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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


formes interrogatives / questions directes


questions en doauxiliaire


valeur épistémique :


accès au sens, à la vérité,

à la raison d'un fait,

à la différence vrai / faux



doauxiliaire + Nsujet + Base Verbaletransitive + Nobjet + ?



Does Northern England have a distinct identity  + ?



Does William have

what it takes to work in the real world  + ?

proposition nominalisée objet de have









Do you hear that?

Mark Trail   
Jack Elrod    2 July 2004











Does Marjorie Taylor Greene represent

the future of the Republican Party?


October 19, 2022    NPR












Does Northern England

have a distinct identity?

Web frontpage mast headline,
G, 27.10.2004.

Full text:






Does he mean us?


The rampant liberalism

and child-centred parenting of the 1960s

are to blame for a lawless generation

with no respect for authority, says Tony Blair.

But David Aaronovitch is not ready

to burn his kaftan just yet

Headline and sub,






Police hunting the killers of a 15-year-old boy

stabbed for his mobile phone

were yesterday searching a west London park

for the murder weapon.

Kieran Rodney-Davis had gone shopping

in Daisy Lane, Fulham, on Wednesday afternoon.

He was outside the gates

of the Hurlingham and Chelsea school

at about 2.45pm

when he was approached by three masked youths

demanding his phone.

The teenager was stabbed once in the chest

and staggered about 50 metres

to the block of flats where he lived.

He was rushed

to the nearby Chelsea and Westminster hospital

but died shortly afterwards.

Police said the three youths,

who are black and about the same age

as the victim, fled on foot.

They wore balaclavas or bandana-style scarves,

one of which was red.

Detective Chief Inspector Dave Little

appealed for witnesses.

"Did you see this incident?

Did you see the youths making off on foot along Daisy Lane,

into Peterborough Road, heading towards Wandsworth Bridge?

It is possible they may have gone into South Park

or into Hugon Road," he said.

Police search for weapon used to kill teenager,






Do you really need

to go to work on tube strike day?

G, 29.6.2004,






Euro 2004 starts this week,

and it's impossible to escape

the ubiquitous St George's cross.

But does the English flag alienate

as many people as it unites?

Sarfraz Manzoor,

who once rejected the emblem as racist,

explains why he now flies it with enthusiasm

A cross to bear,
G, sub, 10.6.2004,






A job fit for a prince:

does William have what it takes to work

in the real world?

He indicated yesterday

that he might join the Army

after graduating from university.

But is that a suitable career

for a modern royal?

IoS, 30.5.2004,






Did skydiver who fell 13,000 feet to his death cut

the straps on his own parachute?

G, 22.5.2004,






A new survey shows 42% of students now have a job

- and most say it's the only way to survive.

Does it do them any harm?

Alice Tarleton reports

All in a term's work, sub,
G, 20,1.2004,






Do you feel safer as we enter the year 2004?

Yes / No

Online poll, CNN, 28.12.2003.






Did Saddam have WMDs?

Was Iraq the new Vietnam?

2003: the year a war divided the world,
G, 23.12.2003,






Do you think I'm sexy?

Headline, G/G2, p. 6, 31.7.2003.






If Saddam is such a monster,

why did we arm him

and trade with him?

Headline, I, p. 16, 3.12.2002.
















Ad        Cagle        3 July 2004














« Does anyone know

where I can get a cheap digital car radio? »


Pirates get altitude slickness, GE, p. 5, 19 August 2002.






Did he jump or was he pushed?

G, 17 August 2002,






This week Buzz Aldrin, 72

punched a man who suggested

that the missions to the moon were a hoax.


But does anyone still believe that old chestnut?

Were the lunar landings faked ?,
GE2, p. 5, 13.9.2002.






Do you think

Tony Blair should support the American policy on Iraq?

Blair faces defeat on Iraq,
GE, p. 1, 28.08.2002.






Do you think that the Labour government is doing enough

to tackle word pollution and give aid to the developing world?

Voters attack Labour’s green record,
GE, p. 1, 29.8.2002.






Do you accept (that) there is a big job to be done?

BBC radio 4, Today, 2.9.2002.






The Constant Gardener starts

in the British Embassy in Nairobi,

as Sandy Woodrow, the head of chancery,

takes a rather nasty phone call.

Tessa Quayle, the First Secretary's wife,

has been brutally murdered up country.

Her companion, Dr Arnold Bluhm,

an African as politically committed as she is

to the cause of his long-suffering fellow countrymen,

has disappeared.

Did he murder her? If he didn't, who did?

Were they having an affair?

And (this is Sandy speaking now) if they were,

how in God's name are we going to put the tin lid

on the shit hitting the fan?

The redemption of an unheroic hero:
John Le Carré reaches beyond the thriller in The Constant Gardener,
17 December 2000,






Do you feel ready to lend your training skills

to one of the world’s leading media organisations?






Does it make any difference?






Does crime fiction cause crime?






Do they know what they are talking about?






Do you agree with him?
















Wh- questions en doauxiliaire


Wh- + doauxiliaire + Nsujet + BV + preposition + ?



What does a black hole sound likepreposition?

NASA has an answer


May 28, 2022    NPR



















questions en doauxiliaire


forme interro-négative

(avec not)


doauxiliaire + not + Nsujet + BVtransitive + Nobjet + ?


Why Didn't The FBI And DHS Produce A Threat Report

Ahead of The Capitol Insurrection?


January 13, 2021    NPR














Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes interrogatives / questions directes










doauxiliaire > valeur épistémique  ≠  be + -ing >

valeur anaphorique




syntaxe >

séquences auxilaires / verbales :


active ≠ passive,

affirmative ≠ négative,













syntaxe > autres séquences :





séquences -ing,

séquences -en,







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