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Berlin Looks Set To Escape Rebuke :

Key Allies Oppose Deficit Warning.







Bush may back space weapons







(beauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé)

à valeur conditionnelle


Twelve missing West Virginia coal miners

[ are ] said alive








Obama [ is ] likely to announce

re-election bid next week








Alleged backers of Guinea coup

face UK investigation






- N


Nintendo to launch new game console in 2006 - paper





: N


Iraq's Qaeda claims Baghdad bombing: Web




























































Jimmy Carter’s Grandson

Is Said to Have Died


DEC. 20, 2015

3:51 P.M. E.S.T.



(Reuters) -

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's

28-year-old grandson, Jeremy, has died,

Carter told a church gathering on Sunday,

the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported

us/20reuters-usa-carter.html - broken link






Election 2015 live:

Ed Miliband to resign as Labour leader,

the Guardian understands


8 May 2015






1 / 2b - Hypothèse

Le sens du segment verbal

est comparable à celui d'un modal :


1 -    The FBI said Sunday

that it is looking for five men of Arab ancestry

who may have entered the country illegally last week.

The agency said the five men are believed

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to have arrived in the United States

on or before Christmas Eve.

FBI wants to question five who may be in U.S., St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
p. A5, 30.12.2002.





2a - Titre en Une : 


Bush may back space weapons

Arms race feared over 'death stars'

and 'Rods from God'.





2b - Un clic sur ce titre affiche l'article complet :


Bush likely to back weapons in space

Arms race feared over 'death stars' and 'rods from God'


President George Bush is expected

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to issue a directive in the next few weeks

giving the US air force a green light

for the development of space weapons,

potentially triggering a new global arms race,

it was reported yesterday.

Headline, sub and §1,
G, 19.5.2005,






Bahrain [ is ] Said

[ présent passif

à valeur conditionnelle,

avec ellipse de beauxiliaire ]


to Use Excessive Force

and Torture in Protests


November 22, 2011

The New York Times



MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) —

The head of a special commission

that investigated Bahrain's unrest said Wednesday

that authorities used torture and excessive force

against detainees arrested in crackdowns

on the largest Arab Spring uprising in the Gulf.

Bahrain Said to Use Excessive Force and Torture in Protests,
NYT, 22.11.2011,
world/middleeast/AP-ML-Bahrain.html - broken link






Yemen’s Leader Is Reported

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]


to Accept Yielding His Powers


November 23, 2011

The New York Times




SANA, Yemen —

After months of street protests calling for his resignation,

President Ali Abdullah Saleh traveled to Saudi Arabia

on Wednesday to sign an agreement that would require him

to immediately transfer his powers  to his vice president,

a move that could pave the way for an end

to Mr. Saleh’s 33-year rule.

Yemen’s Leader Is Reported to Accept Yielding His Powers,
NYT, 23.11.2011,






Syrian Protests Are Said

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]


to Be Largest and Bloodiest to Date


April 8, 2011

The New York Times




CAIRO — Dozens of communities across Syria erupted in protest on Friday in what activists said were by far the largest and bloodiest demonstrations against the iron rule of President Bashar al-Assad.

While the number of protesters, said by some opposition activists to be in the hundreds of thousands, could not be independently confirmed, the size of the protests and their level of coordination suggest that Syria’s fragmented opposition movement is reaching new levels of coherence and organization.

The deadliest clashes were in the southern city of Dara’a, where security forces opened fire on demonstrators, witnesses said. A Syrian human rights activist said 21 deaths had been confirmed, but that figure was likely to rise.

The government, meanwhile, said its security forces had been fired on by armed groups in Dara’a. The Interior Ministry said 19 police officers and members of security forces were killed, in addition to several civilians, the government news agency, Sana, reported. It was the first time the government had made a substantial claim of deaths.

[ ... ]

Syrian Protests Are Said to Be Largest and Bloodiest to Date,
R, 8.4.2011,






Obama [ is ] likely to announce

re-election bid next week



Sat Apr 2, 2011

10:25pm EDT


By Jeff Mason


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

President Barack Obama is likely to announce

plans next week to run for re-election and file campaign papers

with the Federal Election Commission as early as Monday,

Democratic officials said on Saturday.

[ ... ]

Obama likely to announce re-election bid next week, R, 2.4.2011,
https://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/03/us-usa-election-obama-idUSTRE7312G620110403 - broken link






Dozens [ are ] Reported

Killed in Libyan Crackdown


[ présent passif

à valeur conditionnelle,

avec ellipse de beauxiliaire.


Traduction explicative :

auraient été tués,

présent du conditionnel

à la voix passive ]


February 18, 2011

The New York Times




At least 24 people have died in protests in Libya

against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi,

according to Human Rights Watch,

and demonstrations were reported continuing

into the early hours of Friday

in what seemed the most serious challenge

to his 41-year rule.

Dozens Reported Killed in Libyan Crackdown, NYT, 18.2.2011,






Unrest [ is ] Reported

to Spread to Libyan City of Benghazi


[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle,

avec ellipse de beauxiliaire ]


February 16, 2011

The New York Times




The wave of turmoil and protests

sweeping the Middle East appeared on Wednesday

to have reached Libya,

ruled for four decades by Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi,

according to news reports.


The eruption of violence in Libya’s second city Benghazi

was not reported in the state-run media

which said rallies would be held Wednesday

in support of Colonel Qaddafi

— a tactic reflecting those used in Egypt and Yemen

where pro-government demonstrators have clashed

with their adversaries since the tumult began.


Quryna, a privately owned newspaper in Benghazi,

said a crowd armed with gasoline bombs and rocks

protested outside a government office

to demand the release of a human rights activist,

Reuters reported.

The demonstrators, numbering at least several hundred

and possibly more, went to the central Shajara Square

and clashed with police.

Unrest Reported to Spread to Libyan City of Benghazi, NYT, 16.2.2011,






Police released few details

about the two men charged in the killings,

and didn't say if detectives had found

any personal connections

between the suspects and the victims

or any possible motive beyond robbery.

The two men were arrested

in a house in West Philadelphia

by Philadelphia police and a SWAT team,

said Capt. Benjamin Naish, a police spokesman.

"I understand there was some struggle,

but there was no major incident," Naish said.

Ricky Gavon Gray, believed to be from Arlington,

and Ray Joseph Dandridge, both 28,

were both charged Saturday in Virginia with conspiracy

to commit murder and auto theft,

Richmond Police Chief Rodney Monroe

said at a news conference Saturday night,

publicly connecting the two crime scenes

for the first time.

"We believe we have put an end

to what we consider seven very serious cases

in this area," the chief said.

Two men charged in slaughter of two Richmond families,
UT, 8.1.2006,






Alain Baxter with his Olympic bronze medal:

he is said

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to have used an inhaler which contained


Photograph caption, GE,  p. 1, 6.3.2002.






Son of North Korean Leader Is Said

[ présent passif

à valeur conditionnelle ]


to Be Given

[ infinitif passif ]


No. 2 Post


February 16, 2011

The New York Times



SEOUL, South Korea —

In what appeared to be a definitive declaration

of his status as the designated heir apparent

in North Korea,

Kim Jong-un has been appointed to a senior position

on the National Defense Commission, the country’s most

powerful body, according to a report Wednesday

by a leading newspaper in Seoul.

The Chosun Ilbo,

citing an unnamed source in North Korea,

said Mr. Kim, the youngest son

of the dictator Kim Jong-il,

was recently named to the post of vice chairman

of the defense commission.

The appointment would effectively make Kim Jong-un

the second most-powerful official in North Korea

after his father.

The announcement of the move came

at a mass gathering of military leaders

and security officials on Feb. 10,

according to the newspaper’s source.

The appointment still needs to be approved

by the Supreme People’s Assembly,

the rubber-stamp parliament that is due to meet in April.

[ ... ]

Son of North Korean Leader Is Said to Be Given No. 2 Post,
NYT, 15.2.2011,






Twelve missing West Virginia coal miners

[ are ] said alive


[ présent passif

à valeur conditionnelle,

avec ellipse de beauxiliaire ]



Wed Jan 4, 2006

12:00 AM ET



TALLMANSVILLE, West Virginia (Reuters) -

Twelve miners were found alive

after vanishing in a West Virginia coal mine

when they fled an explosion that sent lethal gases

through the mine and killed one of their colleagues,

family members said on Tuesday.

    Twelve missing West Virginia coal miners said alive, R, 4.1.2006,







de l'information ci-dessus

quelques minutes plus tard :




Rescuers find

12 trapped W. Virginia miners alive


Wed Jan 4, 2006
12:21 AM ET
By Jon Hurdle


TALLMANSVILLE, West Virginia (Reuters) - Twelve missing miners were found alive in a West Virginia coal mine nearly two days after they fled an explosion that sent lethal gases through the mine and killed one of their colleagues, family members said.

Rescue workers located the 12 men, who had been trapped underground since 6:30 a.m. (1130 GMT) on Monday and were bringing them out of the Sago mine in central West Virginia, family members said.

Anna McCloy, whose husband Randall McCloy was rescued said "This is wonderful, wonderful news, they are coming out."

Rescuers find 12 trapped W. Virginia miners alive, R, 4.1.2006,






Ultime rebondissement :




Just one survivor at W. Virginia mine


Wed Jan 4, 2006
2:58 PM ET
By Jon Hurdle


TALLMANSVILLE, West Virginia (Reuters) - Joy gave way to grief and anger on Wednesday when a West Virginia coal town learned that 12 of 13 miners trapped in a mine explosion had died, three hours after friends and family were mistakenly told that all but one had survived.

One man survived after being trapped since Monday's blast at the Sago mine in central West Virginia and was hospitalized in critical condition. Randal McCloy, 27, was being treated for a kidney dysfunction but was described by doctors as conscious and relatively stable.

The way the tragic news of the deaths of the dozen miners was conveyed angered many family members who had stood vigil at a nearby church.

    Just one survivor at W. Virginia mine, R, 4.1.2006,






Iraq group says it killed US hostage


Thu Dec 8, 2005
11:55 AM ET


DUBAI (Reuters) -

The Islamic Army in Iraq insurgent group said on Thursday

it had killed an abducted U.S. security consultant,

according to an Internet statement.

The group said the man was killed

because the U.S. government did not fulfil its demands,

which included freeing all Iraqi prisoners

and compensation to Iraqis affected by U.S. attacks.

"War criminal (U.S. President George W.)

Bush continues with his arrogance

and no one has any value

unless they serve his criminal interests,

therefore the American security adviser pig

at the Housing Ministry has been killed,"

the statement said.

The statement's authenticity could not be verified

and no pictures or video accompanied the statement.

It was posted on a Web site often used by insurgents

and the group said it would soon provide

photographs of the killing.

Iraq group says it killed US hostage,
R, 8.12.2005,






Military aircraft

fire at Libya crowds: Al Jazeera


LONDON | Mon Feb 21, 2011

11:54am EST



LONDON (Reuters) -

Military aircraft fired live ammunition

at crowds of anti-government protesters in Tripoli,

Al Jazeera television said on Monday.

The TV network quoted witnesses for its information.

No independent verification of the report

was immediately available.

Military aircraft fire at Libya crowds: Al Jazeera, R, 21.2.2011,






Iraq's Qaeda

claims Baghdad bombing: Web


Thu Nov 10, 2005

7:38 AM ET



DUBAI (Reuters) -

Iraq's al Qaeda said on Thursday it had carried out

a suicide bomb attack at a Baghdad restaurant

that killed 35 people,

according to an Internet statement.

"A lion from our martyrs' brigade embedded himself

among the infidel police and security forces

in the restaurant," said the statement

on an Islamist site often used by the group.

The statement,

which could not be immediately verified,

said the attack was part of an al Qaeda campaign

to avenge a raid by U.S. and Iraqi forces

on suspected militant strongholds in Qaim.

Iraq's Qaeda claims Baghdad bombing: Web, R, Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:38 AM ET,






Afghan prisoners

were 'tortured to death'

by American guards


Shocking and detailed accounts have emerged

of how two Afghan prisoners were tortured to death

by American interrogators and prison guards

at Bagram air base, outside Kabul.


A 2,000-page report on an internal investigation

by the US military leaked to The New York Times

and published yesterday provides exhaustive detail

on how the two were kept chained

in excruciating positions and kicked to death.

    Headline and first §§, I, 21.7.2005,






Nintendo to launch

new game console in 2006 - paper


Sat May 14, 2005

8:41 PM ET



TOKYO (Reuters) -

Nintendo Co. will launch its new video game console

sometime next year, missing the key 2005 holiday

shopping season and putting it a step

behind Microsoft Corp

in the battle for the next-generation game machine,

the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported on Saturday.

The report comes two days after Microsoft announced

its new console, called Xbox 360,will be in stores in time

for the 2005 year-end shopping season,

giving it a head-start on the competition if Sony Corp.

and Nintendo don't introduce their new consoles

until next year.

The Nihon Keizai said it obtained the information

from Nintendo on Friday, without citing sources.

Nintendo has not officially set a date

for its next generation console,

code-named "Revolution,"

although a 2006 launch has been widely expected.

Nintendo officials were not immediately

available for comment.

Nintendo to launch new game console in 2006 - paper,
R, Sat May 14, 2005 8:41 PM ET,






A 75-foot-high stone retaining wall built in 1908

collapsed in a roaring avalanche onto Riverside Drive

and the Henry Hudson Parkway

in Upper Manhattan yesterday afternoon.

No one was believed killed or hurt,

but parked cars were buried

and traffic in the region was thrown into bedlam

for the evening rush.

Landslide Buries Busy Road on the West Side, NYT, 13.5.2005,






Alleged backers of Guinea coup

face UK investigation


British police are to act against

the alleged London "investors"

in the coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea,

which has seen Sir Mark Thatcher arrested

in South Africa and Old Etonian mercenary Simon Mann

jailed in Zimbabwe.

Headline and §1, G, 17.9.2004,






Up to nine people were reported

[ passé passif ]

killed and as many as 150 injured

after a high-speed train collided

with a vehicle thought to be a car

at a level crossing near Reading

in Berkshire last night.

Horror on the 5.35, sub, IoS, 7.11.2004,






Two to 6% of children suffer from depression,

and suicide is the third leading cause

of death in 10-to-19-year-olds, says Professor Bailey.

An estimated 40,000 children were on SSRIs last year.

Safety alert on adult use of antidepressants,
G, 14.6.2004,






But M&S is unlikely to sell stores and lease them back,

as it did with a tranche of shops in 2001,

in order to hand cash to investors.

Instead, it is understood

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

that if cash were needed quickly to see off Green,

a bridging loan for upwards of £1bn could be arranged.

M&S's £4bn trump card / Property revaluation could bring bonanza for shareholder,
O, 13.6.2004,






Computer group Apple is expected

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to launch the long-awaited European version

of its popular US digital download service iTunes

next week.

Apple names date for iTunes in Europe, G, 8.6.2004,






Britain's most prolific serial killer,

the former GP Harold Shipman, died today,

having apparently hanged himself

inside his cell at Wakefield prison,

where he was serving multiple life sentences.

Shipman found hanging in prison, G, 13.1.2004,






Diana, Princess of Wales,

was not pregnant when she died,

a coroner who was present

at her postmortem examination

has been quoted as saying.

Diana was not pregnant: coroner, G, 7.1.2004,






A massive earthquake is feared

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to have killed up to 10,000 people

as they slept in an historic Iranian city city.

Hasan Khoshrou, who represents Kerman province

in parliament,

said there was no precise figure,

but officials working in the devastated city of Bam

had made a preliminary estimate of 10,000 fatalities.

The 6.3 magnitude quake hit Bam,

630 miles south-east of the capital Tehran.

10,000 feared dead in Iran earthquake, AP, 26.12.2003.






When the 55 passengers

on board British Airways flight BA761

from Oslo to Heathrow yesterday

were told their journey had been cancelled,

the reason given was "staff shortages".

That much was true. But an important detail was omitted:

the captain, first officer and purser of the flight

had been arrested for apparently being drunk

shortly before take-off.

BA crew barred over drinking claims, G, 12.11.2003,






Britain has condemned as "unacceptable"

an Israeli air raid

on a purported Palestinian training camp

near the Syrian capital, Damascus.

UK condemns Israel terror camp raid, PA, 6.10.2003.






An audiotape purportedly containing

the voice of bin Laden was released

in which the al-Qaeda leader praised

the September 11 attackers

as "the most honest and the bravest".

The tape also contained

the suspected voice of bin Laden's deputy,

Ayman al-Zawahiri, who warned America

that the "real battle has not started yet".

Bin Laden back to taunt US on 9/11:
Video tape of al-Quaeda leader calls for attacks on troops in Iraq,
T, p. 1, 11.9.2003.






Mr Skilling is reported

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to have received $10.3m in salary and bonuses

from 1999 to 2000.

GW,  Congress outrage at silence of Enron bosses, p. 4, 14/20.2.2002.






Berlin Looks Set To Escape Rebuke :

Key Allies Oppose Deficit Warning.

Headline, HT,  p. 1, 9/10.2.2002.






Hubbard allegedly replied:

« I will shoot you, you bugger. »

Sheep culler ‘killed colleague with bolt gun’ p. 5, GE,  6.3.2002.






The new sanctuaries are believed

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to be in villages in the remote and mountainous

Pakistani border province of Baluchistan,

and possibly even in disputed Kashmir.

Intercepted e-mail traffic points to new al-Qa’ida grouping in remote Pakistan,
    I, p. 3, 7.3.2002.






He allegedly tried to throttle a senior purser by his tie

and grabbed a stewardess so fiercely

that it left two bruises on her wrist.

After reportedly consuming about 15 glasses

of red wine he punched the sid of the aircraft 

with enough force to damage his knuckles,

overturned the breakfast trolley

and reached for the exit handle saying :

« I’m going home. »

Guitarist a Southern gentleman, says Stipe,
T, p. 13, 28.3.2002.






Kate Adie… she is reputed

[ présent passif à valeur conditionnelle ]

to be dissatisfied at the BBC.

Photo caption, GE, p. 2, 27.8.2002.










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