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Ruth Gwily
Op-Ed Contributor
A Better Way to Get a
July 11, 2009
The New York Times
SO Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple, may or may not have jumped to
the front of the transplant queue in his quest to get a new liver. What else is
new? Wake up and smell the curry, fellow Americans. This is the way the greater
world operates.
In China, where my cousin Larry and I went to get him a kidney two summers ago
(despite the official Chinese restriction against Westerners doing so), jumping
the line is so commonplace as to be unworthy of comment. No one gets angry at a
pretty secretary or harried businessman who cuts in front; everyone just takes a
half step back and resumes gesticulating on their cellphones. If anything,
there’s a grudging admiration of such blatant self-advancement.
First come first served, that’s the American fantasy. But in fact strength and
speed prevail, as they tend to do in other contests. Dog eat dog. Darwinism of
the waiting line. Call it what you like, it’s not only accepted in most places
around the globe, it’s expected. No wonder there’s so much medical tourism — up
to 10 percent of the world’s transplant surgery.
In light of this larger reality, may I suggest that we’re misdirecting our moral
outrage when we take it out on Steve Jobs? It’s not the line-jumpers of the
world who deserve our indignation — it’s the American system that makes us wait
in line to begin with, the result of policies that impoverish the supply of
organs available for transplant.
Say you need a kidney, the organ most needed the world over. If you sign up
today, the wait in most American states will be 5 to 10 years, depending on your
underlying medical condition and how suitable a recipient you are.
Seem like a long line ahead of you? You’re not imagining it. There are 85,000
people biding their time, most of them on thrice-weekly dialysis that leaves
them with an enervated excuse for a life the rest of the time. More than 4,500
of them died last year waiting. On average, that’s 13 people dying each day
awaiting a kidney.
(Maybe you should hope for liver disease: there are only about 16,000 people on
the liver waiting list, and one-third of them get their liver in any one year.)
Patients have even resorted to “domino transplants,” like the one recently in
which 10 doctors in four hospitals transplanted eight kidneys among 16 patients.
It doesn’t have to be this way. In our push for health care reform, only a few
changes in our attitudes and laws could open the floodgates for organs and
assure a plentiful supply for everyone who needs them.
No one would need to wait more than a year for an organ transplant if we
revolutionize organ donation in three ways: better finance stem-cell research so
we can start simply growing kidneys; build better mechanical organs; and change
the presumed consent option so that people would have to opt out of donating
organs rather than opt in.
As much as I’m looking forward to robotic and vat-grown organs, this last option
could be achieved tomorrow. All lawmakers would need to do is reverse the
donation default — that way, unless you go out of your way to specifically state
you don’t want your organs to be donated after your death, they will
automatically be considered available.
Several countries, including Belgium and Norway, have done this with encouraging
results. The most successful country of all is Spain, where presumed consent has
resulted in a “conversion rate” (that is, the percentage of potential donors who
actually donate organs) of an astonishing 80 percent to 85 percent.
It’s all about finding psychologically astute ways to make donating your organs
easier than holding on to them. Perhaps we could just try appealing to people’s
innate narcissism. I’d love to see a bumper sticker that declares: “Live
Forever! (Or at Least Parts of You.) Donate Your Organs!”
Simpler still, we could make motorcycle helmets optional, as my cousin Larry
suggests. But that’s just Larry being Larry. Don’t get mad at him.
Daniel Asa Rose is the author of “Larry’s Kidney: Being the True Story of How I
Found Myself in China With My Black-Sheep Cousin and His Mail-Order Bride,
Skirting the Law to Get Him a Transplant ... and Save His Life.”
A Better Way to Get a
Kidney, NYT, 11.7.2009,