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Charles Schulz
May 26, 2024

The Guardian
p. 29 14 February 2007
Thinking about returning
to college?
A guide for taking
the leap
Updated December 21, 2022 NPR
The Latest Ugly Truth About Pakistan
23, 2011
The New York Times
Adm. Mike
Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a truth teller. He led the way
among senior uniformed officers in urging repeal of the unconscionable “don’t
ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military and pressed to shift more troops
from Iraq to Afghanistan.
Now, as he prepares to retire next week after a 43-year career, he is telling
another hard truth. On Thursday, he told the Senate Armed Services Committee
that Pakistan’s spy agency — Inter-Services Intelligence — played a direct role
in supporting insurgents who attacked the American Embassy in Kabul last week,
killing 16 people. He also said that with ISI support, the Haqqani network of
terrorists planned and conducted an earlier truck bombing on a NATO outpost that
killed 5 people and wounded 77 coalition troops, and other recent attacks.
This was a calculated revelation after Admiral Mullen and other top officials
made countless pleas and remonstrances to Pakistan trying to get it to sever all
support and ties with the Taliban, the Haqqani network and other extremists who
are killing American troops and spreading mayhem on both sides of the border.
Pakistan’s military was unapologetic. According to the Pakistani Army’s Web
site, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the chief of staff, dismissed the charge as
“very unfortunate and not based on facts.” Pakistan’s foreign minister warned
that Washington “could lose an ally” if it keeps humiliating Pakistan with
unsubstantiated allegations.
The Pentagon hopes public exposure will shame the Pakistanis — who receive
billions of dollars in aid — into changing their behavior. That didn’t happen
after Osama bin Laden was discovered hiding in plain sight next door to
Pakistan’s top military academy. But Washington needs to keep pushing and keep
reminding the Pakistanis that the extremists pose a mortal threat to their own
We agree with Admiral Mullen and others who say the United States should keep
trying to work with Pakistan. It has little choice. The Americans need access
and on the ground intelligence to be able to go after Al Qaeda and Taliban
forces on both sides of the border. They also need Pakistani routes to deliver
military supplies to Afghanistan, although there are less attractive
alternatives that may have to be looked at more seriously. And walking away
could make the nuclear-armed government even more unstable — a chilling
But Washington needs to ratchet up the pressure as well. The Obama
administration has already suspended or canceled $800 million in military aid
this year, and more could be at risk. Without provoking war with Pakistan, the
Americans are also going to have go after the Haqqanis whenever and wherever
they can.
The Latest Ugly Truth About Pakistan,
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