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Felix Sockwell
Talking About Fear,
Real and Imagined
October 31, 2007
The New York Times
To the Editor:
Re “Trash Talking World War III” (editorial, Oct. 29):
Reading your editorial was a disquieting experience for anyone who is a veteran
of World War II because that war ended with hopes that America and the world
would be at peace for an eternity. If we have learned one lesson, it is that
relying on military aggression as was staged four years ago in Iraq was
To be talking about using military force to curtail Iran’s building of a nuclear
weapon would be compounding the error sizably. If ever diplomacy was needed, now
is the time, before President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney recklessly set
the stage to ensnare us for yet another war before their terms are over. Cy
San Francisco, Oct. 29, 2007
To the Editor:
You write that “the world should not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon.” How
does The New York Times suggest that “the world” prevent it?
Diplomacy, you say, although years of diplomatic efforts by our European allies,
with the full support of the United States, have accomplished nothing.
Sanctions, you write, wishing away the fact that Russian and Chinese cooperation
will be unattainable with the suggestion that Condoleezza Rice give those
countries a good talking to.
Our best chance of avoiding the necessity of military action is to convince the
Iranian regime that we are prepared to take it, with the hope that this,
together with such diplomatic and economic pressures as we are able to muster,
will persuade more cautious regime elements to change course.
The statements of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney that you deride
as “trash talk” — and that are in fact well within traditional diplomatic bounds
— are therefore a necessary part of any realistic strategy to avoid war.
Howard F. Jaeckel
New York, Oct. 30, 2007
To the Editor:
“Trash Talking World War III” lists cogent reasons why it is not in the world’s
or the United States’ interests to bomb Iran, including “the disastrous
diplomatic and economic costs.”
You point out that a bombing campaign is unlikely to set back Iran’s efforts for
more than a few years, nor is such an attack likely to cause Iranians to rise up
against their current government.
What you do not mention, however, are the huge humanitarian costs as well. There
are thousands of Iranians — men, women, children, grandchildren, grandparents,
doctors, lawyers, teachers and so on — living near the sites where we would use
our bombing power. Are we again willing, as we were in Iraq, to disrupt a
population, cause a new refugee crisis, watch bodies collected from homes and
streets, create a civil war and destroy an ancient civilization?
These are the questions that we must ask the Bush administration, questions that
go beyond expediency and economic costs to us. We have done enough damage and
destroyed and disrupted enough lives in Iraq. We should not add Iran to our list
of horrors.
Ann C. Rounds
San Mateo, Calif., Oct. 29, 2007
To the Editor:
Re “Fearing Fear Itself,” by Paul Krugman (column, Oct. 29), and “Trash Talking
World War III” (editorial, Oct. 29):
The points of view in these articles do not recognize the reality of the threat.
Consider the bombings that have shaken London, Spain, Bali, Pakistan and Israel
since 2001. They are all related through the Islamic orientation of the
perpetrators. This is not mere coincidence; rather the Muslim identity of the
murderers represents the very impetus for the attacks.
This religious clarion call is certainly an ideology, and to call it
Islamofascism simply connotes that it endangers the world as much as Hitler’s
Nazism. Iran poses a particular danger since it openly seeks hegemony, at any
cost, in the Middle East. Its pursuit of nuclear weapons portends a cataclysm
that will affect the entire world.
The international community should prevent Iran from obtaining such weapons by
every means possible, including a military campaign.
Sheryl Gura Rosenberg
New York, Oct. 29, 2007
To the Editor:
Paul Krugman’s column is on target. The hate-mongering and fear-peddling
campaign by leading Republican candidates for president, who continue to use the
war on terror as one against “Islamofascism,” a fictitious ideology as Mr.
Krugman points out, is not only irresponsible but also dangerous.
This shameless strategy of attaching “fascism” to Islam to win votes by
exploiting our fears and anxieties is offensive to more than a billion peaceful
God-fearing Muslims. The fanning of anti-Muslim sentiment inherent in the
demagogy that passes for political discourse is likely to add to the bigotry of
some who may feel compelled to act on it.
This is not an issue for American Muslims only, but it affects all of us and we
need to speak out if we are to maintain this “best hope for mankind,” the
American experiment in democracy, tolerance and diversity.
Mohammed A. Nurhussein
Brooklyn, Oct. 29, 2007
To the Editor:
Paul Krugman’s column “Fearing Fear Itself” is a lightning bolt of truth and
insight in a political dialogue gone awry. The use of language by the right is
very calculated and in point of fact very clever. It frames issues by the labels
it chooses. Thus, an escalation of troops became the “surge.” Surge has
connotations of strength and vigor; escalation brings back the bad memories of
The same technique is being used before a confrontation with Iran.
“Islamofascism” taps into the tapestry of themes that have been woven into our
consciousness concerning our participation in World War II. Hitler was a
fascist; look what we had to do to him. Just by using the term “Islamofascism”
we are playing into the hands of those seeking a violent confrontation with Iran
and the Muslim world. Mark E. Ferris
St. Louis, Oct. 29, 2007
To the Editor:
Paul Krugman says that he fears “unreasoning fear” more than anything Al Qaeda
or Iran might do to the United States. So a nuclear bomb smuggled into an
American city by Al Qaeda or another sympathetic group doesn’t frighten him? It
scares me to death.
Casey Brennan
Pittsburgh, Oct. 29, 2007
Talking About Fear, Real
and Imagined,
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