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grammaire anglaise > pronoms


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When Betty Dukes signed on

as a check-out counter assistant at Wal-Mart,

the world's biggest supermarket company,

it was for five dollars an hour

and the chance of moving up through the company ranks.

'I thought I'd move forward quickly.

I thought I'd get promoted and get good pay rises,' she says.

She got neither.

Instead she got the last thing she was looking for:

a starring role in an $8 billion legal battle

that could change the face of corporate America

and earn her a reputation as the new Erin Brockovich.

The woman who is taking on Wal-Mart:
Betty Dukes, a California supermarket worker,
is leading the biggest civil rights lawsuit in US history
Headline and sub,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes nominales > pronoms




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