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when ≠ while


sens et valeurs énonciatives


when > temporalité > point, durée



while > temporalité > simultanéité,

contraste, rhétorique


tout en / alors que / pendant que /

tandis que / même si / bien que




What We Lose

When We Lose Acquaintances


February 1, 2021    NPR



















Combating Misinformation

When A Loved One Is Caught In A Web Of Conspiracies


January 30, 2021        NPR



















What It's Like

When COVID-19 Lasts For Months


August 10, 2020    NPR




















The Guardian        p. 10        5 May 2007
















when, while > énoncés




The Guardian        p. 26        28 June 2006
















Mandrake        Fred Fredericks        Created by Lee Falk        23.8.2004

http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/mandrake/about.htm - broken link
















while > valeur


comparaison de 2 bilans,

1 positif, 1 négatif


Moderna Increases COVID-19 Vaccine Shipments

While [ alors que ] Pfizer Lags Behind


February 1, 2021    NPR



















while > simultanéité, actions simultanées


tout en..., en..., pendant que...


















Mark Trail

Jack Elrod        Created by Ed Dodd in 1946        4.12.2004

http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/mtrail/about.htm - broken link

















while > autres énoncés




Cal Grondahl

Utah Standard Examiner


19 November 2010

Related > Thanksgiving














































subordonnée de temps


when / once / after / before / until



sens futur

mais verbe au présent :


à l'inverse du français,

en anglais

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

se transporte dans le futur,

qui devient un présent fictif, virtuel :


When I'm dead...




Despite his failing health,

Dr. Ellis maintained

a demanding schedule late into his life.


I’ll retire when [ quand ] I’m dead,”

he said at 90.


“While [ tant que, aussi longtemps que ] I’m alive,

I want to keep doing

what I want to do. See people.

Give workshops. Write and preach

the gospel according to St. Albert.”

Albert Ellis, 93, Influential Psychotherapist, Dies, NYT, 25.7.2007







Businessman is killed by thieves

who slashed his neck and battered his head

when [ quand ] he arrived home

while [ alors que / qu' ] they raided his garage...

Coiwardly burglars kill dad in 'savage attack', sub,

M frontpage, 5.1.2004










whiletemporel / whilerhétorique


tout en / alors que / pendant que /

tandis que / même si / bien que







quand / lorsque










whenconjonction        whenpronom






The second act opens before dawn tomorrow,

100m miles from Earth, when [ quand / lorsque ] Spirit,

a US robot rover the size of golf buggy,

hurtles through the thin atmosphere

and bounces to a halt on the parched deserts of Mars,

to begin a search for water on the arid planet.

The third act of the drama is revealed later that day

when [ quand / lorsque ] a European spacecraft

called Mars Express completes a series

of huge elliptical swings around the red planet

and settles down to a steady polar orbit

which will allow it to probe the secrets

of the Martian air and rock.

To boldly go in search of comets and Mars secrets,








Voir aussi

when > subordonnée de temps










While + S + Vtransitif + O




Judge Orders U.S. Military

to Stop ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’


October 12, 2010

The New York Times



A federal judge on Tuesday ordered

the United States military to stop enforcing

the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law that prohibits

openly gay men and women from serving.

Judge Virginia A. Phillips of Federal District Court

for the Central District of California

issued an injunction banning enforcement of the law

and ordered the military to immediately “suspend and

discontinue” any investigations or proceedings

to dismiss service members.

In language much like that in her Sept. 9 ruling

declaring the law unconstitutional,

Judge Phillips wrote that the 17-year-old policy

“infringes the fundamental rights of United States

service members and prospective service members”

and violates their rights of due process

and freedom of speech.

Whileconcession [ même si ] the decision is likely

to be appealed by the government,

the new ruling represents

a significant milestone for gay rights in the United States.

Judge Orders U.S. Military to Stop ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’,






Roll right up, folks!


Whilecontraste [ alors que ] his 1960s counter-culture

contemporaries have faded into obscurity,

Robert Crumb has flourished.


Robert Hughes explains his relevance 40 years

after Fritz the Cat, the Vulture Demonesses

and the Snoid were born

Headline and sub, G, 7.3.2005,






Six out of 10 women sent to jail

while they await trial

are acquitted or given a non-custodial sentence,

a report published today reveals.

Report slams 'unjust' jailing of women on remand,






In the past, women travelled to lose themselves,

while [ alors que ] men preferred to climb and conquer.

So, asks Dea Birkett, has anything changed?

The great escape, G, 5.7.2004,
news/story/0,7445,1254170,00.html - broken link






There is some truth to this.

"It's my personal aim

that Bush is removed from the White House,"

says Moore, who has hired former Clinton operatives

as a rapid response unit to any attacks

that impugn the film's integrity.

"But if the movie can inspire a few of the 50%

of the Americans who do not vote to get involved

and be engaged, then that is important."

While [ même si ] the film is far more subtle

than Moore's previous work,

there are few who have seen it

who believe it will convert anybody

who has not already made up their mind.

But what it could do is galvanise

those who may vote to get organised,

and encourage those not inspired

by the Democratic candidate, John Kerry,

to go to the polls to remove Mr Bush.

Fahrenheit 9/11 sets US alight,
Moore film fires up left and incenses right,
adding cultural fuel to fight for presidency, G, 25.6.2004,






The NOP poll, conducted at the weekend,

found that 41 per cent of people

want Mr Blair to resign as Prime Minister,

while [ alors que ] 52 per cent do not.


Fifty-nine per cent think Mr Blair lied over the Iraqi threat,

while [ alors que ] 29 per cent do not.

Blair: Three out of five voters say he lied over Saddam threat,
I, 30.9.2003,






The Government is in talks with security companies

about tagging asylum-seekers

so that they cannot abscond

while [ lorsque, quand ]  their claims are being assessed.

Secret plan to tag asylum-seekers, I, 28.9.2003,






Cases of measles rise


The uptake of the MMR vaccination

has fallen to its lowest level

since the programme became established

while [ alors que ]

cases of measles are climbing to record rates,

according to official figures.

Headline and §1, DT, 27.9.2003.






While fast food and hotel franchises are here to stay,

their growth rates are being eclipsed

by a host of younger companies

Complexion of the industry is changing rapidly,
FT, Franchising Special Report, p. 1,






Over-55s are generally looking forward to decent pensions,

while the middle-aged fear that theirs will be worth less

than they had been led to believe.

Survey charts rise of the younger Victor Meldrew,
GE, p. 5, 27.8.2002.






Sunday morning, 9am,

and while most are sleeping off their hangovers

I have taken mine to a Paris fashion show.

Paris – the grand finale, ES, p. 21, 14.3.2002.






But the coachloads of tourists,

who over the weekend put up deckchairs in the graveyard

and ate fish and chips while looking at the flowers,

were absent.

New warning on Soham coverage,
p. 5,
















while + -ing


Dans certains énoncés ci-dessous,


pourrait être préposition,

la séquence -ing

fonctionnant comme une séquence nominale :


A 48-year-old man was in custody tonight

after a policeman was stabbed to death

while making an arrest,

his force said.


Traduction explicative :

en procédant à une arrestation,

au cours d'une arrestation




On pourrait aussi considérer while

comme une conjonction

qui introduirait

une proposition théorique en be +-ing,

mais énoncée

avec ellipse (Ø) du sujet et de be.



Proposition théorique :


A 48-year-old man was in custody tonight

after a policeman was stabbed to death

while Øhe wasØ making an arrest,

his force said.



Proposition énoncée :


A 48-year-old man was in custody tonight

after a policeman was stabbed to death

while making an arrest,

his force said.



Traduction explicative :

alors qu'il procédait à une arrestation.






autres énoncés en whiletemporel



College is hard enough

try doing it while raising kids














The Bush administration on Friday unveiled rules

for the new Medicare drug benefit

that guarantee patients

access to a wide variety of medicines

while giving insurance companies potent tools

to control costs.

[ tout en ]


Issuance of the rules is one of the most significant events

between Dec. 8, 2003, when President Bush signed

the Medicare law, and Jan. 1 next year,

when the drug benefit becomes available.

The rules, which were made final after a long, contentious

public comment period, will govern all who might be involved

in the new program: health insurers, employers, drug

manufacturers, pharmacies, benefit managers and up to 41

million elderly and disabled people covered by Medicare.

On many issues, the rules strike a balance between

competing interests.

On the one hand, the rules say that every prescription drug

plan must provide "adequate coverage of the types of drugs

most commonly needed" by Medicare beneficiaries. These

include drugs to treat high blood pressure, heart disease,

cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.

On the other hand, the rules say that a plan can establish

a list of preferred drugs and can refuse to pay for other


New Medicare Rules on Drugs Balance Access Against Costs,
NYT, 22.1.2005,






Police officer stabbed to death


A 48-year-old man was in custody tonight

after a policeman was stabbed to death

whiletemporel making an arrest, his force said.

[ au cours, pendant, durant,

alors qu'... ]

Headline, G/PA, 21.5.2004,






You may not be bitten by a snake

or snapped up by a shark

whiletemporel visiting Australia

[ en ]

but the country is fatal to nearly 400 tourists a year.

Britons who see Australia and die, G, 1.1.2004,






Talking on a mobile phone whiletemporel driving

[ en / tout en

Dans cet énoncé,

while est une conjonction contrastive

qui relie 2 N-ing ]

is more dangerous than being drunk,

according to research published today.

Drivers on mobiles ‘riskier than drunks’,
T, p. 7, 22.3.2002.











When / while




It was partly to try to bring Islam out from the shadows,

and to co-opt its tough-talking leaders, that Mr Sarkozy

set up the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM)

in 2003.

The idea was to give Islam an official voice,

and to temper it by offering recognition.

In one sense, this has worked.

Although the component factions on the council

have spent much time squabbling,

the CFCM helped the government

with its headscarf ban by deciding not to contest it.

Even the UOIF’s decision this week

to issue a unilateral fatwa was a useful appeal for calm.

But the worry now is that radical groups,

unrepresented on the council,

may exploit the current anger.


While the suburbs burn

[ traduction dans prochaine édition ]


When [ quand / lorsque ] the French rejected the European

Union constitution earlier this year, it seemed at the time

to be the final humiliation for Mr Chirac.


Less than six months later,

his government has been making headlines around the globe

for its inability to control the riots.

The referendum rejection was seen as a wake-up call

for the governing class from an electorate

that was fed up  and fearful.

Now France has delivered one even more shrill.

An underclass rebellion: The unrest in France’s cities shows
that social and policing policy has failed, as well as integration,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


principale en will + Base Verbale

< >

subordonnée de temps au présent

(subordonnée en

when / after / until / before / once)



while > valeur rhétorique



as > sens > temps / contraste








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