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sens et valeurs énonciatives






portée de -ing :


un participe-ing

est relatif à une proposition




S + Vintransitif 


S + Vtransitif + O)


sens du participe-ing :

conséquence, résultat, effet,








ne pas confondre



be + -ing








A passenger train slams into another in southern India,

killingconséquence 13 people


















Israel is expanding its offensive in Gaza,

forcingconséquence more Palestinians to flee south


December 5, 2023    NPR



















Three car bombs targeting military patrols

exploded in Baghdad on Saturday,

killingconséquence four people

and woundingconséquence 16,


























Portée du participe-ing


Le participe-ing est ici relatif à une proposition.


Proposition = Sujet + Vintransitif,

ou Sujet + Vtransitif + Objet



Le sens du participe-ing

est ici d'ordre explicatif / significatif / résultatif /



Il est donc essentiel et il ne peut être supprimé.



Traduction explicative :

ce qui signifie, ce qui marque, ce qui veut dire que,

ce qui semble indiquer, ce qui a provoqué / causé,

s'est soldé par,

faisant ainsi, faisant / provoquant / entraînant...



Exemples :


In a stunning, coordinated terrorist assault

on symbols of U.S. economic  and military power,

two hijacked commercial airliners slammed

into the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center

on Tuesday, destroying both in calamitous explosions,

and a third hijacked plane plowed into the Pentagon building,

setting it afire.

Shortly afterward, a Boeing 757 crashed

southeast of Pittsburgh,

and the authorities said it, too,

appeared to have been hijacked.

Both Skyscrapers Collapse; Huge Casualties Feared,
IHT, p. 1, 12.9.2001.






Lessons Unlearned on Rail Safety


December 3, 2013

The New York Times



When a Metro-North train jumped the tracks

in the Bronx on Sunday morning,

killing four people and injuring more than 70,

it was going 82 miles per hour,

on a 30 m.p.h. curve.

Why it hit that horrific speed

— whether because the engineer was sleeping,

distracted or incapacitated,

or because of some catastrophic mechanical failure —

is a question for the National Transportation Safety Board,

the Metropolitan Transportation Authority,

which runs Metro-North,

and criminal investigators and prosecutors.

Lessons Unlearned on Rail Safety,










participe-ing en série


effet domino :


une conséquence en entraîne une autre





The world's biggest earthquake in 40 years

hit southern Asia on December 26, 2004,

unleashing a tsunami

that crashed into Sri Lanka and India,

drowning thousands and swamping tourist isles

in Thailand and the Maldives.

[ conséquence, effet ]


Photo by Reuters Graphic.

Asian Tsunami Kills 12,600, Many More Homeless


Sun Dec 26, 2004    10:06 PM ET

















Police were searching

for two teenage assailants last night

who launched a series of brutal attacks on gay men

along London's South Bank,

leaving one dead and at least four others injured

[ conséquence de

a series of brutal attacks on gay men

along London's South Bank :

il s'agit ici d'un constat,

et non d'un commentaire ]

Gay man killed on South Bank,






NEW YORK (Reuters) -

U.S. stock futures soared on Wednesday,

indicating the market would jump at the start,

[ analyse, signification ]

as investors bet

that President Bush has won a second term

in the White House,

which could dispel the uncertainty

that has dogged markets for months.

Stocks to Jump as Wall St Bets on Bush,
Wed Nov 3, 2004 06:09 AM ET,






Insurgents mounted fresh attacks

in Baghdad today,

killing a senior oil ministry official

and an American soldier

and kidnapping a Lebanese-American contractor.


[ résultat de l'action

exprimée par la proposition principale,

constat de l'énonciateur ]

Insurgents strike in Baghdad:
Oil ministry official killed /
US soldier killed by bomb / US contractor kidnapped,
3 November 2004,






WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

Democratic Sen. John Kerry conceded the White House race

to President Bush in a phone call on Wednesday,

ending the drama of ballot counting in Ohio

and cementing Bush's re-election

to a second four-year term.


[ conséquence de la principale,

appréciation / commentaire de l'énonciateur ]

Kerry Concedes Election to Bush,
Wed Nov 3, 2004 12:26 PM ET,






Van Rolls Into Conn. Pond,

Killing 3


July 5, 2007

Filed at 10:06 a.m. ET




-- A 6-year-old boy was the lone survivor of a minivan

that rolled into a pond,

trapping him and three others for up to 25 minutes


[ conséquence, effet ],

before police divers were able to pull them out.

The boy was in critical condition Thursday.


The minivan's driver, Michelle McIntosh,

had gotten out of the van and chased it,

screaming for help


[ information supplémentaire / circonstancielle ],


as it rolled 60 or 70 yards down a steep hill

at a park near her home Wednesday, police said.

She jumped in the van

just before it went in the water, police said.

She and two other children,

including her son David, were killed,

police said.

''It's a real tragedy for a family in Bridgeport,''

Mayor John Fabrizi said.

'A day of sorrow for all Bridgeporters.''

The four victims were trapped

in 15 to 20 feet of water for 20 to 25 minutes

before members of the Bridgeport police scuba team

pulled them out.

Rescuers tried to revive them

before they were taken to hospitals,

where they died.

The chief medical examiner's office

identified McIntosh and her son

late Wednesday, but did not identify the other children.

Police said all three children were younger than 7.

The 6-year-old boy who survived

was in critical condition at Yale-New Haven Hospital,

hospital spokesman Mark D'Antonio said Thursday.

Fire Battalion Chief Ismael Pomales said McIntosh

apparently had gotten out of the van to ask directions

to a holiday barbecue,

but police would not confirm that Wednesday night.

He said people nearby

tried unsuccessfully to stop the van,

and that fire personnel were not able

to reach those trapped inside.

''It's horrible,'' Pomales said.

''We've had children die before.

That's probably one of the toughest things

for any rescue person to deal with.''

Blanch Arpie, a neighbor,

called the McIntoshes a close-knit family.

''It's breaking my heart,'' Arpie said.

It's just horrible.''

Van Rolls Into Conn. Pond, Killing 3,
NYT, 5.7.2007,






Scores of Tornadoes

Slam Midwest States


November 17, 2013

The New York Times



Severe storms moved through the Midwest on Sunday,

leveling towns, killing at least five people in Illinois

and injuring dozens more,

and causing thousands of power failures

across the region.


[ conséquence de la proposition principale ;

il s'agit ici d'un constat,

et non d'un commentaire ]

Scores of Tornadoes Slam Midwest States,
NYT, 17.1.2013,






Prudential announced plans

for a £1bn cash call yesterday,

shocking investors

and sparking an 8% fall in its share price.


[ conséquence, effet ]

£1bn cash call shocks Pru investors,






In a balanced, multi-party parliamentary democracy,

Ralph Nader would have been

a candidate for secular sainthood.

He forced consumer protection

- physical and financial -

on to the public agenda in the 1960s,

saving thousands of lives and billions of dollars.


[ conséquence, effet > sauvant ainsi... ]


He championed freedom of information laws

that declared that public records belong to the people,

not to those who compile them.

His focus on corporate kleptocracy led to reforms

- albeit temporary - in political campaign finance.

Ralph Nader: Time to step aside, headline and §1,






Un segment -ing

peut renvoyer au segment précédent :


SINGAPORE (Reuters) -

The U.S. dollar stumbled on Monday,

setting multi-month lows against the yen and euro


[ conséquence de la proposition principale ]


and trading around four-year lows

against the Korean won and Singapore dollar


[ conséquence de la proposition principale,

information complémentaire sur l'état / la valeur de dollar ],


prompting investors to clip Asian share markets


[ conséquence de trading around four-year lows

against the Korean won and Singapore dollar ].

Asian Shares Fall on Dollar; Gold, Oil Up,
R, Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:30 PM ET,






BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

Guerrillas stormed a Baghdad police station

and ambushed an American patrol,

killing a soldier and wounding nine

in daylight attacks in the capital on Saturday,


[ conséquence, effet, résultat ] .


defying efforts to crush a Sunni Muslim revolt


[ traduction explicative : défiant ainsi... ] .


Hours after a U.S. general acknowledged

that it was hasty

to claim this month's offensive on Falluja

had broken the back of the insurgency,

rebels killed three policemen

in a dawn strike on their station

in Baghdad's Sunni Aadhamiya district.

Rebels Attack Baghdad Police, Troops,
R, Sat Nov 20, 2004 05:19 PM ET,






Three Car Bombs

Kill 4, Wound 16 in Baghdad


Sat Apr 30, 2005

02:00 PM ET



BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

Three car bombs targeting military patrols

exploded in Baghdad on Saturday,

killing four people and wounding 16,


[ conséquence, effet, résultat ]


police said.

Militants detonated one car bomb

alongside a joint Iraqi and U.S. military patrol

in the Zayuna district of eastern Baghdad,

as it passed near a police station,

killing two passers-by, one of them a child,

and wounding 10


[ conséquence, effet, résultat ].

Three Car Bombs Kill 4, Wound 16 in Baghdad,
R, Sat Apr 30, 2005 02:00 PM ET,






CBS News anchor Dan Rather

on Wednesday strongly defended

his 60 Minutes story critical

of President Bush's military service,

saying that his report is true but that legitimate questions

have been raised about the authenticity of documents

he used to support it


[ ajout, complément d'information ].

Rather says memo flap doesn't change his story,
USA Today, §1, 15.9.2004,
http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-09-15-cbs-guard_x.htm?POE=NEWISVA - broken link






NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) -

Hurricane Ivan killed at least two people

on Wednesday as it began to batter U.S. shores

with high winds and ferocious surf,

touching off tornadoes

that ripped through coastal cities


[ ajout, complément d'information ].

Hurricane Ivan Slams U.S. Gulf Coast, Kills Two,
R, 15.9.2004,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes -ing



séquence -ing > portée > N



-ing > valeur adjectivale d'un segment-ing



-ing > question > valeur énonciative >







syntaxe > autres séquences :





séquences -ing,

séquences -en,






syntaxe >

séquences auxilaires / verbales :


active ≠ passive,

affirmative ≠ négative,













be + -ing






Anglonautes > Vocapedia > Language > Describing actions


consequence, effect, impact, reaction,

result, aftermath




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