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History > 2005 > UK > Terrorist attacks > Photos, Frontpages, Maps, Charts




The Guardian        G2        15.7.2005
















Behind the banal street scene,

a picture of devastation that will change our fears

The Guardian        p. 5        18.7.2005


















The Guardian        p. 3        8.7.2005
















Tube, bus and train shutdown :

Thousands forced to find alternative routes home

The Guardian        p. 6        8.7.2005

















The Guardian        p. 1        8.7.2005
















added 30.7.2005

















The Guardian > G2        p.1     8.7.2005


















'Savagely woken from a pleasant dream'

Londoners woke yesterday still basking in the warm glow of their Olympic triumph.

Then came the news they had dreaded - and half expected - since September 2001.

James Meek walks through the streets of a suddenly pedestrian city

The Guardian > G2        pp. 2-3       8.7.2005

















The Guardian        p. 13        8.7.2005















The Guardian        p. 16        14.7.2005
















The Guardian        p. 5        15.7.2005
















The day the country stood still

The Guardian        p. 4        15.7.2005
















The world in one city

The Guardian        p. 1        15.7.2005

















The Guardian        p. 14        18.7.2005









































The Daily Mirror
8.7.2005        9.7.2005
11.7.2005        12.7.2005
13.7.2005        14.7.2005
21.7.2005        22.7.2005
25.7.2005        26.7.2005















The Guardian        22.7.2005
















On the run last night: four would-be suicide bombers
Two weeks after 52 people were killed in London, an identical pattern:
attacks on tube and bus in the east, the west, the south and the north.
But the devices failed
The Guardian        p. 1        22.7.2005

















London: not quaking, but wondering what dread tomorrow may bring

Jonathan Freedland

takes to the streets of the capital

and finds fear and frustration starting to replace stoicism

The Guardian        p. 3        22.7.2005



















London bombs        The Times        22.7.2005

















Muslims in Europe        The Times        26.7.2005

















Jean Charles de Menezes.

Guardian web frontpage        25.7.2005
















He made no attempt to run away

The Guardian        p. 1        17.8.2005


















Maria Otone de Menezes

is comforted by her sister and husband.

The Times        added 26.7.2005


















Man shot in terror hunt was innocent young Brazilian
· Met regrets London shooting 'tragedy'
· Victim's country seeks talks with Straw

O        Sunday July 24, 2005
















Peter Brookes        The Times        26.7.2005
















The Guardian        17.8.2005

















Key questions over De Menezes shooting

The Guardian        p. 6        17.8.2005


















A Londres, la bavure en face

mardi 23 août 2005 - 18:34

Performance artistique et politique, mardi, dans la vitrine du grand magasin londonien Selfridge's,

sur Oxford Street, en plein centre de la capitale britannique.

La scène représente la mort de Jean-Charles de Menezes,

jeune électricien brésilien abattu par erreur par les hommes de Scotland Yard dans le métro de Londres,
au lendemain des attentats manqués du 21 juillet.

Le Brésilien de 27 ans avait d'abord été accusé par la police d'avoir cherché à fuir.
En réalité, il a été identifié à tort comme un kamikaze et exécuté de sept balles dans la tête.

L'installation est l'œuvre d'étudiants de la «Prince's Drawing School»,
une fondation financée par le prince de Galles.

La commission d'enquête indépendante chargée d'enquêter sur la bavure
a annoncé mardi qu'elle ne publierait pas son rapport avant février 2006.
«Personne ne peut s'attendre à ce qu'une telle enquête soit précipitée.

Elle doit être de grande ampleur et être menée avec un soin considérable»,
a déclaré un porte-parole de la commission.
La justice britannique a de son côté repoussé l'enquête médico-légale au 23 février 2006,
sans préciser le motif de ce report.

Une avocate de la famille s'est déclarée satisfaite
de disposer d'une échéance pour la conclusion de l'enquête.

Lundi soir, des proches de Menezes ont déposé une lettre ouverte au Premier ministre
pour demander «la vérité et la justice» sur le drame.

Deux émissaires du gouvernement brésilien sont actuellement à Londres.

Libération.fr, mardi 23 août 2005 - 18:34


















21/7/2005 > Subway riders filled up a train in London Friday.

NYT        added 23.7.2005
















Faces of the suspects

The Guardian        p. 1        23.7.2005

















Seconds to decide if suspect is suicide threat

Shoot to kill Special armed squad first to use tactics developed with Israeli aid

The Guardian        p. 2        23.7.2005

















Fear in the city

After the July 7 bombings,

much was made of London's defiance towards the terrorists.

But today, following another anxious week,

the capital's mood seems less sure.

Can things ever return to normal, wonders Tim Dowling.

The Guardian        G2        pp. 2-3        26.7.2005

















Bomb suspect 'became a militant' in prison

Background details emerge of refugee pair who grew up in Britain,

amid alarm at scapegoating of asylum seekers

The Guardian        p. 4        28.7.2005

















Day of high alert for wary commuters as 6,000 police seek to deter and reassure

For first Thursday after failed bombings

Met places thousands of armed officers on streets and transport system

The Guardian        p. 10        29.7.2005

















Scholars hit back at 'evil' bombers

Lecturers tour mosques to win over youth

The Guardian        p. 12        29.7.2005

















The investigation so far

The Guardian        p. 5        30.7.2005
















London feels the chill as takings fall

Bomb fears hit hotels, shops and restaurants

The Guardian        p. 7        30.7.2005
















Private Eye        added 25.7.2005










Private Eye        added 26.7.2005

















Private Eye        n° 1137        22.7.2005
L: Mayor of London Ken Livingstone.
R: Prime Minister Tony Blair.


Related >
Tread more carefully
Ken Livingstone is playing with fire
when he embraces Islamists
who are at odds with our progressive tradition
The Guardian        p. 21        27.7.2005















Bell        If...        The Guardian > G2        p. 23        26.7.2005
















Bell        If...        The Guardian > G2        p. 23        27.7.2005
Prime Minister Tony Blair.










Safety tips


Help us to help you travel safely and securely on the Tube

Safety and security has always been our top priority.

Following the recent terrorist attacks on the Tube,

we have implemented a number of additional security measures

to complement those already in place.

Here’s what we do to help keep the Tube safe.

Each of our 275 stations has its own evacuation plan.

Every member of staff has had training in evacuation

and safety procedures and are currently in high visibility clothing

(as are police patrols, both BTP and Metropolitan at stations

throughout central London).

A thorough check of all public areas of the train is now being undertaken

by the train crew in the course of their normal duties and this includes

when changing ends at terminal stations, and when each train is entering or leaving service.

Extra staff patrols are at stations and additional search teams are

currently on standby.

There is close liaison between Tube, police, fire and ambulance services.

We hold regular emergency exercises, like Operation Dartboard

in June 2005, and are constantly re-evaluating our evacuation


You, our customer, also have a part to play in maintaining security.

Please be alert for any unattended bags or luggage.

If you see something that looks suspicious,

please contact the nearest LU staff


Please keep your luggage with you at all times

– this helps us avoid

unnecessary security alerts and delays

Please follow the instructions of LU staff

in the event of any emergency -

they are trained to ensure your safety.

To encourage the public to help us keep the network safe:

We are undertaking additional PA announcements regarding

keeping belongings with you and to reassure you when the train

has to stop in a tunnel for longer than a few seconds.

We have engaged the media and called on you to be vigilant,

keep belongings with you, and report anything suspicious to staff.

New posters have been produced to remind you

to ‘Help us keep the Tube safe’

Safety tips:

Help us to help you travel safely and securely on the Tube,

Transport for London : London Underground,

added 5.8.2005,


- broken link.












The Guardian > Special Report > Attack on London (7/7/2005 - 21/7/2005)



The Guardian > Special Report > Terrorism threat to UK

The Guardian > Special Report > Attack on London

The Guardian > In pictures > London explosions





Anglonautes > Images > Cartoons > 7/7 terror attacks on London




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