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Absolute terror is a great incentive




The Guardian    p. 23    3 November 2004















pronom / N




adjectif (s) / N (s) + N




déterminant + adjectif (s) + N




quantificateur + N




GN + préposition + GN






Public services: the choice


'The Tories are determined

to abandon targets for public service performance

and to cut the amount of public spending drastically'

Headline and sub,
G, 24.6.2004,






The £23bn question

Headline, I, 16.6.2004,






After three years of carnage,

does this secret plan provide

a new road to peace in the Middle East

Headline, I, 14.10.2003,






Elusive chemical weapons cache

found near capital,

claim US sources

Headline, I, p. 4, 8.4.2003.






Cuban dissidents

are sentenced to 25 years in prison

Headline, I, p. 13, 8.4.2003.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative > Niveau avancé


formes nominales


formes nominales > pronoms


adjectif > détermination du nom




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