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Vocapedia > USA > Law, Justice > Federal justice



federal justice > law, act,

U.S. Department of Justice,

Justice Department prosecutor,

Attorney General, Pardon Attorney,

arraignment / indictment,




federal justice > prosecution >

plea deal / non-prosecution agreement



federal justice > federal judge >

ruling, injunction



federal justice >

appeal courts










Explore more on these topics

Anglonautes > Vocapedia


law, justice > USA



law > USA > U.S. Constitution



law > USA > U.S. Supreme Court,




law > USA > States >

Constitutions, Supreme courts



law, justice > death penalty > USA



prison, jail > USA



miscarriage of justice >

Australia, NI, UK, USA



violence, abuse, prostitution,

sexual violence, rape, harassment,

kidnapping, crime, police,

arrest, investigation, custody,

police misconduct / brutality / violence >




violence against girls and women >




gun violence > USA



gun violence > police shootings > USA



illegal drugs, opioids >

Australia, Guatemala, Mexico, UK, USA



good, evil






Related > Anglonautes > History


historical documents > USA






Related > Anglonautes > History > 20th century > USA >

Civil rights


Emmett Till    1941-1955












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