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séquences nominales


séquence nominale simple


adjectifs nominalisés

(aussi appelés

adjectifs substantivés)



En anglais,

un adjectif nominalisé

a un sens pluriel

(the rich = les riches)

mais il ne prend jamais

la marque du pluriel :




adjectif : rich

adjectif nominalisé : the rich



These millionaires want to tax the rich,

and they're lobbying working-class voters


June 13, 2023    NPR













Vu son sens catégoriel / pluriel,

un adjectif nominalisé

est toujours suivi de

Vconjugué à la 3e personne du pluriel



the + adjectif nominalisé + Vpluriel


the jobless are lazy



































The Guardian    p. 1    3 November 2004










The rich want a better world?

Try paying fair wages and tax


A generous billionaire is preferable to a mean one.

But Bill Gates et al could make pledges

that mean more than just charity

The rich want a better world?
Try paying fair wages and tax,






Why We Love

to Think the Jobless Are Lazy


Mythology, narcissism,

and 'raw fear' drive conceit


By Matt Cantor, Newser Staff
Posted Dec 19, 2010
7:27 AM CST


(Newser) – In America, we like to think that

the unemployed are to blame for their joblessness

—that, in the words of Ben Stein,

they’re “people with poor work habits

and poor personalities."

But any economist will tell you that’s not true,

writes David Sirota in Salon.

The real problem: there are “five applicants

for every one job opening.”

So why do we keep believing the jobless are lazy—

that, in essence, "15 million jobless Americans

are George Costanzas"?

Why We Love to Think the Jobless Are Lazy,







The loyal, the let-down,

the critical and the regretful


Labour MPs

apply their benchmark to the Butler findings

and the prime minister's position

Headline and sub,
G, 15.7.2004,






LABOR: How Many Jobless?


Monday, Mar. 17, 1930



How many workmen were jobless throughout the land

last week not even the President of the U.S. knew.

Government officials made guesses on unemployment,

colored more by partisan politics than by positive facts.

Senators flayed the Department of Labor

for its paltry system of gathering labor statistics.

The City of Milwaukee opened soup kitchens.

Bread lines stretched out in Brooklyn.

Manhattan's Bowery swarmed with sullen idle men.

Communists staged demonstrations

throughout the U.S. as well as abroad (see p. 21).

Though these things combined to make

the Hoover Administration acutely unemployment

conscious, none of them answered the question:

how many jobless?

LABOR: How Many Jobless?,
T, 17.3.1930,
article/0,9171,738809,00.html - broken link










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


adjectifs substantivés / nominalisés


séquences nominales


formes nominales > pronoms




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