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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


formes interrogatives / questions directes


questions en Wh-




How, Why, When, Where, What, Which,

Who, Whose, Whom




Wh- sujet  +  Verbeconjugué + Nobjet du verbe ou Nattribut du sujet?



Who Are The Oath Keepers?



Who killed JFK?



Who are we?



What happened in Ferguson?










autres énoncés



What's the #1 thing to change to be happier?

A top happiness researcher weighs in


January 15, 2023    NPR



















What makes that song swing?

At last, physicists unravel a jazz mystery


January 18, 2023    NPR





































































Wh- sujet  +  adverbe  +  Vconjugué + ?


What really happened?















Wh- sujet  +  modal + Base Verbale + Nattribut du sujet ?


Who will be president?
















Howadverbedoauxiliaire + N + Base Verbale + ?


Clergy On The Pandemic Front Lines:

'How Do We Really Grieve?'


February 22, 2021    NPR



















Howadverbemodal + N + Base Verbale + ?


How would Jesus vote?


















Wh-  +  N  +  V / Base Verbale















mode infinitif


Wh-  +  tovisée -> Base Verbale















Why + Base Verbaletransitive + Nobjet


Why spend £20 a month on broadband

when you can share with the neighbours?





How the wi-fi revolution could cut your bill


Internet costs: New technology means

neighbours can now club together

to share the expense of broadband access.

So could it work for you? Miles Brignall reports

Guardian        Money        p. 1        18 February 2006











Why + proposition (be + Nsujet + adverbe + adjectif)


Why is Britain so noisy?


















Why + adverbe +.... + ?


American Siamak Namazi

is on a hunger strike in Iranian prison.


Why now and for what?


January 17, 2023    NPR



















questions directes > questions en Wh- > autres énoncés



































The Guardian        p. 40        21 March 2006
















The Guardian        p. 6        13.3.2006












































The Guardian        Money        p. 18        18 February 2006


















Kirk Anderson

political cartoon

Cagle        18 January 2005


















The Guardian        29 May 2004
















The Guardian        Money        p. 12        18 March 2006
















The Guardian        Money        p. 4        11 February 2006
















The Guardian        p.14        27 September 2004















What are friends for?


You choose your friends, not your family

- and for many today, the former have become

the most important people in their lives.

But are you sure your friends really like you

as much as you like them?

And how do you know they will still be around

in five years' time?

In the first of a highly personal three-part investigation

into modern relationships,

Jenni Russell looks at friendship

What are friends for?,
G, headline and sub, 24.1.2005,






'Exchange us for our children.

What are they guilty ofpréposition?'


Over 300 held hostage by armed Chechens

Headline and sub, G, 2.9.2004,






Whosujet knows?


It has no editors, no fact checkers

and anyone can contribute an entry - or delete one.

It should have been a recipe for disaster,

but instead Wikipedia became

one of the internet's most inspiring success stories.

Simon Waldman explains how

Headline and sub, G, 25.10.2004,
0,12597,1335892,00.html - broken link







What future is there

for the lost generation?


Those of us who aspire to retire at a reasonable age

need to face reality and start saving

Headline and sub, I, 19.6.2004,






Why buy it

when you can rent it?


Our need to own everything from home

to all its contents will have to change,

writes Neasa MacErlean

Headline and sub, O, 27.6.2004,






What kind of man reads blokes' magazines?

Andrew O'Hagan goes in search of a very British species.

Frontpage sub, G, 16.6.2004,
main article,







As the magic fades,

whatsujet happens to child stars

when they grow up?

Headline, I, 31.5.2004,






One incident. Forty dead. Two stories.

whatsujet  really happened?

Headline, I, 21.5.2004,
http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=523356 (broken link)






Whatsujet  loves you?

Headline, Time web frontpage, 16.2.2004.






Whatsujet Becomes a President Most?

As Kerry's fortunes rise,

primary voters say they are searching for electability.

But their quest is not that simple

Headline and sub, T, 26.1.2004 web edition,






What is avian flu?

Headline, G, 20.1.2004,






Whosujet doesverbe the dirty work?


Headline, G, 10.1.2004,






Which one is the right for you?

Adobe ad, I computer web page, 6.1.2004






Whatsujet happens now inside Iraq?

G, p. 5, 15.12.2003.






Why pay for business news

on the internet

IHT ad, R, 31.12.2003.






What's the best thing in life?

Ad, CNN website, 28.12.2003.






What's your IQ?

Ad, Reuters frontpage, 23.12.2003.






Whosujet gives what?


Corporate giving still lags

far behind individual donations

as a major source of charity income

The Giving List, G, 18.11.2003.






Movie franchises

and the studios' testing of final scenes on audiences

have given Hollywood a serious new problem:

how to finish films properly?

Xan Brooks goes searching for closure

Is it all over for the ending?,






What is Wi-Fi?

Wireless - with strings attached, FT, p. 9, 4.6.2003.






Whosujet wrote the school textbook

'Magical Draughts And Potions'?

The great Hogwarts quiz, DM, p. 53, 8.11.2001.






What is the name of the Gryffindor Ghost?

The great Hogwarts quiz, DM, p. 53, 8.11.2001.






Whatsujet happened to Dudley Dursley,

Harry Potter's greedy and unpleasant cousin?

The great Hogwarts quiz, DM, p. 53, 8.11.2001.






Whosujet Wants to be a Millionaire?

UK TV show.






Whosujet listens to the children no one listens to?

BT ad, T, Business, p.1, 25.11.2002.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes interrogatives / questions directes



syntaxe / séquence / montage >

interrogative indirecte






Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


syntaxe >

séquences auxilaires / verbales :


active ≠ passive,

affirmative ≠ négative,













syntaxe > autres séquences :





séquences -ing,

séquences -en,






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