Vocapedia > UK > Police, Justice, Law
Prosecution, CPS, Charges
charges > perverting the course of justice
1679 > Habeas Corpus Act
habeas corpus
Habeas corpus is the legal concept that a prisoner has a right to challenge the basis of confinement -- to demand that the government produce a valid reason for detention.
The concept was developed in England during the late Middle Ages, and takes its name from the first two Latin words of the writ filed for a prisoner's release (a phrase translated variously as "You have the body'' and "Produce the body.'')
Habeas corpus formed a part of the American legal system from colonial times, and it was the only specific right incorporated in the Constitution.
Article 1, Section 9 states, "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
The suspension of habeas corpus allows an agency to hold a person without a charge.
Habeas corpus has been suspended a number of times, most notably by Abraham Lincoln during the early days of the Civil War.
Habeas corpus became a subject of renewed controversy after the Sept. 11th attacks.
When the Bush administration created a system of military tribunals for dealing with terrorism subjects in 2002, it asserted that "illegal non-combatants'' fell outside of the Geneva Conventions and were not entitled to habeas corpus.
That view was rejected by the Supreme Court in 2006.
Congress, then controlled by Republicans, responded by passing the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which stripped the federal courts of jurisdiction to hear habeas corpus petitions filed by detainees challenging the bases for their confinement.
Instead, such challenges were to be governed by the 2005 Detainee Treatment Act, which allowed detainees to appeal decisions of the military tribunals to the District of Columbia Circuit, but only under circumscribed procedures, including a presumption that the evidence before the military tribunal was accurate and complete.
In a 5 to 4 decision issued on June 12, 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that approach to be unconstitutional, declaring that foreign terrorism suspects held at the Guantánamo Bay naval base in Cuba have the right to challenge their detention there in federal courts. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/h/habeas_corpus/index.html
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4329839.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4329839.stm
10 charges of raping six women and three counts of causing actual bodily harm to N
four counts of intent to commit buggery https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/jun/16/ukcrime.davidpallister
two counts of murder
police > be charged with N
police > charge N with the murder of N http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/31/georgia-williams-man-charged-murder
be charged with 16 sexual offences, including 15 counts of rape, relating to two girls aged between 11 and 16 http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/23/stuart-hall-charged-16-sex-offences-girls
be charged with the murder of N http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/jan/22/vincent-tabak-charged-murder-joanna-yeates
be charged with attempted murder of N http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/apr/03/man-charged-chloe-west-stabbing
be charged with four counts of murder, one count of arson with intent to endanger life, and threats to commit criminal damage http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/oct/30/prestatyn-fire-woman-court-murders
be charged with neglect http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/may/21/ukcrime2
be charged with seven counts of child molestation / child abuse
be charged with criminal impersonation
be charged with wildlife cruelty
be charged with conspiracy to commit facilitation and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
charged with 39 counts of manslaughter, conspiracy to traffic people, conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration and money laundering
be charged with 21 counts of manslaughter
be charged with 16 offences, including soliciting to murder and possession of a terrorist document https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/oct/19/terrorism.world
be charged with four counts of incitement to racial hatred https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2005/apr/06/farrightpolitics.television
be charged with phone hacking
be charged with her/his kidnapping and false imprisonment http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/sep/05/ukcrime
be charged in court
rape prosecutor
prosecuting lawyer
prosecution barristers > wig
prosecution barristers > prosecute
prosecutor > cross-examination
junior barristers / the junior
king’s counsels
the bar
Criminal Bar Association
the prosecution claims that...
prosecution case
Crown Prosecution Service CPS
The decision to charge Couzens, 48, was made by lawyers from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), which authorises criminal proceedings in England and Wales.
Rosemary Ainslie, head of special crime at the CPS, said: “Following a referral of evidence by the Metropolitan police related to the death of Sarah Everard, the CPS has authorised the police to charge Wayne Couzens with murder and kidnapping.
“The function of the CPS is not to decide whether a person is guilty of a criminal offence, but to make fair, independent and objective assessments about whether it is appropriate to present charges to a court to consider.”
chief crown prosecutor for CPS North West
The chief prosecutor of England and Wales / Director of public prosecutions DPP
The DPP is responsible for determining any charges and prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales. https://www.cps.gov.uk/about-cps
Corpus of news articles
UK > Police, Justice, Law >
Prosecution, CPS, Charges
January 25, 1864
Draper's bell tolls for a bed tick thief
From the Guardian archive
January 25 1864
Novel thief catching. John Paul was charged at the Salford Town Hall yesterday with having stolen a bed tick [mattress case] from the shop door of Mr. Henry Boardman, draper, Chapel-street. The prosecutor displays some of his goods on strings, and fastens a bell to them to give an alarm in case they are disturbed. On the 18th, he heard the bell ring, and on going to the door he discovered the prisoner running away with a bed tick. He followed him, and took him into custody. It was stated that the bell had been the means of apprehending several other thieves. The prisoner was summarily committed for three months. Theft of tea. Yesterday, at the City
Police Court, Joseph Eastwood, and Sarah Ann Redfern were charged with
attempting to steal a chest of tea worth £4.10s. from the shop of Mr. John
Brady, Julia-street, Strangeways. Mrs. Brady said that on Monday evening Redfern
came into the shop and asked for a halfpenny-worth of toffy [sic], and while
attending to her she saw Eastwood removing a chest of tea from behind the door.
Seeing he was observed, Eastwood ran away, leaving the chest in the shop. She
then charged the girl with being an accomplice, and gave her into custody. At
the station Redfern said that Eastwood and a man named Turner took the chest. A
boy named Robert Baird, who informed Mrs. Brady of the attempted robbery, said
he saw Eastwood and another standing at the door. The prisoners were remanded to
Draper's bell tolls for a bed tick thief, G, January 25 1864,
July 13, 1850
A lad's life of prison and whippings
From the Guardian archive
Saturday July 13, 1850
On Wednesday, a little lad named John Johnson, stated to be 13 years of age, though he did not appear to be more than ten, was brought before Mr. Hodgson, at the Borough Court, charged with stealing two pies from the window of a small pie shop in Jersey-street, Ancoats, kept by a man named Edward Hayes. On the previous afternoon, he was seen by a
neighbour looking in at the window, and immediately afterwards he passed her
house door with two pies. It was subsequently ascertained that the window had
been opened, and two pies stolen out. From
the Guardian archive > July 13, 1850 >
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The Observer > Crime and justice on the web https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/jul/14/ukcrime
Office of Public Sector Information https://www.legislation.gov.uk/