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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé




séquences résultatives



Nsujet + haveauxiliaire + Nobjet + Base Verbale (BV)



Cardell Gay, now 56,

can still feel the wallop of water

as Eugene (Bull) Connor,

the feared police chief

who embodied segregation in Birmingham,

had firemen aim their hoses at him.

Veterans of Civil Rights Struggle Try to Pass On Their Legacy,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 5,
11/12 May 2003.










Nsujet + haveauxiliaire + Nobjet + Vau participe passé / adjectif-ed


A Billionaire's Land Purchases In Rural Hawaii

Have Locals Worried


March 31, 2024    NPR












Epsilon email hack:

millions of customers' details stolen

Customers of Barclaycard US, Capital One

and other companies warned

after attack on marketing email provider Epsilon

Share Josh Halliday
Monday 4 April 2011
18.16 BST


Epsilon email hack:

customers of Barclaycard US had

their names and email addresses stolen.

Epsilon email hack: millions of customers' details stolen,






Ferguson has pacemaker fitted


Manchester United have revealed

that manager Sir Alex Ferguson

has had a pacemaker fitted.

Headline ans sub,
G, 12.3.2004,
man_united/story.jsp?story=500442 - broken link






Republican sources say

that takeknife would "joke and laugh"

as he had people beaten, burnt,

stripped and killed in front of him.

Stakeknife: the mole at the heart of the IRA,
The Week, p. 18, 17.5.2003.






Five years ago

the lord Chancellor

had his official apartement refurbished

at public expense costing £650,000.

The court of Charles / How many palaces does a prince need?,
GE, p. 9,
29 April 2003










haveauxiliaire + N + Vau participe passé


- faire faire quelque chose

par quelqu'un


- se faire faire quelque chose

par quelqu'un


- ordonner à quelqu'un

de faire quelque chose




G.O.P. Lawmakers Push

to Have Boston Suspect

Questioned as Enemy Combatant


April 21, 2013



— Some Republican lawmakers

want President Obama to declare

the surviving Boston bombing suspect

an enemy combatant in order to question him

without a lawyer and other protections

of the criminal justice system,

intensifying a recurring debate

over how to handle terrorism cases arising

inside the United States.

G.O.P. Lawmakers Push to Have Boston Suspect Questioned
as Enemy Combatant,











Nsujet + haveauxiliaire + BVpassif + into + N




If the senior dancers had to be coaxed

into shedding their inhibitions,

they also had to be drilled mercilessly.

In pure dance terms, Kontakthof is one of Bausch's most minimal pieces and none of its steps is beyond the older cast. But even if full-bodied virtuosity was never required of them, the seniors were still expected to acquire scarily professional levels of accuracy and coordination. Endicott does not gloss over the problems she had in getting them all "to count, stay in formation, learn not to fidget and remember their steps. The learning process starts to slow down as you get older and we needed a lot of patience. There were some furious rows - I guess we all got a bit frustrated."

Growing old disgracefully:
How a bunch of untrained 60-somethings are breathing new life
into a Pina Bausch classic,
27 November 2002,















Nsujet + haveauxiliaire + BV + into + N




The Prince of Wales

had to talk Camilla Parker Bowles

into agreeing to marry him

because she did not want to be the King's wife,

it has been was reported.

Camilla did not want to take on

the responsibility and extra attention

that will come with the role and was happy as she was,

according to the Mirror.

The paper reported that the issue was settled

because the Queen was worried about what would happen

if she died and Charles and Camilla were still not married.

Camilla reluctant to wed - report,
PA, 12.2.2005.















toviseur -> haveauxiliaire + Nobjet + Vau participe passé




The three children of a wealthy solicitor,

whose will left his fortune of up to £7m

to the second wife he had branded

"Hitler" and "a witch",

won their legal battle yesterday

to have the will declared invalid.

Lawyer's children defeat new wife in £7m will battle:
Evidence of woman he called 'a witch' found neither credible nor true,
so she has to pay costs of more than she will inherit,
14 July 2004,















could -> haveauxiliaire + Nobjet + Vau participe passé




"By his word

he could kill them,

have them tortured,

have them rescued again,

have them rewarded.

Life and death depended on his whim."

The psychoanalyst Erich Fromm used these words

to describe the "refined sadism" of Josef Stalin,

who took delight in playing with the minds of his victims

before he ordered the destruction of their bodies.

A View Inside the Mind of the Dictator: Cruelty, but Not Insanity,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 2, 11/12.5.2003.















have + Nobjet + séquence-ing


Dans l'énoncé ci-dessous,

talking about replacing him on the ticket

est une séquence non nominale.


Sa fonction n'est pas nominale :

elle n'est ni sujet, ni objet, ni autonome.


Il s'agit d'une séquence participe,

qui vise Democrats,

et qui a valeur résultative,





A Fumblingadjectif Performance,

and a Panickingadjectif Party


President Biden’s shaky, halting debate performance

has Democrats

talking about replacing him on the ticket.

June 27, 2024,















modal + have + Nobjet + séquence-ing




It is a story with components

that would have most conspiracy theorists

running for the nearest tinfoil hat shop:

a radical media organisation, the FBI

and an apparently anonymous foreign government.

Heavy hand of the law :
Last week's seizure of material belonging to anti-globalisation websites
could have serious consequences for citizen publishers.
Bobbie Johnson reports,















Groupe Verbal (GV) + Nobjet + préposition + N-ing
















Nsujet + make + Nobjet + BV


'A tragedy that makes you laugh':

HBO's 'White House Plumbers'

revisits Watergate


May 1, 2023    NPR













The Folk Devil Made Me Do It


September 1, 2021    NPR



















Nsujet + make Nobjet + adverbe + adjectif


Climate change makes storms like Ian more common


September 29, 2022    NPR



















toviseur -> make + Nobjet + BV


We do anything

to make our kids smile


April 27, 2024    NPR



















Nsujet + see + Nobjet + BV


exemple dans prochaine édition
















GVpassif + préposition + -ing


exemple dans prochaine édition
















Nsujet + see + Nobjet + BV



Likely Bush victory sees UK shares soar


UK shares hit a new two-year high today

as George Bush looked set to win a second term

without all of the uncertainties of four years ago.

Headline and §1,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


syntaxe >

séquences auxilaires / verbales :


active ≠ passive,

affirmative ≠ négative,















syntaxe > autres séquences :





séquences -ing,

séquences -en,






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