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whopronom sujet

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whoseadjectif génitif relatif




whopronom sujet


Doc Todd, a rapper

who helped other veterans feel 'Not Alone,'

dies at 38


May 28, 2023    NPR
































































































The pioneering musician

who eased the pain of depression

at the piano

Headline, I, 11.6.2004,
story.jsp?story=530315 - broken URL






Cole's absence is a major headache for Arsenal,

who are already without suspended full-back Lauren

for Sunday's home game against Charlton

while Oleg Luzhny is injured.

Double 'n strike, S, pp. 65 and 68, 28.2.2003.






Waiting for war:

the boy who was born

[ pronom relatif sujet ]

as first bombs fell last time

Headline, GE, p. 1.






A woman nicknamed the Black Widow

who was present

[ pronom relatif sujet ]

when four men died of drug overdoses

was yesterday convicted of killing two of them.

'Black Widow killed two with methadone, GE, p. 5, 18.12.2002.







Proposition non déterminative :


If memory serves,

the angry green Marvel Comics

who is the subject of Ang Lee's new movie

[ pronom relatif sujet ]

used to be known as the Incredible Hulk.

Tall and Green, but Not Really Incredible,
Le Monde/NYT, p. 8, 29/30.6.2003.



La proposition relative

who is the subject of Ang Lee's new movie

ne détermine pas

the angry green Marvel Comics (= the Incredible Hulk),

personnage de bande dessinée

bien connu des Américains

(groupe nominal auto-déterminé).





forme nominale qui fait sens toute seule,

qui n'a pas besoin d'autres mots pour faire sens.















whompronom objet


























A Zika Vaccine,

but forpréposition Whom?


DEC. 28, 2016

The New York Times

A Zika Vaccine, but for Whom?,
NYT, DEC. 28, 2016,






The Criminal Records Bureau

is piloting a nationwide list ofpréposition all those

onpréposition whom the police have intelligence,

[ traduction explicative : dont ]


it emerged yesterday as part of government evidence

to the inquiry into the Soham murders.

National list of police intelligence trialled,
G, 18.2.2004,






As Iraq reeled beneath

savage and almost daily suicide bombings,

US forces yesterday doubled the reward

- from $5 million to $10 million -

for the capture of Musab Zarqawi,

an obscure and little-known associate of Osama bin Laden

whom they claim

is trying to provoke a civil war in Iraq.

America sets its sights on a new Public Enemy No 1,
I, 12.2.2004,
world/fisk/story.jsp?story=490494 - broken link






8 City Officers

Charged in Gun Smuggling Case


October 25, 2011

The New York Times




Eight current and former New York police officers

were arrested on Tuesday

and charged in federal court

with accepting thousands of dollars in cash

to drive a caravan of firearms into the state,

an act of corruption that brazenly defied

the city’s strenuous efforts

to get illegal guns off the streets.


The officers — five are still on the force,

and three are retired —

and four other men were accused

of transporting M-16 rifles and handguns,

as well as what they believed

to be stolen merchandise across state lines,

according to a complaint filed in the case

in Federal District Court in Manhattan.


The current and retired officers,

most of whom at one time or another

worked in the same Brooklyn station house,

were arrested at their homes before sunrise

by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

and investigators from the Police Department’s

Internal Affairs Bureau, officials said.

Also arrested were a New Jersey correction officer,

a former New York City Sanitation Department police officer

and two men identified in the complaint as his associates.

8 City Officers Charged in Gun Smuggling Case,






In "Beauty and His Love",

the singer Kazem al-Sahir confesses to his girlfriend

thatconjonction there is someone he loves more than her,


whom [ pronom relatif objet ]

he sleeps with every night,


whom [ pronom relatif objet ]

he dreams of daily.


His distraught girlfriend begs him to reveal

the name of this lover.

Her name, he finally tells her, is Baghdad.

An Iraqui Star Tours And Sings of His Baghdad,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 8, 9/10.3.2003.















whopronom sujet        ≠   whompronom objet





The people Ø I admire musically

are people who content themselves with one period.   

Backstage, William Christie,
WSJE / Personal Journal, p. P8., 7/9.3.2003.



Dans cet énoncé,

iIl y a 2 propositions relatives déterminatives :


on remarque tout d'abord l'ellipse ( Ø )

du pronom relatif objet that

entre people

et I

(sur le schéma de l'énoncé bien connu

The man Ø I love...).



La proposition (that) I admire

est une relative déterminative :

elle détermine The people.



(ici le chef d'orchestre William Christie)

ne parle pas de toutes les personnes

ou des gens en général (people),

mais seulement des musiciens qu'il admire :


The people I admire musically

(GN complexe).



Sans cette relative,

people resterait indéterminé,

indifférencié, hors-catégorie :


people = les gens en général,

notion illimitée, infinie.



people fait l'objet d'une seconde détermination,

introduite par le pronom relatif sujet who :


people who content themselves with one period.

(GN complexe).






When Simon Rattle,

whom I do admire greatly,

does Rameau

he stops everything else

and immerses himself in it.

Backstage, William Christie,
WSJE / Personal Journal,
p. P8., 7/9.3.2003.



La proposition relative ci-dessus,

introduite par le pronom relatif objet whom,

est non déterminative.

Elle est encadrée par des virgules

qui jouent le rôle de mise entre parenthèses.



L'information contenue dans

whom I do admire greatly,

n'est pas nécessaire pour comprendre

qui est le référent de l'antécédent

(Simon Rattle > référent =

célèbre chef d'orchestre britannique).



Simon Rattle est un nom propre, auto-déterminé,

à l'inverse du nom indéterminé people

(voir énoncé précédent).



Simon Rattle se suffit ici à lui-même;

il n'a besoin d'aucune détermination / définition.



Traduction explicative :

Quand Simon Rattle,

qu'entre parenthèses j'admire beaucoup,

dirige Rameau...


La relative non déterminative

whom I do admire greatly

peut être supprimée sans nuire

au sens premier de l'énoncé :


When Simon Rattle does Rameau he stops everything else...















N + whoseadjectif génitif relatif + N













Dora Saint,

a k a Miss Read of Fiction Fame,

Dies at 98


April 14, 2012

The New York Times



Dora Saint,

whose novels

[ adjectif génitif relatif = Dora Saint's novels ]

about the gentle rhythms of English village life,

written under the crisp, pedagogical pseudonym Miss Read,

drew a wide following on both sides of the Atlantic,

died on April 7 at her home in Shefford Woodlands,

in Berkshire, England. She was 98.

Dora Saint, a k a Miss Read of Fiction Fame, Dies at 98,






Only to recall that era, and the Edwardian one

that preceded it, is to realise how complete

has been the eclipse of monarchy,

and how great its attenuation even in Britain.

When she was born, there were real-live Hohenzollerns,

Romanoffs and Hapsburgs, all of them related

to the gloomy Saxe-Coburg-Gothas and Battenbergs

into whose house [ pronom relatif au génitif ] she was wed.

And she lived to see unclean laundry

run up the Buckingham Palace flagpole,

while her grandchildren failed to stay married

and her eldest daughter's dominions

either became independent states or

- even in the home islands - contemplated doing so.

Quite a facer for the last Empress of India.

Mourning will be brief:
The Queen Mother symbolised reaction and philistinism.
Her death marks the end of an antidemocratic era,






Coroner Identifies

Man Whose Head

[ adjectif génitif relatif ]

Was Found in Hollywood Park


January 19, 2012

The New York Times




Coroner's officials on Friday identified

a man whose [ adjectif génitif relatif - traduction : dont ]

dismembered head, hands and feet were found

in a Hollywood park as a 66-year-old from Los Angeles,

and police continued to hunt for his killer.

Coroner Identifies Man Whose Head Was Found in Hollywood Park,
NYT, 19.1.2012,
us/AP-US-Human-Head-Found.html - broken link







whose [ adjectif génitif relatif - traduction : dont ]

CV includes the Aston Martin DB7

and James Bond's new Vanquish,

believes the future XJ

will need to see Jaguar design moving on.

Look of the future, S, p. 47, 28.2.2003.






Edward Teller


Proponent of the H-bomb whose

[ adjectif génitif relatif - traduction : dont ]

zeal for weapons of mass destruction

as the best guarantee of security knew no bounds

The Register, obituaries, T, p. 35, 11.9.2003.

















whompronom objet

N + whoseadjectif génitif relatif + N



proposition relative non déterminative



When Simon Rattle,

whompronom relatif objet I do admire greatly,

does Rameau

he stops everything else

and immerses himself in it.

Backstage, William Christie, WSJE / Personal Journal,
p. P8., 7/9.3.2003.



, whompronom relatif objet I do admire greatly,

est une proposition relative

non déterminative,

qui ne crée pas

de sous-catégorie.



Simon Rattle

n'a pas besoin d'être

déterminé / catégorisé / différencié

car ce nom propre

a un référent bien connu :

Simon Rattle


chef d'orchestre célèbre



Cette proposition relative non déterminative

n'apporte pas

d'information essentielle,

elle ne fait qu'exprimer

l'avis de l'auteur.



Elle pourrait

être supprimée

sans nuire

au sens de l'énoncé :



When Simon Rattle does Rameau

he stops everything else

and immerses himself in it.

Backstage, William Christie, WSJE / Personal Journal,
p. P8., 7/9.3.2003.








à l'inverse,


dans le groupe nominal complexe


man whose family was found murdered...





The Guardian        p. 4        2 September 2006






...whose family was found murdered


est une proposition relative déterminative,

qui détermine

un nom commun

 - man -

en apportant

une information essentielle

à la compréhension

de l'énoncé :


man whose family was found murdered

is held at Heathrow.






Comme toute proposition

relative déterminative,

elle ne peut pas

être supprimée :


??? man is held at Heathrow

serait presque vide de sens,











Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes nominales > pronoms




who, whom, whose, which, when, where, that, whereby

relatives déterminatives / non déterminatives



ellipse du pronom relatif




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