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prépositions + N


prépositions dynamiques > into -> N





Photograph: Mark Kauzlarich for The New York Times


Everybody Into the Pool


JUNE 1, 2016
















N + into + N


everybody into the pool


fantasy into reality















structure résultative


Le verbe exprime le moyen,


la séquence into + N

exprime l'objectif,

le résultat espéré :



Vtransitif  +  Nobjet  +  into  +  Nobjet / résultat



I'll trick him

into divorcing you and marrying me!





Last Kiss

John Lustig


February 28, 2014















Vtransitif  +  into  +  Nobjet


un objet / une personne

"rentre dedans / tomber sur", percute

un objet / une personne


I ran into my old friend Barbara today





I ran into my old friend Barbara today



by Greg Evans


August 21, 2016

















In a first,

a mysterious rocket part is about to slam into the moon

— by accident


March 3, 2022    NPR


















syntaxe > Nobjet antéposé


Nobjet antéposé  +  Nsujet  Vtransitif  +  Nobjet  +  into


A Father Vows To Save His Daughter

From A Marriage He Forced Her Into



















N + into + N > valeur temporelle




































N-ing + into + N


passage d'un état à un autre


Exemples :

vie normale -> pauvreté


La séquence Ning + into + N

forme un N-ing complexe :


Women who are denied abortions

risk falling deeper into poverty.


So do their kids


May 26, 2022    NPR




















 Vtransitif + into + N


enquête, recherche, découverte,

passage de l'ignorance

à la connaissance, au savoir



Ken Burns' 'Hemingway' Docuseries Dives

Into The Writer's Complicated Life


March 30, 2021    NPR



















Allen V. Farrow' Digs Deep

Into A Tale Of Celebrity, Power And Silence


February 21, 2021    NPR



















turn + N + into + N


transformation > changement d'état / de fonction


How one pop band is trying

to turn concertgoers into climate activists


August 17, 2024    NPR



















How The Pandemic

Turned An Introvert Into A Voice For Gig Workers


December 26, 2020    NPR


















was born into + N


milieu social à la naissance













Elizabeth MacLennan obituary


Actor, writer and co-founder of 7:84,

the touring company that left

an indelible mark on British theatre


Monday 29 June 2015

17.42 BST

The Guardian


She was born in Glasgow

into a distinguished medical family.

Her father, Hector, was an obstetrician

and her mother, Isobel,

a public health doctor.

Liz enjoyed an undeniably privileged upbringing,

going first to Laurel Bank girls’ school in Glasgow

and then, at the age of 13, to Benenden in Kent.

In 1956 she went to St Hilda’s College, Oxford,

to read modern history

and instantly become a leading light

in university theatre.

I myself had a minor role in McGrath’s adaptation

of Aristophanes’ The Birds

in which she was a spectacularly glamorous goddess.

At Oxford she also appeared in revue

with Dudley Moore, Alan Bennett and Ken Loach

and was a memorably sensual Molly Bloom

in an adaptation of Joyce’s Ulysses.

Elizabeth MacLennan obituary,
Monday 29 June 2015
17.42 BST,
















N + into + N


A Federal Probe Into Indian Boarding School Gravesites

Seeks To Bring Healing


July 11, 2021    NPR




Les 2 séquences nominales

A Federal Probe Into Indian Boarding School Gravesites

forment une séquence nominale complexe,

sujet de Seeks :


A Federal Probe Into Indian Boarding School Gravesites Seeks...




















The Guardian        p. 1        24 August 2006



































into + N > autres énoncés



































































































































































































































































The Guardian        p. 1        12 April 2007


















The Guardian        Money        p. 1        2 June 2007
















a journey into the unknown

for a country never before so divided


Sunday 26 June 2016

05.03 BST

Last modified on Sunday 26 June 2016

07.46 BST

The Guardian

a journey into the unknown for a country never before so divided,
26 June, 2016,





Newly Discovered Exoplanet

Provides Glimpse Into Jupiter's Past


August 14, 2015

1:10 PM ET



The discovery of a new planet

about 100 light years from Earth

could provide clues as to what Jupiter was like

early in the life of our solar system.


The new exoplanet, 51 Eridani b,

is thought to be just 20 million years old,

a tiny fraction of the age of Jupiter,

which was formed along

with the rest of the solar system

about 4.5 billion years ago.

Newly Discovered Exoplanet Provides Glimpse Into Jupiter's Past,
August 14, 2015,






The Trick of Life


APRIL 5, 2014

The New York Times



SEVEN years into writing a novel,

I started to lose my mind.

My thirty-seventh birthday had just come and gone,

the end of 2008 was approaching,

and I was constantly aware

of how little I had managed to accomplish.

The Trick of Life,









Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


prépositions + N


verbes à particule > verbe + préposition




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