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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé






sens > lien discursif, logique, temporel


Bombs [ were ] primed to explode

as night clubbers headed home
















- Premier sous-titre :

· Bombs [ were ] primed to explode

as night clubbers headed home


as opère un lien discursif

tout en marquant une simultanéité et une logique

dans l'extralinguistique

(la "réalité", les événements).


Il y a un lien temporel et logique

(l'intention des terroristes)

entre la proposition A

Bombs [ were ] primed to explode


la proposition B

night clubbers headed home


Ce lien logique et discursif est marqué par





A wisp of smoke

- and lethal device was spotted

· Bombs [ were ] primed to explode

as night clubbers headed home

· Mayor praises emergency crew

for averting catastrophe



Traduire as

ne pose ici aucun problème :


Les bombes étaient programmées pour exploser

lorsque / quand / au moment où /

au moment même où

les fêtards rentraient chez eux










Two more [ are ] feared dead

as [ conjonction > lien discursif > traduction ø]

flood defences [ are ] boosted


· Former judge found dead in submerged car

· Concern over state of damaged dam above M1


Thursday June 28, 2007


Martin Wainwright

and Steven Morris


Devastating floods slowly began to drain from hundreds of wrecked homes yesterday, but are thought to have claimed another two lives, making the total six.

As [ conjonction > alors que > simultanéité ] helicopters ferried sandbags to shore up river banks in Yorkshire and the West Midlands, a body was found in the River Lean at Nottingham, while a major search failed to locate a man near Doncaster.

In Worcestershire, a motorist swept to his death as [ conjonction > alors que > causalité ] he tried to cross a flooded ford was yesterday identified as [ préposition > comme étant ] county court judge Eric Dickinson, 68, who sat across the West Midlands for more than 20 years. His body was found in his submerged car near Pershore on Tuesday evening. A search began after he rang his wife during Monday's heavy rain to tell her his Volvo was being overwhelmed by flood water.

Meantime, a man who died caught in rising floods in Sheffield was identified as as [ préposition > comme étant ] Peter Harding, 68. He was going home with a friend on Monday evening when he was caught in the water, lost consciousness, and was dead on arrival at hospital.

A tidemark of debris, mud and ruined cars emerged slowly from the worst-flooded areas, where damage has run into millions of pounds. In the marooned village of Catcliffe, near Sheffield, hundreds of residents prepared for a third night in council reception centres.

Continuous pumping and natural drainage eased most areas hit by surface run-off following torrents on Monday that overwhelmed the drains and sewer network.

But some rivers were still rising by late afternoon and there was concern over flood defences on the Don in South Yorkshire, the Severn in Worcestershire and the fragility of a dam above the M1 in South Yorkshire. The M1 re-opened last night when the risk of a bursting receded, but restrictions remained on junctions in Sheffield and Rotherham. At Upton upon Severn, 42bn litres swept through the town bridge yesterday. Extra pumps were brought as rivulets lapped at buildings.

RAF Chinooks were mobilised at Bentley, a village near Doncaster, where residents were told to evacuate as
[ conjonction > lien temporel > après que / alors que ] water spilled over the Don's banks. Helicopters ferried aggregate to bolster defences before thermal imaging searches for a man reported fallen into a dyke.

A second overflow nearby saw serious flooding of a power station at Arksey. Fire crews in boats stemmed the breach and by last night power had been restored to 67,000 properties cut off at the height. Last night engineers worked to restore power to 19,000 homes in Yorkshire, with 3,000 in Hull and Beverley and a scattering in North Yorkshire. By far the biggest relief for emergency chiefs in Sheffield has been the holding of the stone dam at Ulley reservoir. More than 1,500 tonnes of stone have been used to prop up the dam, with a further 500 tonnes due this morning. Emergency convoys of quarry lorries got police escorts through chaotic traffic caused by closing of five miles of the M1 between Rotherham and Sheffield.

The Met Office issued an early warning of severe weather for later in the week and the weekend with further rain and showers forecast across parts of the country.

Two more feared dead as flood defences boosted,




-  Dans le titre ci-dessus,


opère un lien discursif > causalité indirecte




Two more [ are ] feared dead




flood defences [ are ] boosted



si le dispositif anti-inondation est renforcé,

ce n'est pas seulement parce que /

à cause du fait que deux personnes

sont présumées mortes.


A n'est pas la cause directe de B,

même si il y a un rapport de causalité indirecte,

d'ordre contextuel, circonstanciel,


B (contexte, plan général)


A (événement, gros plan).



Ceci rend parfois difficile la traduction de as.


Two more [ are ] feared dead

as [ conjonction > lien discursif > traduction ø]

flood defences [ are ] boosted


pourrait se traduire ainsi :



Surtitre > Dispositif anti-inondation renforcé

Titre > Deux personnes portées disparues


L'idée implicite est que ces disparitions

ont contribué à renforcer le plan contre les inondations.


Ceci n'est pas dit,

mais suggéré par la superposition graphique

des deux énoncés.










21/7 bomb plotters [ are ] sentenced to life

as [ conjonction > lien discursif > traduction ø]

judge says

they were under control of al-Qaida


· Four would-be attackers will serve at least 40 years

· Claim to be motivated by Iraq dismissed as cynical


Thursday July 12, 2007


Duncan Campbell

The four men who tried to carry out

mass murder in a suicide bomb attack

in London on July 21 two years ago

were clearly controlled and directed by al-Qaida,

the judge who sentenced them

to life imprisonment said yesterday.

Telling the men that they would not be considered

for parole for at least 40 years,

Mr Justice Fulford dismissed as cynical

their claims to have been motivated by the war in Iraq.

Muktar Said Ibrahim, the ringleader of the plot to attack

the capital's transport system,

and his fellow plotters Yassin Omar,

Ramzi Mohammed and Hussein Osman

were all convicted on Monday

of conspiring to murder and cause explosions.

The four men sat impassively

in the dock at Woolwich crown court

in south-east London as they were jailed.


21/7 bomb plotters sentenced to life
as judge says they were under control of al-Qaida,






Titre de l'article ci-dessus :


as > simple lien discursif,

sans relation logique entre les propositions A et B


la relation entre


21/7 bomb plotters [ are ] sentenced to life





judge says

they were under control of al-Qaida


est circonstancielle (fin du procès),

mais non causale :


ce n'est pas parce que le juge déclare

que les terroristes appartiennent à al-Qaida

que ceux-ci sont condamnés à la prison à la vie.


Ces terroristes sont condamnés à la prison à vie

pour avoir préparé un attentat,

c'est la raison principale de leur condamnation.


Le fait qu'ils appartiennent à al-Qaida

est une information supplémentaire.




A nouveau, il n'est pas nécessaire de traduire as :


Titre >

Perpétuité pour les terroristes du 21 juillet


Sous-titre >

Pour le juge, ils appartenaient bien à  Al-Qaeda.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





as > différents sens



as > sens > temps / temporalité



as > sens > cause directe



as > sens > effet, conséquence directe



asconjonction / afterconjonction



as > détermination de N

par une proposition (SVO) en as



proposition en as : traductions









after conjonction






as ... as -> Adverbes, Adjectifs, Syntaxe






prépositions > like, as





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