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Vocapedia > Technology > PCs > Software


Video, Photo, Audio





How to edit movies for free in HitFilm 3 Express

Video        HitFilm


















How to Use Adobe Camera Raw in Photoshop

28 January 2016





How to Use Adobe Camera Raw in Photoshop

Video         28 January 2016

Phlearn Photoshop and Photography Tutorials

















Working with Layers in Photoshop CS5

- Part 2 Beginners danscourses    2015





Working with Layers in Photoshop CS5 - Part 2 Beginners

Video        danscourses        15 February 2015


In this video I show you how to combine

multiple images together on separate layers,

by dragging and dropping,

or copying and pasting in Photoshop CS5.



















Audacity Tutorial 2: Audio Editing    2011





Audacity Tutorial 2: Audio Editing        12 August 2011

The video contains a quick step by step demo

on how to edit an audio using Audacity software.

YouTube > teachinglearninguoit

















software        UK










real-time software        USA










a piece of software








voice recognition software        USA










electronic / computer music > compositional software programs        USA

















apps > videoconferencing app / video call app / video calls / video-calling >

Zoom        UK





















videoconferencing app / video call app / video calls / video-calling >

Zoom        USA












Zoom meetings        USA




















A chatbot is a computer program

designed to simulate human conversation,        USA






Facebook's Facial Recognition software        USA






software > podcast > Apple > GarageBand






Microsoft’s Office        USA






software maker










counterfeit software ring        USA











Windows PUPs:

how do I remove potentially unwanted programs?        UK











widget - compact, single-purpose programs        USA







John McAfee - the software king        UK









word processor        USA






interactive features





user friendly





upgrade / upgrade
















watch?v=NZs1yO8MOfo - 3 February 2011





reset worplace

watch?v=B56VAgba6gs - 20 August 2011






watch?v=NZs1yO8MOfo - 3 February 2011





preview window






watch?v=NZs1yO8MOfo - 3 February 2011






watch?v=NZs1yO8MOfo - 3 February 2011















bug        UK











security patch




















keyboard        USA











down key

watch?v=B56VAgba6gs - 20 August 2011






watch?v=B56VAgba6gs - 20 August 2011















hover over N





click on N

watch?v=NZs1yO8MOfo - 3 February 2011





right-click on N





check / uncheck

watch?v=NZs1yO8MOfo - 3 February 2011










click and drag





click, drag and drop





cut and paste










type in






























up arrow key































Editing audio > Audacity






audio track





Editing video > Adobe Premiere Pro






photo editing software > Adobe Photoshop        USA






Editing photos > Adobe Photoshop CS6






3-D Printing        USA











Corpus of news articles


PCs > Users > Software >


Video, Photo, Audio




I.B.M. Unveils Real-Time Software

to Find Trends in Vast Data Sets


May 21, 2009

The New York Times



New software from I.B.M. can suck up huge volumes of data from many sources and quickly identify correlations within it. The company says it expects the software to be useful in analyzing finance, health care and even space weather.

Bo Thidé, a scientist at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, has been testing an early version of the software as he studies the ways in which things like gas clouds and particles cast off by the sun can disrupt communications networks on Earth. The new software, which I.B.M. calls stream processing, makes it possible for Mr. Thidé and his team of researchers to gather and analyze vast amounts of information at a record pace.

“For us, there is no chance in the world that you can think about storing data and analyzing it tomorrow,” Mr. Thidé said. “There is no tomorrow. We need a smart system that can give you hints about what is happening out there right now.”

I.B.M., based in Armonk, N.Y., spent close to six years working on the software and has just moved to start selling a product based on it called System S. The company expects it to encourage breakthroughs in fields like finance and city management by helping people better understand patterns in data.

Steven A. Mills, I.B.M.’s senior vice president for software, notes that financial companies have spent years trying to gain trading edges by sorting through various sets of information. “The challenge in that industry has not been ‘Could you collect all the data?’ but ‘Could you collect it all together and analyze it in real time?’ ” Mr. Mills said.

To that end, the new software harnesses advances in computing and networking horsepower in a fashion that analysts and customers describe as unprecedented.

Instead of creating separate large databases to track things like currency movements, stock trading patterns and housing data, the System S software can meld all of that information together. In addition, it could theoretically then layer on databases that tracked current events, like news headlines on the Internet or weather fluctuations, to try to gauge how such factors interplay with the financial data.

Most computers, of course, can digest large stores of information if given enough time. But I.B.M. has succeeded in performing very quick analyses on larger hunks of combined data than most companies are used to handling.

“It’s that combination of size and speed that had yet to be solved,” said Gordon Haff, an analyst at Illuminata, a technology industry research firm.

Conveniently for I.B.M., the System S software matured in time to match up with the company’s “Smarter Planet” campaign. I.B.M. has flooded the airwaves with commercials about using technology to run things like power grids and hospitals more efficiently.

The company suggests, for example, that a hospital could tap the System S technology to monitor not only individual patients but also entire patient databases, as well as medication and diagnostics systems. If all goes according to plan, the computing systems could alert nurses and doctors to emerging problems.

Analysts say the technology could also provide companies with a new edge as they grapple with doing business on a global scale.

“With globalization, more and more markets are heading closer to perfect competition models,” said Dan Olds, an analyst with Gabriel Consulting. “This means that companies have to get smarter about how they use their data and find previously unseen opportunities.”

Buying such an advantage from I.B.M. has its price. The company will charge at least hundreds of thousands of dollars for the software, Mr. Mills said.

I.B.M. Unveils Real-Time Software to Find Trends in Vast Data Sets,






Adobe Blurs Line

Between PC and Web


February 25, 2008

The New York Times



SAN FRANCISCO — On sabbatical in 2001 from Macromedia, Kevin Lynch, a software developer, was frustrated that he could not get to his Web data when he was off the Internet and annoyed that he could not get to his PC data when he was traveling.

Why couldn’t he have access to all his information, like movie schedules and word processing documents, in one place?

He hit upon an idea that he called “Kevincloud” and mocked up a quick demonstration of the idea for executives at Macromedia, a software development tools company. It took data stored on the Internet and used it interchangeably with information on a PC’s hard drive. Kevincloud also blurred the line between Internet and PC applications.

Seven years later, his brainchild is about to come into focus on millions of PCs. On Monday, Mr. Lynch, who was recently named the chief technology officer at Adobe Systems, which bought Macromedia in 2005, will release the official version of AIR, a software development system that will power potentially tens of thousands of applications that merge the Internet and the PC, as well as blur the distinctions between PCs and new computing devices like smartphones.

Adobe sees AIR as a major advance that builds on its Flash multimedia software. Flash is the engine behind Web animations, e-commerce sites and many streaming videos. It is, the company says, the most ubiquitous software on earth, residing on almost all Internet-connected personal computers.

But most people may never know AIR is there. Applications will look and run the same whether the user is at his desk or his portable computer, and soon when using a mobile device or at an Internet kiosk. Applications will increasingly be built with routine access to all the Web’s information, and a user’s files will be accessible whether at home or traveling.

AIR is intended to help software developers create applications that exist in part on a user’s PC or smartphone and in part on servers reachable through the Internet.

To computer users, the applications will look like any others on their device, represented by an icon. The AIR applications can mimic the functions of a Web browser but do not require a Web browser to run.

The first commercial release of AIR takes place on Monday, but dozens of applications have been built around a test or beta version.

EBay offers an AIR-based application called eBay Desktop that gives its customers the power to buy wherever they are. Adobe uses AIR for Buzzword, an online word processing program. At Monday’s introduction event in San Francisco, new hybrid applications from companies including Salesforce, FedEx, eBay, Nickelodeon, Nasdaq, AOL and The New York Times Company will be demonstrated.

Like Adobe’s Flash software, AIR will be given away. The company makes its money selling software development kits to programmers.

Mr. Lynch and a rapidly growing number of industry executives and technologists believe that the model represents the future of computing.

Moreover, the move away from PC-based applications is likely to get a significant jump start in the coming weeks when Intel introduces its low-cost “Netbook” computer strategy, which is intended to unleash a new wave of inexpensive wireless connected mobile computers.

The new machines will have a relatively small amount of solid state disk storage capacity and will increasingly rely on data stored on Internet servers.

“There is a big cloud movement that is building an infrastructure that speaks directly to this kind of software and experience,” said Sean M. Maloney, Intel’s executive vice president.

Adobe faces stiff competition from a number of big and small companies with the same idea. Many small developers like OpenLazlo and Xcerion are creating “Web-top” or “Web operating systems” intended to move applications and data off the PC desktop and into the Internet through the Web browser.

Mozilla, the developer of the Firefox Web browser, has created a system known as Prism. Sun Microsystems introduced JavaFX this year, which is also aimed at blurring the Web-desktop line. Google is testing a system called Gears, which is intended to allow some Web services to work on computers that are not connected to the Internet.

Finally, there is Microsoft. It is pushing its competitor to Flash, called Silverlight. Three years ago, Microsoft hired one of Mr. Lynch’s crucial software developers at Macromedia, Brad Becker, to help create it. Mr. Becker was a leading designer of the Flash programming language.

The blurring of Web and desktop applications and PC and phone applications is further encouraged by the cellphone industry’s race to catch up with Apple’s iPhone. The industry is focusing on smartphones, or what Sanjay K. Jha, the chief operating officer of Qualcomm, calls “pocketable computing.”

“We need to deliver an experience that is like the PC desktop,” he said. “At the same time, people are used to the Internet and you can’t shortchange them.”

Much software will have to be rewritten for the new devices, in what Mr. Lynch said is the most significant change for the software industry since the introduction in the 1980s of software that can be run through clicking icons rather than typing in codes. This upheaval pits the world’s largest software developer groups against one another in a battle for the new hybrid software applications. Industry analysts say there are now about 1.2 billion Internet-connected personal computers. Market researchers peg the number of smartphones sold in 2007 at 123 million, but that market is growing rapidly.

“There is a proliferation of platforms,” Mr. Lynch said. “This is a battle for the hearts and minds of people who are building things.”

The battle will largely pit Microsoft’s 2.2 million .Net software developers against the more than one million Adobe Flash developers, who have until now developed principally for the Web, as well as a vast number of other Web-oriented designers who use open-source software development tools that are referred to as AJAX.

Microsoft executives said they thought the company would have an advantage because Silverlight has a more sophisticated security model. “Desktop integration is a mixed blessing. There is potentially a gaping security hole,” said Microsoft’s Mr. Becker. “We’ve learned at the school of hard knocks about security.”

Microsoft’s competitors challenge its intent and assert that its goal is retaining its desktop monopoly. “Microsoft is taking their desktop franchise and trying to move that franchise to the Web,” said John Lilly, chief executive of Mozilla. He faults the design of Silverlight for being an island that is not truly integrated with the Internet.

“You get this rectangle in a Web browser and it can’t interact with the rest of the Web,” he said.

He said Mozilla’s Prism offers a simple alternative to capitalize on the explosion of creative software development taking place on the Internet. “There are jillions of applications. A million more got launched today. The whole world is collaborating on this.”

Up to now, it has been a low-level war between Microsoft and Adobe. Silverlight, for instance, got high marks from developers for its ability to handle high resolution video, but Adobe quickly upgraded Flash last year in response.

“We said, ‘Let’s put this in right now,’ ” Mr. Lynch said. With revenue last year of $3.16 billion, Adobe is large enough to fight Microsoft.

Adobe, the maker of Photoshop, Acrobat and other software, also has a strong reputation as a maker of tools for the creative class. "We’re one of the best tool makers in the world," said Mr. Lynch, who worked on software design at MicroPro, the publishers of the Wordstar word processor, and at General Magic, an ill-fated effort to create what could be called a predecessor to today’s smartphones, before joining Macromedia.

“Adobe’s known for its designer tools, but they realize that development — for the browser, for the desktop, and for devices such as cellphones — is a huge growth market,” said Steve Weiss, executive editor at O’Reilly Media, a technology publishing firm.

Adobe Blurs Line Between PC and Web,










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