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grammaire anglaise > pronoms


pronoms objets

du verbe ou d'une préposition

(for, with, without...)


I love you more,

more and more the longer

I am without you.







pronoms attributs de Nsujet

via beverbe



Eight weeks ago,

Newsom was literally nobody,

a slick, well-spoken, youthful

incoming mayor of San Francisco

with a reputation among his peers

and Democratic Party minders

for playing it safe.


Gavin Newsom:

The anti-bohemian, establishment man

who has defied the White House on gay rights /

The Monday Interview: Mayor Of San Francisco, I, 1.3.2004,



















me, you, him, her, us, them, those..


what, whom...


















































To hurt them -- you'll have to shoot me first!


Spiderman        Stan Lee        28 June 2004


















I told you to interview your wife.


She's an actress. This is a newspaper.

Am I reaching you?


Spiderman        Stan Lee        30 November 2004


















Now, with you out of the way, I'll fisnish off the owl!


If you shoot him -- you'll have to shoot me, too.


You'd sacrifice yourself - for him?


Spiderman        Stan Lee        1 July 2004































Once a week,

somewhere along the 213 miles of the Thames,

a dead body is washed ashore.

But only rarely do these discoveries make the news;

most simply become forgotten victims of the river.

Zaiba Malik meets those who find them

- and those they leave behind

Watery grave, G, 15.12.2004,






Gavin Newsom doesn't look like someone

at the eye of the fiercest political storm

to hit the United States in years.

On the contrary, he looks on top of the world.

Loving every minute.

Regretting absolutely nothing.

And who can blame him?

Eight weeks ago, Newsom was literally nobody,

a slick, well-spoken,

youthful incoming mayor of San Francisco

with a reputation among his peers

and Democratic Party minders for playing it safe.

Outside the San Francisco Bay area,

he had no profile at all.

Then came February 12

– one of those dates that already

seems destined to go down in history –

and his extraordinary decision to defy state law

by authorising his city clerk

to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples.

Gavin Newsom:
The anti-bohemian, establishment man who has defied the White House on gay rights /
The Monday Interview: Mayor Of San Francisco, I, 1.3.2004,






Who said what about whom?

Quiz page, DMa, p. 66, 3.2.2004.






The feminists taught us

about consciousness-raising.

I used to laugh at "him or her", and at "chairperson",

and I still try to avoid them on aesthetic grounds.

But I recognise the power and importance

of consciousness-raising.

I now flinch at "one man one vote".

My consciousness has been raised.

Probably yours has too, and it matters.

The future looks bright: Language can help to shape
the way we think about the world.
Richard Dawkins welcomes an attempt to raise consciousness
about atheism by co-opting a word with cheerful associations






Thomas wrote his wife dozen of love letters.

In one he said: 'I am desperate without you.

I love you more, more and more the longer

I am without you.

I never will be able to describe to you

how much I love you, my own Caitlin,

and how much I want to see you

terribly terribly soon.'

But his words were not supported by his actions.

Poet's secret lover tells of passion in the Blitz,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes nominales > pronoms




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