Vocapedia > Space > Birth of stars > Nebulae
The star-forming region of the Tarantula Nebula, 340 light-years across, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-Infrared Camera.
Photograph: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team
The Webb Telescope Is Just Getting Started The first scientific results are coming in, and the $10 billion instrument is working even bette than astronomers had dared to hope. NYT December 27, 2022
NGC 6302
Butterfly Emerges from Stellar Demise in Planetary Nebula NGC 6302
This celestial object looks like a delicate butterfly. But it is far from serene.
What resemble dainty butterfly wings are actually roiling cauldrons of gas heated to more than 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
The gas is tearing across space at more than 600,000 miles an hour -- fast enough to travel from Earth to the moon in 24 minutes!
A dying star that was once about five times the mass of the Sun is at the center of this fury.
It has ejected its envelope of gases and is now unleashing a stream of ultraviolet radiation that is making the cast-off material glow.
This object is an example of a planetary nebula, so-named because many of them have a round appearance resembling that of a planet when viewed through a small telescope.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble SM4 ERO Team Images from Refurbished Hubble 2009 http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/384540main_ero_ngc6302_label.jpg http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/multimedia/ero/index.html http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/384572main_ero_ngc6302_full_full.jpg
Ten thousand years ago, before the dawn of recorded human history, a new light must suddenly have appeared in the night sky and faded after a few weeks.
Today we know this light was an exploding star and record the colorful expanding cloud as the Veil Nebula.
Pictured above is the west end of the Veil Nebula known technically as NGC 6960, but less formally as the Witch's Broom Nebula.
The rampaging gas gains its colors by impacting and exciting existing nearby gas.
Credit & Copyright: T. A. Rector (U. Alaska), NOAO, AURA, NSF
Birth of a Star NYT 19 December 2014
Birth of a Star Video Out There | The New York Times 19 December 2014
In galactic nurseries like the Orion Nebula, clouds of gas and dust mingle, birthing new stars and planetary systems.
The ALMA radio telescope made a recent observation of possible planets being born.
Produced by: Jason Drakeford, Jonathan Corum and Dennis Overbye Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1r38pmX Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7MG-LahuX4
What is a Nebula? Astronomy and Space for Kids
What is a Nebula? Astronomy and Space for Kids FreeSchool Video 8 March 2015
A nebula may just be an interstellar cloud of dust and gas, but it is also one of the most spectacular sights to be seen through a telescope!
Nebulae (pronounced: NEB-you-lee) pepper the galaxy with beautiful colors, shapes, and lights.
Learn more about this celestial phenomena, including the four major types of nebulae and see images of some of the most famous and noteworthy nebulae on record in this peaceful and educational video.
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJVy9P3XSVE
star-forming region > Tarantula Nebula - 340 light-years across USA
Orion nebula USA
NGC 3132, Southern Nebula Ring USA
Ring Nebula USA
The Ring Nebula, also known as Messier 57, is more than 2,000 light years away, in the Lyra constellation.
Discovered in 1779 by a French astronomer, it doesn't take a fancy instrument for an amateur astronomer to spot from their back yard.
star-forming region NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula USA
constellation of Serpens > Eagle Nebula USA
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space > nebulae > exploding stars / supernovae