Vocapedia > USA > Law, Justice > State justice
1994 > California’s three-strikes law
3 Strikes and You're Out: After 20 Years, Is the Law Working? Video Retro Report The New York Times 2 December 2013
Retro Report - After the 1993 murder of a child, many states passed laws to lock up repeat offenders for life, but today those laws are raising new questions about how crime is handled in America. YouTube
The Making of the ‘Three Strikes’ Laws By Retro Report NYT http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000002579045/the-making-of-the-three-strikes-laws.html
Three Strikes of Injustice NYT 9 October 2012
Three Strikes of Injustice Video Op-Docs The New York Times 9 October 2012
A documentary profiles Shane Taylor, one of more than 4,000 nonviolent offenders serving life in California prisons under a three-strikes law.
serve life terms under California’s three-strikes law
1994 > California > voters overwhelmingly pass the “three strikes” law
(in 1994), California voters overwhelmingly passed the “three strikes” law that has come to symbolize America’s deeply irrational and misguided obsession with harsh and inflexible sentencing.
It set a life sentence for anyone with a third felony conviction, no matter how minor or nonviolent — even for stealing a pair of socks.
The law contributed to a dramatic increase in California’s prison population, which grew so far beyond capacity that in 2011 the Supreme Court ruled that horrendous prison conditions violated the Constitution.
In 2012, Californians voted to soften the law, allowing prisoners whose third strike was a nonserious and nonviolent crime to seek early release. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/10/opinion/a-sentencing-commission-for-california.html
habitual offender laws - also known colloquially as "three-strikes laws."
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