principles.
Charles Clarke is less mad that Blunkett and Straw.
Magistrates will take on board the message
from the Sentencing Guidlines Council that it is a bad thing
to send people to prison indiscriminately.
Dealers will realise that drivng around in flash cars
is bad for the environment and will buy a bus pass;
thereby negating the need to sell heroin and crack.
The Tory Party will realise
that imposing limits on immigration actually is racism.
The Liberal Party will realise that being principled means
more than jumping into bed with the Tories to
keep Labour out of power in places like Birmingham.
Respect will realise that there is more to principled socialism
than pandering to the prejudices of
any group that agrees to support you.
Martin Narey is committed to the long term
survival of the probation service.
All the pigs are fed and ready to fly.

copié 28.3.2005,
- broken link




Little Earthquake 03-03-2005, 06:48 PM

I'm voting Lib Dem.

I'm voting at uni and the seat my uni is in (Bristol West)

is a Labour/Lib Dem marginal seat,

actually it's the seat the Lib Dems have

the greatest chance of winning in the whole country.

I want Labour to stay in government,

but with a much smaller majority

so that backbench revolts make them lose their majority.

I'm just worried that the protest vote will be so large

that the Conservatives win with a tiny majority.

The thought of Mr-Section-28-Michael-Howard-evil


Dracula  inning makes me scared.

"Imposing limits on immigration IS racist"

Quotas aren't going to work

and they will blatantly favour white Europeans

over non-whites.

copié 28.3.2005,
- broken link




A l'inverse, sur l'affiche des Tories,

It's not racist -> to -> impose limits on immigration

est mis en scène comme une suite autonome,

hors discours (fonction d'un slogan).



to -> impose limits on immigration

ne fonctionne pas comme une séquence

d'éléments banalisés, prévisibles,

mais comme une succession d'éléments jamais dits / lus :


















It's not racist -> to -> impose limits on immigration,

tout se passe comme si l'on débattait pour la première fois

du bien-fondé de fixer des limites à l'immigration.



Graphie :

le fond blanc, la typographie

et l'alignement irrégulier des lettres

(// avec certains génériques de film,

où les lettres viennent de nulle part

pour s'assembler une à une)

renforcent cette impression de première instanciation /




Traduction explicative :

ce que nous disons, personne d'autre ne l'a dit avant.

ce que vous lisez, personne d'autre ne l'a lu / vu avant.



Autre faux-semblant :

It's not racist -> toviseur -> impose limits on immigration


est la négation d'un autre cliché :

It IS racist -> toviseur -> impose limits on immigration



On est ici dans le méta-cliché,

mais présenté comme une suite originale

(// la nouvelle étiquette du parti travailliste

à la fin des années 1990 : "New Labour").



Par ailleurs,

to impose limits on immigration

fixe un but à atteindre,

mais qui n'est pas encore admis, consensuel, acquis ;


imposing limits on immigration

partirait d'un autre postulat,

celui du déjà-dit, de l'acquis,

de l'objectif à atteindre certes,

mais un objectif présenté

comme consensuel et en partie réalisé.




Are you thinking what we're thinking?


Sur cette affiche politique

du parti conservateur britannique (voir plus haut),

le deuxième et dernier slogan

- qui comporte 2 structures en be + -ing -

joue avec le présupposé et l'anaphore sur un autre mode,

en prétendant instaurer un déjà-dit commun

entre le parti conservateur et les lecteurs / lectrices

de l'affiche

(valeurs de connivence et de présupposition

de be + -ing).


Traduction explicative :


Hé / pssst ! Entre nous soit dit,

on est bien d'accord, hein / non ?


Est-ce que par hasard nous ne penserions pas /

on penserait pas la même chose, hein ?

On est bien d'accord, j'me trompe pas, hein ?

















The Guardian        p. 18

29 May 2004
















1 -  Des 3 structures en help

possibles :


- help + Base Verbale


- help + -ing


- help + to -> Base Verbale,


le journaliste a choisi help + to -> Base Verbale,

séquence qui place le lecteur / la lectrice

dans la fiction du jamais-dit.



L'information n'en est pas vraiment une :

infections nosocomiales et virus résistants

font la une de la presse anglaise depuis plusieurs mois.


Le surpeuplement des hôpitaux

et le manque de personnel

ne sont pas non plus des informations inédites.


On est dans la reprise / la redite.



1 - Full wards and staff shortages

help to spread superbugs


The drive to cut waiting lists

by filling every hospital bed,

together with shortages of doctors and nurses,

is partly responsible for the alarming rise

in the numbers of patients picking up infections,

including the MRSA superbug, on the wards,

experts said yesterday.

Headline and §1,

















The Guardian

p. 13

15 December 2004
































The Guardian        Epublic        p. 5        23 November 2005

















The Guardian        Inside Digital Media        p. 3        28 November 2005


















The Guardian        p. 13        3 May 2006


















The Guardian        p. 15        3 May 2006


















The Guardian        Inside Digital Media        p. 2        28 November 2005















The Guardian        p. 25        1 October 2004


















Bless Me, Blog, for I've Sinned

NYT        By SARAH BOXER        Published: May 31, 2005

















The Guardian

p. 1

2 October 2004

















The Guardian        6 September 2004


















Marshall Ramsey

Jackson Mississippi

The Clarion Ledger


4 January 2006




George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States.

















Lalo Alcaraz


LA Weekly


22 September 2005



George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States.

Related > Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita




















That's crazy. We're rich.


Why would you move topreposition Iraq?


To vote.



Chip Bok


14 October 2004



















TES email ad        20 January 2005
















The Guardian        p. 8        6 September 2004


















The Guardian        p. 14        20 September 2004















toviseur -> Base Verbale (BV)



Dans le deuxième paragraphe du texte ci-dessous,


est déterminé par

to create a British elite police squad similar to the FBI,

introduce ID cards to combat terrorism,

and extend the drug testing of minor criminals



La séquence Measures to create a British elite police squad

similar to the FBI, introduce ID cards to combat terrorism,

and extend the drug testing of minor criminals

forme un GN complexe, sujet de is.




'British FBI' to tackle serious crime


Security and the fight against crime

were the main themes of today's Queen's speech,

which was attacked by government critics

as adding to a climate of fear.


§ 2 Measures to create

a British elite police squad similar to the FBI,

introduce ID cards to combat terrorism,

and extend the drug testing of minor criminals

were among the 32 bills announced.

'British FBI' to tackle serious crime,






How to Really End Mass Incarceration


August 14, 2013

The New York Times




IN 2003, I represented dozens of African-American

residents in Tulia, Tex., who had been convicted

after a botched drug sting.

Jason Jerome Williams,

a 22-year-old with no prior criminal record,

had been sentenced to 45 years in prison

for four sales of an eighth of an ounce of cocaine.

Freddie Brookins Jr., 25,

had received 20 years

for a first-time offense of selling

less than four grams of cocaine.

Joe Moore, a 56-year-old hog farmer,

had gotten 90 years

for two cocaine sales totaling under five grams.

Others accepted plea deals to try to avoid

such lengthy prison terms.

How to Really End Mass Incarceration,
NYT, 14.8.2013,






To Kill an American


February 5, 2013

The New York Times


On one level,

there were not too many surprises

in the newly disclosed “white paper”

offering a legal reasoning behind the claim

that President Obama has the power to order

the killing of American citizens who are believed

to be part of Al Qaeda.

We knew Mr. Obama and his lawyers believed

he has that power

under the Constitution and federal law.

We also knew

that he utterly rejects the idea that Congress

or the courts have any right to review

such a decision in advance,

or even after the fact.

To Kill an American, NYT, 5.2.2013,






'I want to talk to my wife':

coma victim breaks decade of silence


For almost 10 years, following an accident

that left him severely brain damaged,

Donald Herbert was virtually silent, could barely see,

and had no memory of his former life, his wife,

or four children.

For his family, the point must have come

where they never expected to speak with him again.

Headline and §1, I, 5.5.2005,






Journey topréposition the centre of Earth


Japanese scientists are to explore the centre of the Earth.

Using a giant drill ship launched next month,

the researchers aim to be the first

to punch a hole through the rocky crust

that covers our planet and to reach the mantle below.

The team wants to retrieve samples from the mantle,

six miles down, to learn more about what triggers

undersea earthquakes, such as the one off Sumatra

that caused the Boxing Day tsunami.

They hope to study the deep rocks and mud

for records of past climate change

and to see if the deepest regions of Earth

could harbour life.

Headline and first §§, 4.6.2005,






Tony Blair began a fightback over health issues yesterday

as he attempted to draw a line

under a week dominated by political rows over

the cancellations of the pensioner Margaret Dixon's

shoulder operation.

He said people would view Michael Howard's decision

to highlight the 69-year-old's case "with disgust"

and bluntly challenged voters to throw him

out of Downing Street

if they believed Labour's NHS reforms had not worked.

He said:

"To say our NHS today is worse

than it was in those Tory years,

to see Michael Howard, who sat for 10 years

in that Cabinet as they cut it,

starved it of resources,

sneered at its values;

to see him take the case of someone in pain

and use it to run down and denigrate the whole of our NHS

should make any decent, right-thinking person turn away

in disgust."

Blair's challenge:
If NHS is worse than under the Tories, vote me out,
I, first §§, 5.3.2005,






toviseur -> Base Verbale


Un segment en toviseur -> Base Verbale

peut déterminer un nom :


My ambition to kill 4,000


Driving is all about freedom and fun,

while road safety is

for spoilsports and interfering busybodies.

We all know that.

You can picture the people it attracts:

vicars' wives, prim suburban nerds,

the sort who wanted

horseless carriages to be preceded by a man

with a red flag.

Safe is dreary.

Headline and §1, G, 8.9.2004,






[DOCID: f:publ056.107]

[[Page 271]]





[[Page 115 STAT. 272]]

Public Law 107-56 107th Congress



An Act

To deter and punish

terrorist acts in the United States and around the world,

to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools,

and for other purposes.




    H.R.3162, Title: To deter and punish terrorist acts
    in the United States and around the world,
    to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes,
    added 8 April 2005.






Militant threat to kill captive marine


Hostage crisis escalates

as soldier is threatened with beheading

unless Iraqi prisoners are freed


The chilling spate of hostage taking in Iraq

escalated yesterday

when Islamist militants claimed to have taken

a US marine captive

and threatened to behead him

unless Iraqi prisoners are freed.

Headline, sub and §1,






UK to clone human cells


Scientists are set to be given approval this week

to create the first cloned human embryo in Britain.

The move is being hailed as a milestone

in biological research by doctors, but has sparked

fury among religious and anti-abortion groups.

The UK team seeking the go-ahead

for the controversial experiment

is led by Dr Miodrag Stojkovic, of Newcastle University.

He plans to create dozens of cloned embryos

using the same nuclear transfer technique

that was employed by the scientists

who created Dolly the sheep.

Headline and sub, O, 13.6.2004,






Sir Richard Branson aims to bring space travel

within the reach of ordinary people by pioneering

space flights at affordable prices.

Branson reaches for the stars,






Oral sex lessons

to cut rates of teenage pregnancy


Encouraging schoolchildren to experiment with oral sex

could prove the most effective way

of curbing teenage pregnancy rates,

a government study has found.

Pupils under 16 who were taught

to consider other forms of 'intimacy' such as oral sex

were significantly less likely to engage in full intercourse,

it was revealed.

O, 9 May 2004,






What Is The NCS?


The National Cartoonists Society

is the world's largest and most prestigious organization

of professional cartoonists.

As defined in the NCS by-laws,

a professional is one who earns the majority of one's living

by drawing cartoons.

The by-laws define a cartoonist as "a graphic story teller,

whose drawings interpret rather than copy nature

in order to heighten the effect of his or her message."


The Primary Purposes Of The NCS Are:

To advance the ideals and standards of professional

cartooning in its many forms.

To promote and foster a social, cultural and intellectual

interchange among professional cartoonists of all types.

To stimulate and encourage interest in and acceptance

of the art of cartooning by aspiring cartoonists, students

and the general public.

National Cartoonists Society,
copié 28.11.2004,
    couleurs et typographie respectées.







No invisible means of support

In anticipation of atheism being taught in schools,

we offer a draft curriculum for a new GCSE:


Atheism studies (formerly RI) aims to abandon

all that mumbo-jumbo about God

and tell students in years 10 and 11 how it really is.

That we live in a non-purposive universe,

that death is final, and that there's nothing wrong

with worshipping Britney Spears.

By assessing the essential meaninglessness of existence,

students will be fully prepared for mindless Saturday nights

drinking Bacardi Breezers in local nightclubs.




1. To explore the dynamics of non-belief.

2. To work for multicultural understanding

based on an acknowledgment that we are all

in this eschatological mess together.

3. To teach students how to spell Nietzsche.

4. To fill that tricky period on Thursday afternoon

before football practice.

5. To annoy religiously inclined parents.

G/G2, 17.2.2004,






Plan to keep file on every child


Every child in England will be given

a unique identifying number attached

to an electronic file of personal information

about their lives, under plans announced yesterday

to avoid a repetition of the murder of Victoria Climbié.

The eight-year-old from the Ivory Coast died in London

in 2000 after months of torture and malnutrition.

Her carers were jailed for life,

but a public inquiry under Lord Laming identified

at least 12 occasions when she might have been

saved by social workers, police or NHS staff

if they had been aware of each others' suspicions.

The proposal came as part of a wide-ranging

package of reforms, announced by Tony Blair,

including plans to appoint an

independent children's commissioner

to champion their rights.

To tighten the child protection net,

a sophisticated tracking system to keep tabs

on England's 11 million children has been proposed.


In 150 local authorities, where education and children's

social services are to be merged

into new children's departments,

there will be a "local information hub" recording details

of all the children living in the area.

Headline and §1,















Vous avez écrit, en 1967-1968,

une liste de verbes

(«to roll to crease to fold

to store to bend to shorten...»)

devenue célèbre.


La liste des verbes était pour moi une façon d'installer des paramètres pour expérimenter. Elle est devenue une façon de penser l'activité artistique, ce qui me ravit. Quand on débute, on veut rompre avec son propre langage pour expérimenter, briser ses préjugés, jouer, et on trouve une logique pour s'investir dans une certaine activité, qu'on pense totalement personnelle. Trente ans après, des étudiants vont se l'approprier pour s'engager dans des tas de direction. Je trouve cela formidable ! Ce n'est pas seulement le travail qui va influencer, mais une façon d'inventer. Penser que des procédures vont être appropriées par d'autres, et pas des formes ou des travaux existants me paraît une vraie initiation.
Je ne tiens pas à produire des répliques de moi-même.

Rencontre :
"Voir mes oeuvres, c'est éprouver une notion du temps, du lieu et y réagir" :
Richard serra, sculpteur américain, explique comment il conçoit ses sculptures
pour et dans l'espace public et se protège désormais juridiquement des attaques qu'il a rencontrées avec Titled Arc (à Manhattan),
oeuvre retirée à la suite de violentes réactions,
http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=227561 - broken link








Richard Serra,

"Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself"



to roll

to crease

to fold

to store

to bend

to shorten

to twist

to dapple

to crumple

to shave

to tear

to chip

to split

to cut

to sever

to drop

to remove

to simplify

to differ

to disarrange

to open

to mix

to splash

to knot

to spill

to droop

to flow




to curve
to lift
to inlay
to impress
to fire
to flood
to smear
to rotate
to swirl
to support
to hook
to suspend
to spread
to hang
to collect
of tension
of gravity
of entropy
of nature
of grouping
of layering
of felting
to grasp
to tighten
to bundle
to heap
to gather




to scatter
to arrange
to repair
to discard
to pair
to distribute
to surfeit
to compliment
to enclose
to surround
to encircle
to hole
to cover
to wrap
to dig
to tie
to bind
to weave
to join
to match
to laminate
to bond
to hinge
to mark
to expand
to dilute
to light




to modulate
to distill
of waves
of electromagnetic
of inertia
of ionization
of polarization
of refraction
of tides
of reflection
of equilibrium
of symmetry
of friction
to stretch
to bounce
to erase
to spray
to systematize
to refer
to force
of mapping
of location
of context
of time
of cabonization
to continue


Richard Serra, "Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself" [1967-1968].

http://pub135.ezboard.com/fnoisebotboardfrm2.showMessage?topicID=55.topic  - broekn link


















Richard Serra,

"Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself"



added  30 August 2004















Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


présent simple :

information inédite, factuelle, objective,

non commentée, non dramatisée >

sortie de la redite, du continuum



be + -ing



topréposition + N    ≠    toviseur -> Base Verbale



toviseur -> Base Verbale > entrée en syntaxe



expression du but



traduction > toviseur > pour / de / à






impératif / -ingautonome



séquence nominale-ing autonome




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