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Olimpia Zagnoli
Seeking Choice
in Health Reform
August 30, 2009
The New York Times
To the Editor:
Re “Real Choice? It’s
Off Limits in Health Bills” (Economic Scene, front page, Aug. 26):
As a physician, I was encouraged by David Leonhardt’s article. He hits the nail
on the head. Real consumer choice is not addressed in the bills currently being
considered in Congress and by the White House.
In contrast, the Wyden-Bennett bill speaks directly to the issue of choice by
phasing out employer-based health insurance and allowing individuals and
families to choose the health plan that’s best for them. Moreover, the universal
coverage this bill proposes is comprehensive, portable, affordable and
financially sustainable.
Unfortunately, President Obama seems to feel that universal coverage can be
accomplished without changing the status quo. It is time to rethink this
position, educate the American public on the real costs of employer-based health
care and move in the direction of true health care reform.
Those who stand to benefit most are the American people themselves.
Daniel N. Ovadia
Santa Barbara, Calif., Aug. 26, 2009
To the Editor:
David Leonhardt correctly argues that private insurance plans and employers
exercise too many of the choices in today’s health care system, and that a
better system would give people more control of their own care. But the other
essential half of the dyad that should control the use of medical resources is
Doctors in consultation with their patients — not insurance plans, not employers
and not government officials — now make most of the decisions that determine how
health dollars are spent. Fee-for-service payment and an entrepreneurial,
fragmented system heavily weighted in favor of specialists cause unsustainable
cost inflation.
A reform that does not address these problems, as well as eliminate or reduce
the role of private insurers and employers, cannot succeed. Regrettably, none of
the proposals now before Congress meet this requirement.
Arnold S. Relman
Marcia Angell
Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 26, 2009
The writers are physicians and former editors in chief of The New England
Journal of Medicine. Dr. Relman is professor emeritus of medicine and social
medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Angell is a senior lecturer in
social medicine there.
To the Editor:
David Leonhardt’s article promoting “real choice” in health insurance alludes to
a fundamental difficulty with this approach. Without some system for helping the
consumer know what he is choosing, the whole premise of the free market breaks
As Mr. Leonhardt observes, today’s employee depends on his company to provide a
menu of sensible choices. As the well-known problems with Medicare Part D
insurance demonstrate, having the consumer deal directly with insurance
companies is a risky undertaking.
The two major issues, which apply to the broader case as well, are understanding
what is covered and being able to change providers if the coverage is modified.
This is not to say that the current system should continue. Mr. Leonhardt’s
description of its fatal flaws is spot on. But any proposal for “competition”
and “free market” mechanisms must include some way to make the consumer an
educated consumer.
I expect that one part of this must be government regulation of the details of
the insurance that can be offered. Until such mechanisms are added to any
free-market scheme, the sensible fears of the currently insured will prevent its
Marc Auslander
Millwood, N.Y., Aug. 26, 2009
To the Editor:
For most people, “real choice” in health care is not the choice of an insurance
plan; it’s the choice of a primary care physician.
Employer options come and go, and one private plan is usually as good as
another, as long as an involuntary switch doesn’t come between a family and a
trusted, longtime caregiver. Fragmented physician panels that capriciously
interrupt continuity of care are resented by patients and physicians alike.
As in so many other ways, single-payer health care provides the answer: one big
panel of doctors, with complete freedom of choice for patients. Of course,
that’s not politically viable.
It might protect hard-won, deeply valued doctor-patient relationships, and it
might save money and produce better health outcomes. But we wouldn’t want to
harm the insurance industry!
Bruce Soloway
Bronx, Aug. 26, 2009
The writer, a physician, is vice chairman of the department of family and social
medicine at Montefiore Medical Center.
To the Editor:
Historically, Americans have believed in economic competition, freedom of choice
and fairness in seeking economic opportunity.
During the rampant industrialization of the nation near the end of the 19th
century, competition fell victim to monopolies. The passage of the Sherman
Antitrust Act in 1890 was watershed legislation by the federal government to
maintain competition.
During the Progressive Era leaders like Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt
were obliged to call for regulation in business and finance. Franklin D.
Roosevelt ushered in even greater federal regulation during the Great
The current recession has compelled the federal government to become a more
gigantic player in the marketplace. President Obama should stick with his call
for a public option to bring about choice and competition within the health
insurance industry.
Don Blankenbush
Pennington, N.J., Aug. 26, 2009
To the Editor:
Regardless of their respective strengths and weaknesses, all of the bills for
health care reform are too complex to explain, grasp and support. And
Republicans have made it abundantly clear that they will oppose any truly
meaningful change.
Yet these very obstacles present the president with the opportunity to do what
is sensible and right: to put his conviction, passion and clout behind a
single-payer system.
Will people be afraid of so radical a change? The majority probably will; people
tend to fear the unknown.
But “the shock of the new” is as old as innovation itself. Eventually, people
adapt to change and ultimately embrace it.
Byron Alpers
Shorewood, Wis., Aug. 26, 2009
To the Editor:
Re “World’s Best Health Care” (editorial, Aug. 26):
The United States health care system is not the world’s best by almost any
measure. But one must understand that health care is typically measured by its
outcomes. These outcomes, like longevity and infant mortality, are more than
just a consequence of availability of health insurance and access to doctors and
Health care outcomes are influenced by many complex and poorly understood
factors that relate to society’s structure, including socioeconomic forces and
race. This is true in the United States and globally.
The American health care system is in bad need of reforms that will eliminate
the tragedy of 46 million uninsured people.
But our government and its citizens also need to study and address the broader
issues, like economic inequity and racial segregation, that underlie our
inability to achieve the health care outcomes that other societies have
achieved. Otherwise, we will be very disappointed with the results of the
current legislative efforts.
Garrett M. Nash
New York, Aug. 26, 2009
The writer, a physician, is an assistant professor of surgery at Weill-Cornell
Medical College.
Seeking Choice in
Health Reform, NYT, 30.8.2009,
Economic Scene
Real Choice? It’s Off Limits in Health Bills
August 26, 2009
The New York Times
Consider the following health insurance plan.
It refuses to pay for certain medical care and then doesn’t offer a clear
explanation. It does pay for unhelpful care that ends up raising premiums. Its
customer service can be hard to reach or unhelpful. And the people who are
covered by this insurer have no choice but to remain with it — or, at best, to
choose from one or two other insurers that are about as bad.
In all likelihood, I have just described your insurance plan.
Health insurers often act like monopolies — like a cable company or the
Department of Motor Vehicles — because they resemble monopolies. Consumers,
instead of being able to choose freely among insurers, are restricted to the
plans their employer offers. So insurers are spared the rigors of true
competition, and they end up with high costs and spotty service.
Americans give lower marks to their health insurer than they do to their life
insurer, their auto insurer or their bank, according to the American Customer
Satisfaction Index. Even the Postal Service gets better marks. (Cable companies,
however, get worse ones.) No wonder President Obama’s favorite villain is health
You might think, then, that a central goal of health reform would be to offer
people more choice. But it isn’t.
Real choice is not part of the bills moving through the Democratic-led Congress;
even if the much-debated government-run insurance plan was created, it would not
be available to most people who already have coverage. Republicans, meanwhile,
have shown no interest in making insurance choice part of a compromise they
could accept. Both parties are protecting the insurers.
That’s a reflection of the thorny politics of health care. On one hand, big
interest groups are lobbying hard to keep some form of the status quo. Insurers
don’t want people to have more choice. Neither do employers and labor unions,
which now control huge piles of money spent on health care. Nor do hospitals and
drug makers, which benefit from all the waste now in the system.
On the other hand, the people who stand to benefit most from having more choice
— all of us — are not agitating for change, because the costs of the system are
hidden from us. A typical household spends $15,000 each year on health care. But
most of it comes in the form of taxes or employer deductions from paychecks,
which means insurance can seem practically free.
As a result, people may not like their insurer, but they don’t hate it, either.
If anything, they are more anxious about losing their insurance than they are
eager to be given more choice. And that anxiety has driven the White House’s
decision to pursue a fairly conservative form of health reform.
To be clear, the versions of reform now floating around Congress would do a lot
of good. They would make it far easier for people without an employer plan to
get health insurance and would make some modest attempts to nudge the health
system away from its perverse fee-for-service model.
Yet they would not improve most people’s health care anytime soon. Giving people
more control over their own care would. White House advisers, however, decided
against that option long ago. They worried that opening up the insurance market
would destabilize employer-provided insurance and make Mr. Obama’s plan
vulnerable to the same criticism that undid Bill Clinton’s: that it was too
They may well have been right. Then again, given all the flak they have been
taking anyway, they may have been wrong.
The best-known proposal for giving people more choice is the Wyden-Bennett bill,
named for Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, and Robert Bennett, a Utah Republican,
who introduced it in the Senate in 2007. There are other broadly similar
versions of the idea, too. One comes from Victor Fuchs, a Stanford professor
sometimes called the dean of health economists, and Ezekiel Emanuel, an
oncologist and an Obama health-policy adviser.
In the simplest version, families would receive a voucher worth as much as their
employer spends on their health insurance. They would then buy an insurance plan
on an “exchange” where insurers would compete for their business. The government
would regulate this exchange. Insurers would be required to offer basic
benefits, and insurers that attracted a sicker group of patients would be
subsidized by those that attracted a healthier group.
The immediate advantage would be that people could choose a plan that fit their
own preferences, rather than having to accept a plan chosen by human resources.
You would be able to carry your plan from one job to the next — or hold onto it
if you found yourself unemployed. You would never have to switch doctors because
your employer switched insurance plans.
The longer-term advantage would be that health insurance would become fully
subject to the brutal and wonderful forces of the market. Insurers that offered
better plans — plans that drew on places like the Mayo Clinic to offer good,
lower-cost care — would win more customers.
“That’s the way the rest of the economy works,” says William Lewis, former
director of the McKinsey Global Institute.
Politically, though, the full voucher plan is still too radical, which is why
the Wyden-Bennett bill has attracted support from only 13 other senators — four
Republicans, eight Democrats and Joe Lieberman. So Mr. Wyden has come up with a
narrower version.
It expands the exchange that Democratic leaders are already planning to create
for the uninsured so that many more people would be allowed to use it. (If the
exchange were limited to the uninsured, any government-run insurance plan, a
crucial part of reform for many liberals, would not be available to most
people.) But Mr. Wyden isn’t having much luck with this idea, either. The
support for the employer-based system is simply too strong.
And the defenders of the employer system have some legitimate arguments. An
insurance exchange may end up having some of the same pitfalls as 401(k) plans,
in which some workers make poor choices. Having employers navigate the complex
landscape of insurance, the defenders say, may be better for employees.
Here’s what I would ask those defenders, however: Given all the problems with
health care — the high costs and decidedly mixed results — how comfortable are
you defending the status quo? Why force people into a system you think is better
for them?
If people were instead allowed to choose, all but a small percentage might
indeed stick with their employer plan. In that case, a Wyden-like proposal
wouldn’t amount to much. It certainly would not destabilize the
employer-provided insurance system.
Then again, if lots of families did switch to a plan on the exchange, the impact
would be quite different. With fewer employees signing up for on-the-job
insurance, companies might shrink their benefits departments. The number of
companies offering insurance would keep dropping. The employer insurance system
could begin to crumble.
But wouldn’t that be precisely the fate that the system deserved?
Real Choice? It’s Off
Limits in Health Bills, NYT, 26.8.2009,