History > WW2 > 1939-1945
Axis powers, Germany, Europe > Antisemitism, Adolf Hitler, Nazi era, Holocaust / Shoah, Samudaripen
Buchenwald Complex
This page contains extremely graphic scenes of human suffering.
Please exercise caution when viewing.
Buchenwald Concentration Camp
Emaciated concentration camp inmate ying almost naked on table as Czech doctor (R) prepares to examine him while other former camp inmates surround him awaiting treatment.
Location: Buchenwald, Germany
Date taken: April 13, 1945
Photograph: Margaret Bourke-White
Life Images
Senator Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky, a member of a congressional committee investigating Nazi atrocities, views the evidence at first hand at Buchenwald concentration camp. Weimar, Germany. 4 April 1945 Source : NARA This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the ARC Identifier (National Archives Identifier) 292594. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Buchenwald-bei-Weimar-am-24-April-1945.jpg http://arcweb.archives.gov/arc/action/ExternalIdSearch?id=292594&jScript=true http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany
A truck load of bodies of prisoners of the Nazis, in the Buchenwald concentration camp at Weimar, Germany. The bodies were about to be disposed of by burning when the camp was captured by troops of the 3rd U.S. Army.
Pfc. W. Chichersky, April 14, 1945.
111-SC-203464. Pictures of World War II US National Archives http://www.archives.gov/research/ww2/photos/images/ww2-181.jpg http://www.archives.gov/research/ww2/photos/?template=print#holocaust
Buchenwald Concentration Camp
Ghastly view of the charred, boney remains of a prisoner inside Buchenwald cremation oven, on display for German civilians forced to view Nazi atrocities found by Amer. forces after they liberated this camp.
Location: Buchenwald, Germany
Date taken: April 13, 1945
Photograph: Margaret Bourke-White
Life Images
Documentary "Les Alliés face à la Shoah"
12 avril 1945
Eisenhower à Ohrdruf
Le 12 avril 1945, le général Eisenhower pénètre dans le camp d'Ohrdruf, annexe de Buchenwald.
Découvrant l'horreur du génocide juif, il ordonne que tous les soldats qui ne sont pas indispensables sur le front voient le camp afin de comprendre contre quoi ils se battent.
Parallèlement, il câble à Londres et Washington pour que viennent au plus vite les délégations officielles et les journalistes.
Les jours suivants, les premières images de l'enfer sont filmées et diffusées dans le monde entier.
En choisissant de revenir sur le génocide du point de vue des quatre grands Alliés, [ le documentaire "Les Alliés face à la Shoah" ] propose une autre histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dévoilant les choix et les motivations qui guidèrent Roosevelt, Churchill, Staline et de Gaulle, sur la base de documents déclassifiés.
SS doctor Aribert Ferdinand Heim 1914-1992
'Dr Death'
member of Hitler’s elite Waffen-SS and a medical doctor at the Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Mauthausen concentration camps.
[ ... ]
Dr. Heim was accused of performing operations on prisoners without anesthesia;
removing organs from healthy inmates, then leaving them to die on the operating table;
injecting poison, including gasoline, into the hearts of others; and taking the skull of at least one victim as a souvenir.
After living below the radar of Nazi hunters for more than a decade after World War II — much of it in the German spa town of Baden-Baden where he had a wife, two sons and a medical practice as a gynecologist — he escaped capture just as investigators closed in on him in 1962. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/world/africa/05nazi.html
Carl Peter Værnet 1893-1965
A Danish Nazi,$ SS Dr Carl Værnet, conducted medical experiments on gay concentration camp prisoners.
Unlike most other Nazi doctors, he was never put on trial at Nuremburg.
Instead, with Danish and British collusion, he was able to escape to Argentina, where he lived openly and continued his research into methods for the eradication of homosexuality.
Værnet was a Copenhagen doctor who, realising the opportunities offered by the homophobic policies of the Third Reich, joined the Nazi party and enlisted in the SS to pursue his research to “cure” gay men.
This research was conducted on the personal authority of Heinrich Himmler.
The Gestapo chief demanded the “extermination of abnormal existence … the homosexual must be entirely eliminated”.
Buchenwald extermination camp Buchenwald complex
Berga camp
part of the Buchenwald complex
Le génocide des Tsiganes européens 1939-1945
Les Nazis considéraient les Tsiganes comme "racialement inférieurs", et le destin de ceux-ci fut, en de nombreux points, parallèle à celui des Juifs.
Les Tsiganes subirent l'internement, le travail forcé et beaucoup furent assassinés.
Ils étaient aussi soumis à la déportation dans les camps d'extermination.
Les Einsatzgruppen (unités mobiles d’extermination) assassinèrent des dizaines de milliers de Tsiganes dans les territoires de l'est occupés par les Allemands.
En outre, des milliers d’entre eux furent tués dans les camps d'extermination d'Auschwitz-Birkenau, de Chelmno, de Belzec, de Sobibor et de Treblinka.
Les nazis incarcérèrent aussi des milliers de Tsiganes dans les camps de concentration de Bergen-Belsen, de Sachsenhausen, de Buchenwald, de Dachau, de Mauthausen et de Ravensbrück. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/fr/article.php?ModuleId=75
Related > Anglonautes > History > 20th century > WW2 (1939-1945)
Antisemitism, Adolf Hitler, Nazi era,
Related > Anglonautes > Arts > Photography, Photojournalism
Margaret Bourke-White USA 1904-1971