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likepréposition  + N


aspréposition + N


sens / sémantisme




likepréposition  + N


OpenAI releases latest ChatGPT

it can talk, laugh and even sing like a human


May 16, 2024    NPR











aspréposition + N








asconjonction + proposition (SVO)








aspronom relatif



























The Guardian        G2        p. 4        27 September 2006















aspréposition  /  likepréposition



A like B -> A différent de B


comparaison libre / illogique / poétique

entre deux éléments

qui n'ont a priori rien en commun



figure de rhétorique / de style



Une comparaison poétique en like

peut être entièrement libre,

n'avoir aucune justification,

ne reposer sur aucun raisonnement,

ne découler d'aucune logique.


Je compare

n'importe quel A à n'importe quel B :


A friend is like a flower

http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/1674/flowers.html - broken link












A l'inverse,

certaines comparaisons en like

se fondent sur des rapprochements évidents, logiques :





Baker... her photographs were like paintings


Marjorie Baker        Obituary

The Guardian        p. 29        4 December 2004
















GN A    as    GN B



est vu, pensé, présenté,

re-présenté, utilisé

en qualité de, en tant que,

dans le rôle, la fonction de,

comme l'incarnation de





Chirac as finance minister...


Milestone for the president who mirrors his people

The Guardian        p. 14        14 March 2005















































































Nicolas Cage as John McLoughlin,

a real-life Port Authority policeman whose struggle

to survive the collapse of the twin towers

is recreated in “World Trade Center.”



Francois Duhamel/Paramount Pictures


Pinned Under the Weight of 9/11 History


Aug. 9, 2006


































The Guardian       p. 8         8 September 2004
















The Guardian        p. 25        21 August 2006















Hydrogen seen

aspréposition car fuel of the future


Gas from nuclear power stations

'will power the world's vehicles'

Headline and sub, G, 10.9.2004,







He won an Oscar

as a broken-down hustler in The Colour of Money

and is known for his meaty, dramatic roles

in Hud, The Verdict

and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

But Hollywood legend Paul Newman

took a brief detour into comedy today

when he appeared aspréposition a painted clown

at Zippo's Circus in London.

Newman clowns around for latest role, G, 2.9.2004







US-led forces are increasingly seen

as [ préposition ] occupiers not liberators.

O web frontpage subhead, 26.10.2003.






The comedian,

who goes under the name Comedy Terrorist,

regularly dresses up

as [ préposition ] Osama bin Laden.

Blunkett orders inquiry into royal party intruder, GI, p. 2, 23.6.2003







A protester dressed as [ préposition ] Father Christmas

caused travel chaos after he climbed

over a busy road to demonstrate about fathers' rights

Ananova, 17.12.2003






Children put on costumes.

They dress up as princesses

They dress up as pirates.

They dress up as firefighters

They dress up as witches

They dress up as angels.


















The Guardian        p. 20        18 September 2004

















(état, stade, phase)








Aspréposition a child

I dreamed about beautiful Baroque castles.

The harpsichord was likepréposition my time machine’.

Baroque star
Christophe Rousset's flamboyant style and controversial crusades
on behalf of forgotten 18th-century composers terrify purists.
Music's greatest mischief-maker talks to Tim Ashley

G, 22.3.2002







'Even aspréposition a child,

I felt likepréposition an alien'


Patti Smith's outlandish 1975 debut,

'Horses' was a landmark album

whose stature grows with every passing year.

Next month, as curator of the Meltdown festival,

she will play it in its entirety on stage for the first time.

Here she tells Simon Reynolds

about the birth of a record that shaped a generation

Observer Music Monthly        Sunday May 22, 2005







On rencontre parfois


à la place de

as :


One Christmas when Hart was five or six years old,

Stair dressed up like [ état > déguisé en... ] Santa Claus

for his five children.




Now, while it's a bit strange

and certainly inappropriate in most social circles

for a 30-year-old man to dress in women's clothing,

there is nothing strange or inappropriate

about a 3-year-old boy doing so.


It's as harmless as dressing up like [ état > déguisé en... ] a clown.

http://www.nctimes.net/news/2001/20010415/ttt.html - broken link










Mise en relation A as B  > Syntaxe > A peut apparaître après B :


After crossing South Florida late last week,

killing nine people as [ préposition ] a weaker storm [ état, phase ],

Hurricane Katrina intensified

over the warm waters of the gulf,

growing early Sunday morning

into a Category 5 storm,

the strongest step on the Saffir-Simpson scale.


Since records have been kept,

there have only been three Category 5 storms

to hit the United States

- Hurricane Andrew,

which ravaged Florida and Louisiana in 1992;

Hurricane Camille,

which cut a path through parts of Mississippi,

Louisiana and Virginia in 1969;

and an unnamed storm

that hit the Florida Keys in 1935.

Powerful Storm Threatens Havoc Along Gulf Coast,

NYT, August 29, 2005

















aspréposition / asconjonction


« en tant que / tel que / en / comme  »


« alors que / lorsque / comme / ainsi que »















ne pas confondre

aspréposition  +  N ...




He regularly dresses up aspréposition bin Laden

(il se déguise souvent en Bin Laden).


Aspréposition a journalist

(en tant que, étant, en qualité de journaliste)...






First aspréposition a writer,

then aspréposition a director,

Peter Bogdanovich worked with most of the giants of cinema.

He reminisces to Sam Delaney about the true movie stars

Back in the picture,






It has been heralded

aspréposition the end of the high street record shop,

the death of the single

and the defeat of online music pirates.

Apple's all-conquering iTunes music store

opened for business in Britain yesterday

with the first customers going online

to choose from 700,000 songs

to download legally for 79p each.

Welcome to music's online future:
Apple's iTunes digital store opens in UK -
but with big gaps on the shelves,










... avec


asconjonction  +  proposition S + V (+ O)



Whitehall braced for big pension cuts in reform plans

The Guardian        p. 11        8 December 2004








Asconjonction I said

(Comme je l'ai dit / je disais)




Asconjonction Peter was leaving home

(Alors que Pierre sortait de chez lui)




England rugby coach and team get new year honours,

asconjonction does No 10 aide involved in outing David Kelly.

Web frontpage, G, 31.12.2003.















autres structures



sameadjectifaspronom relatif


même … que






asadverbe + adjectif + asconjonction


(structure comparative : aussi ... que)






aspréposition + adjectif complément du GN










énoncés en as




Obama Nominates Hagel

as [ préposition > sens > au poste de ]  Defense Secretary

and Brennan

as [ préposition > sens > au poste de ]  C.I.A. Chief


January 7, 2013

The New York Times


Obama Nominates Hagel
as Defense Secretary and Brennan as C.I.A. Chief,






Car salesman accused of posing

as [ préposition > se faire passer pour ] secret agent

in £650,000 scam    

Court hears strange tale of kidnap and spying in 'decade of deceit',






The stunt was planned with precision

and executed with aplomb.

Disguised as [ préposition ] a pensioner,

Britain's favourite graffiti artist, Banksy,

shuffled into Tate Britain

and stuck one of his own creations

on to a gallery wall.

Graffiti artist cuts out middle man to get his work hanging in the Tate,
G, 18.10.2003,






California voters

elect Schwarzenegger as [ préposition ] governor

Headline, FT, 8.10.2003.






Judge brands detectives as [ préposition ] liars

after collapse of robbery trial


CCTV caught officers letting teenage prostitute

inject addict with heroin to extract confession

to armed raid 

Headline and §1, G, 8.10.2003,






The last time Frank Bruno stepped into the boxing ring

as [ préposition ] a professional boxer,

the smell of his fear drowned the combined stench

of sweat, embrocation and aftershave

that tends to suffuse the ringside area at a big fight.

And for once the facade of hype and stereotype

- Bruno as [ préposition ] cuddly bruiser,

Bruno as [ préposition ]  pantomime dame,

Bruno as [ préposition ] comic character

available for quiz shows and general banter

("Know what I mean, 'arry?") - fell away.

The true nature of his calling,

and the demands it made on a man of limited resources,

were completely and chasteningly visible.

On the ropes, G, 24.9.2003,






The rock musician Bono once described him

as [ préposition ] "a character of truly Biblical proportions,

with a voice, all wailing freight trains and thundering prairies,

like the landscape of his beloved America.

He has a soul as [ adverbe ] big

as [ conjonction ] a continent,

full of righteous anger mixed with human compassion."

The Man in Black reaches the end of the line: Country legend,
revered by a nation and his peers, dies aged 71
, G, 13.9.2003,






I believe that as a labour government we must use our power

to create the global institutions needed to address global inequities.



As [ préposition ] the leader of the UK delegation in the Mexico

talks this autumn, I will not accept any proposal we believe will

damage the prospects of developing countries trading themselves

out of poverty. (...


Because there is a connection between peace and prosperity,

just as [ préposition ]  destitution is linked to conflict and terrorism.

We will act for the world's porr:
Labour will back fairer trade even if it is of no direct benefit to Britain,
GI, p. 12, 23.6.2003.






Oliver Morton is enthralled

by the proposition that this century will be our last:

The end of the world asconjonction we know it?

Headline, GI / Review, p. 11, 14.6.2003.






Shock asconjonction girls die in hail of bullets

Headline, G, p. 1, 3.1.2003.






My life aspréposition a cyborg


Three months

after having an electronic device implanted into his brain

to control the symptoms of his Parkinson's disease,

David Beresford reports on his progress

Headline / sub headline, GE / GE2, p. 10, 03.12.2002,






Asconjonction AIDS Spreads,

India Still Struggles

for a Viable Strategy

Headline, NYT/Le Monde, p. 3, 17/18.11.2002.






Israeli tanks shell homes

asconjonction Gaza Strip raids increase

Headline, I, p. 10, 18.10.2002.






Breathtaking! Danny Boyle reinvents the horror film

and it's scary aspréposition hell.

28 days later ad, GE/GE2, p. 9, 18.10.2002.






Anthony Hopkins aspréposition Hannibal Lecter

in Red Dragon,

prequel to the Silence of the Lambs.

    Photo caption, Hannibal rehashed,
    O, Review pullout, p. 8, 13.10.2002.






His characters struggle to do the right thing,

but, aspréposition an actor,

Liam Neeson has rarely put a foot wrong.

    'I play people who stand for something,
    who have a code of ethics you don't find any more,
    O, Review pullout, p. 9, 13.10.2002.






America is in the grip of the paranormal.

But asconjonction psychic TV shows dominate the networks,

are the hosts little more than hoaxers ?

Mediums of the masses.






Helen and Jamie Mainwaring married

in the Great Hall of Ham House less than two months ago.

They spent £13,000 on the occasion;

the dress came from a shop in Spain

into which Helen used to gaze

 aspréposition a little girl dreaming of her wedding day,

and they honeymooned in Paris, Rome and Sardinia.

The time of our lives, GE, G2, p. 6, 18.10.2002.






Neighbours described the scene aspréposition a « bloodbath ».

One said that Ms X  had been decapitated

and others reported

that the victims had their hands severed.

Family killed in tower block stabbing, GE2, 7.9.2002.






I am twice your age,

but 35 years ago

I found myself in the same situation as yours,

except that I had three children.

Get your priorities right,
GE2, p. 11, 23.8.2002.






10 m at risk in China

asconjonction floods grip Asia

Headline, GE, p. 6, 21.8.2002.






Aspréposition a child

I dreamed about beautiful Baroque castles.

The harpsichord was likepréposition my time machine’.

Baroque Star, GE, Friday Review pullout., p. VI, 22.3.2002.






This is a brilliant film

about the alienated and powerless experience of being a child,

especially a child forced to absorb the ironies of divorce ;

it works as a brilliant metaphor for this pain

as well being a superb adventure.

Over the moon, GE, G2, p. VIII, 29.3.2002.






Unfortunately, though, the aura that draws all eyes to her,

asconjonction she clinks her teacup back

on to the saucer in a swanky hotel,

is absent from her music.

‘I worry about how these girls are sexualised at such a young age’,
GE/G2, p. IV, 29.3.2002.






If you are filling in your diary some way ahead,

best not to make any plans after March 16 2880,

when life asconjonction we know it on Earth

could be seriously disrupted

by the impact of an 1km wide asteroid.

Scientists fear asteroid collision,
GE, p. 6, 5.4.2002.






As many as 30,000 young people

belong to street gangs, says a new report.

‘I had to leave or I’d be dead’, GE2, p. 4, 10.9.2002.






Imagine connecting in a matter of seconds

and then staying online

for as long asconjonction you like.

AOL ad, O, sport pullout, p. 4, 13.10.2002.















aspréposition + adjectif complément du N




The Vatican instructed

Catholic bishops around the world to cover up

cases of sexual abuse or risk being thrown out of the Church.

The Observer has obtained a 40-year-old confidential document

from the secret Vatican archive which lawyers

are calling a 'blueprint for deception and concealment'.

One British lawyer acting for Church child abuse victims

has described it as 'explosive'.

Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse:
Expulsion threat in secret documents,















like + N


différents sens


comme si > quasi-équivalent de as if













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