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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


formes interrogatives / questions directes





questions avec auxiliaires

en Wh- / How


auxiliaire modal :

can, should, will...







auxiliaire non modal :

beauxiliaire, haveauxiliaire, doauxiliaire







questions sans auxiliaires












How (adverbe)


Why (adverbe)


When (adverbe ou pronom)


Where (adverbe ou pronom)


What, Who, Which (pronoms)










Rappel :


Un verbetransitif direct a un Nobjet.


What do you want?





Un verbetransitif indirect a un Nobjet,

mais la mise en relation

verbetransitif indirect - Nobjet

s'effectue via une préposition

(about, for, of, like...) :



Wh-objet + auxiliaire modal + Nsujet + BV + préposition



What will marriage look likepréposition

in the future?









Wh-objet + beauxiliaire + Nsujet + Vtransitif indirect au participe passé + préposition


Whatobjet are magic wands made of?

The great Hogwarts quiz,DM, p. 53, 8.11.2001.






Selon le contexte,

certains verbes peuvent être

transitifs ou intransitifs :



augmenter, croître, grandir, se développer


growtransitif direct

faire pousser, cultiver













Question modalisée


voie active


Wh- + modal + Nsujet + Base Verbale + ?


Whatobjet can hesujet do next?




















How can I tell

if my sent email was received or read?




https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN3386.html#/ - February 16, 2021

















4 November 2004


















Ad        Cagle        6 July 2004
















Forme interro-négative


Question en not, modalisée,

à la voie active :


Wh- + modal + not / n't + Nsujet + Base Verbaletransitive directe + Nobjet ?


Millions Are Out Of A Job.

Yet Some Employers Wonder:

Why Can't I Find Workers?


February 15, 2021    NPR


















Question modalisée, à la voie active :


Wh- + adverbe + modal + Nsujet + Base Verbale + ?


How far will firms go

to stop workers signing up?




The Guardian        Work        p. 1        11 March 2006

An unfair fight

Some companies are so set against trade unions

that they will resort to ruthless tactics to persuade workers not to organise.

Phil Chamberlain and Rich Cookson investigate

The Guardian

Saturday March 11, 2006

















Question modalisée

et au passif :


Wh- + modal + bebase verbale  + verbetransitif direct au participe passé + ?


Whatsujet can be done + ?
















Questions au passif :


Wh-objet + beauxiliaire + Nsujet + Vtransitif indirect au participe passé + préposition ?


Whatobjet are magic wands made of?

The great Hogwarts quiz, DM, p. 53, 8.11.2001

















Wh- + doauxiliaire + Nsujet + Base Verbale + ?



Where Did The Flu Go?

Homebound Kids Shape A Mild Season


February 14, 2021    NPR




































The Guardian        p. 13        17 November 2004
















Your party's in a fix.

How do you get out of it?


The Tory camp is united only in its failure to agree,

whilst it is time to get back to issues people care about

for Labour

Headline and sub, G, 15.6.2004,






What do parents of high schoolers

fret about?

UT, 02/17/2006 - Updated 12:37 AM ET,






What doauxiliaire athletes doverbe

when an ordinary marathon just isn't long enough?

Race coast-to-coast across the US, of course.

Simon Jeffery reports on the ultra-runners

and what makes them tick

Keep on running, sub, G, 19.7.2004,






What doauxilaire you doverbe en base verbale

after your online sex blog

hits the headlines and loses you your job?

Jessica Cutler reveals all


What do Americans write

to their congressmen about?

Everything. Every fucking thing.

You would not believe it.

Thousands of letters and emails about

Janet Jackson's nipple.

Thousands about Howard Stern.

And now, thousands about me.

(Actually, I shouldn't flatter myself.

At least a few hundred about me?)

Senator sacked me over tales of congress, sub and §,
G, 2.6.2004,















Wh- + adverbe + doauxiliaire + Nsujet + Base Verbaleintransitive + ?


How Fast Did The Economy Grow?

















Wh- + N + auxiliaire + N + Base Verbale + ?
















Wh- + beauxiliaire + Nsujet + -ing + ?


When is transport going to be improved?















Wh-sujet + beauxiliaire + -ing + ?


What is happening to the Tube?



How will congestion charging work?


When will we see more police on the street?


How does the Assembly keep an eye on the Mayor?


What has the Mayor achieved so far?

Greater London Authority ad,
ES, p. 25, 14 March 2002.
















Wh- + beauxiliaire + Nsujet + -ing + préposition ?


What are you searching for?
















Present perfect actif :


Wh- + haveauxiliaire + Nsujet + verbeau participe passé + ?



Whatobjet have yousujet done?









Whatobjet has the Mayorsujet achieved so far?








Why hasn't the UK built superfast trains?


















Why have the media been so keen

to turn Joanne Lees

from traumatised survivor into possible murderer,

asks Patrick Barkham

Unusual suspect,
G, sub, 4.6.2004,
0,14173,1231213,00.html - broken URL








where have our customers gone?

Profits tumble

as high street store finds itself out of fashion

Headline and sub,
G, 17.11.2004,





So who the devil has ruined your pension?

The Tories this week issued

an apocalyptic warning about the pensions crisis,

claiming it poses as great a threat to society as al-Qaida.

Shadow work and pensions secretary David Willetts

conjured up a nightmarish vision of millions

retiring on pitiful sums.

Meanwhile, there was a fresh flurry of surveys

estimating the size of Britain's company pension deficit.

But while most people agree there is a crisis,

who - or what - is responsible?

Jobs & Money rounded up eight of the prime suspects

in the blame game.

We outline the case against and try to ascertain

whether they are guilty, m'lud.

Phillip Inman, Rupert Jones and Patrick Collinson

look at the evidence.

Headline and sun,
G, 10.7.2004,
















Wh-objet + haveauxiliaire + been + Nsujet + ?


What has been the cost of Mydoom?

Mydoom computer virus 'to wreak even more havoc' / Q&A,
DMa, p. 6, 3.2.2004.

















questions sans auxiliaire


Wh- + Toviseur -> Base Verbale


What to build at Ground Zero?

The divided city, GE/GE2, p. 8, 17 February 2003.
















questions sans auxiliaire


Wh- + V / Base Verbale + ?



Why buy it

when you can rent it?


Our need to own everything from home

to all its contents will have to change,

writes Neasa MacErlean

Headline and sub, O, 27.6.2004,






Why pay for business news

on the internet

IHT ad, R, 31.12.2003.















autres énoncés




















The Guardian        p. 10        18 January 2006















What is Mydoom?



What will it do to my computer?



What should I do

If I receive a suspicious e-mail?



Will my anti-virus software stop it?



How do I know

my computer is infected?



What could happen

if I do not remove the virus?



What has been the cost of Mydoom?



Who created Mydoom?



What would they have to gain?

Mydoom computer virus 'to wreak even more havoc' / Q&A,
DMa, p. 6, 3.2.2004.






How did we get it so wrong?

Headline, G,4.2.2004,






What can you earn?

Ad, DT, 14.1.2004.






He's our favourite artist.

So why do the galleries hate him

so much?

Headline, O, 11.1.2004,






What Will Move the Markets in '04?

Headline, R, Sat January 3, 2004 11:32 AM ET.






It seems that a massive fraud

was behind the collapse of Italy’s Parmalat.

But how did it happen

and who benefited?

Milking lessons, E, 30.12.2003,






What do you think?






How much do the UK's top companies give to charity?

Frontpage banner, G, 18.11.2003.






What are you searching for?

Yahoo pop-up ad, dictionary.com, 12 October 2003.






Where do you want to go next?

Headline, T, web edition, 11.10.2003.






Why do tennis players check the ball before serving?

This week: The science behind the news, GI/G2, p. 15, 26.6.2003.






How many trees did it take

to print the new Harry Potter?

This week: The science behind the news, GI/G2, p. 15, 26.6.2003.






What does a computer need to connect via Wi-Fi?

Wireless - with strings attached, FT, p. 9, 4 June 2003.






What did Percy Weasley,

a Hogwarts prefect,

find embedded in his Christmas Pudding?

The great Hogwarts quiz, DM, p. 53, 8 November 2001.






What does Professor Quirrell,

who teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts,

wear on his head?

The great Hogwarts quiz, DM, p. 53, 8 November 2001.






Why does the US want to attack Iraq?

Why does the US want to attack Iraq?,
GE/GE2, p. 5, 17 February 2003.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes interrogatives / questions directes




syntaxe >

séquences auxilaires / verbales :


active ≠ passive,

affirmative ≠ négative,













syntaxe > autres séquences :





séquences -ing,

séquences -en,






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