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Unaccompanied child migrants / migrant children





Photograph: Jennifer Whitney

for The New York Times


Snakes and Thorny Brush, and Children at the Border Alone


JUNE 25, 2014











































































































































































































Hear the Words of Detained Migrant Children

NYT    18 July 2019





Hear the Words of Detained Migrant Children

Video    NYT Opinion    The New York Times    18 July 2019


In the video Op-Ed above,

children read testimonies given by young migrants

detained in Customs and Border Protection facilities.


They reveal harrowing stories of children living in cages,

going hungry and tending to infants without their parents.


Border Patrol

has been detaining thousands of children,

sometimes for weeks,

in conditions no child anywhere should suffer.


At a June hearing before a federal appeals court,

judges were stunned by the administration’s arguments

that these children were kept in “safe and sanitary” facilities,

as required by the Flores Settlement.


The overcrowding, long stays and inhumane,

possibly illegal living conditions

are a result of the Trump administration’s

cruel immigration policies

and mismanagement

of the Department of Homeland Security,

which oversees the border agency.


Barring exceptional circumstances,

the legal limit for Border Patrol

to detain children is 72 hours.


The agency

is then supposed to transfer children

to the custody

of the Office of Refugee Resettlement

for a maximum of 20 days.


But the resettlement office

has been keeping children far longer,

creating a backlog across the entire system.


As a result, Border Patrol centers

have not been quickly processing

unaccompanied children and migrant families,

who have recently been crossing the border

in record-breaking numbers.


Detained children

provided the testimonies read in this video

to lawyers who visited Border Patrol centers

as part of an ongoing investigation of detention facilities.


















How a Remote Patch of Land

Turned Into a Child Migrant Shelter

NYT    22 June 2018





How a Remote Patch of Land Turned Into a Child Migrant Shelter

Video        NYT News        22 June 2018

















Between Borders: American Migrant Crisis

NYT    Oct. 6, 2015




Between Borders: American Migrant Crisis

Video    Times Documentaries    The New York Times    8 October 2016

From Central America,

thousands of children fleeing poverty and danger

make multiple attempts to reach the United States

despite increased efforts by Mexico to turn them back.



















In Mexico,

a Stalled Journey for Child Migrants

The New York Times        Jul. 19, 2014





In Mexico, a Stalled Journey for Child Migrants

The New York Times        By Brent McDonald        Jul. 19, 2014


While thousands of child migrants from Central America

have crossed the Rio Grande to U.S. soil,

thousands more don’t make it that far.


Many end up detained

or broke in towns like Reynosa, Mexico.


Produced by: Brent McDonald

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1rEu7Kv
















border children / child migrants / migrant children / migrant youth

young unauthorized migrants / undocumented minors











































watch?v=T8eleB7HSzg - NYT - 22 June 2018






















https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxF0t-SMEXA - NYT - 8 Oct. 2015









































unaccompanied minors / unaccompanied migrant children / unaccompanied alien children /

children and teenagers traveling without a parent

















































child migration










young migrants

detained in Customs and Border Protection facilities


- NYT - July 18, 2019















child detention centers












emergency intake shelter










tent shelter




















Illustration: Edel Rodriguez


The Children of the Drug Wars

A Refugee Crisis, Not an Immigration Crisis


JULY 11, 2014















Corpus of news articles


Politics, Economy > USA > Immigration


Illegal immigration


Unaccompanied child migrants




Snakes and Thorny Brush,

and Children at the Border Alone


JUNE 25, 2014

The New York Times



HIDALGO, Tex. — Border agents drove their patrol vehicles one recent day at dusk through this spit of land on the bank of the Rio Grande. Here, in a place known as the Devil’s Corner, smugglers on the Mexican side have chosen to bring thousands of women and children to American soil.

After only a few minutes scouting the dirt roads, the agents came upon a cluster of illegal migrants, huddled in tall grass under palm trees, seeking respite from the baking heat. They made no effort to flee as the Border Patrol drove up.

Questioned by the agents, a boy from Honduras said his name was Alejandro and that he was 8 years old.

“Who are you with?” asked Raul L. Ortiz, deputy chief of the Border Patrol for the Rio Grande Valley, speaking in Spanish.

“By myself,” Alejandro said, looking up at the man in the olive uniform and pulling a birth certificate, carefully folded, from his jeans — the only item he carried.

“Where are your parents, Alex?” Chief Ortiz asked, using a nickname to put the boy at ease.

“In San Antonio,” he said.

But the child had no address for his family in the Texas city 250 miles to the north, or for an aunt in Maryland, which he thought was just as close. The agents gave him water and the boy smiled gratefully, not knowing that his journey, already three weeks long, would likely be a lot longer.

Families and children have become a high-profit, low-risk business for Mexican narcotics cartel bosses who, Chief Ortiz said, have taken control of human smuggling across the Rio Grande. They now offer family packages, migrants said, charging up to $7,500 to bring a minor alone or a mother with children from Central America to the American side of the river.

Smugglers like to use this snake-infested, thorn-ridden brushland for their crossings. A federal wildlife refuge, the site is downstream from the Anzalduas Dam, where the river slows and narrows, making it easy to paddle across. The bank is strewn with worn-out sneakers, broken baby bottles and rotting life preservers, the refuse of migrants who made it across and moved on. In less than two hours one evening last week, Border Patrol agents encountered 37 migrants walking the dusty roads here.

Alejandro said he had been brought by “Santiago the smuggler.” Another migrant in the group was probably traveling with the boy, a neighbor or a cousin, Chief Ortiz said. Once they were back at the Border Patrol station, agents would have to figure out who that was.

More than 52,000 minors traveling without their parents have been caught crossing the southwest border illegally since October, including 9,000 in May alone, a record.

The migration surge also includes 39,000 adults with children detained since October, also an unprecedented figure. Authorities anticipate they will apprehend more than 240,000 illegal migrants, about three-quarters from Central America, in the Rio Grande Valley during this fiscal year.

Many migrants say they are fleeing poverty and vicious gang violence at home, and some were drawn by rumors the United States was giving entry permits for women and children. But many, especially the youngest, are coming to reconnect with families, hoping to join parents or close relatives who live in this country, often without papers.

“There’s obviously a host of reasons that motivates the individuals to cross,” Chief Ortiz said. “But trying to reunite with a family member who may already be here is probably one of the ones that comes at the top.”

Chief Ortiz watched as agents coaxed information from the new detainees. The migrants answered, some apprehensively, others seemed relieved, none attempted to resist.

A 14-year-old boy from Honduras said, “My parents are dead.” There was an aunt in New Orleans he wanted to find.

A 19-year-old Guatemalan woman was tugging her 2-year-old child, whose father she said was in Indiana. Having lost her way at high noon, she was reeling from dehydration. She gulped water the agents offered.

Increasing numbers of women and children caught crossing illegally have been able to stay in the United States. Border authorities are required to turn over unaccompanied minors within 72 hours to the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees detention shelters and works to find parents or guardians in this country. After President Obama declared a humanitarian crisis this month, new shelters for minors were opened at three military bases.

Officials had been releasing most women apprehended with children, but White House officials announced last week they would begin detaining or monitoring more of those families in an effort to discourage others from coming.

Most days, the crossings here come at dawn and at dusk. The smugglers pull up in vans on the Mexican bank, and send loads of migrants across the river on inflatable rafts, sometimes three or four trips in an hour. Guides know there is little chance the Border Patrol will stop them at the international boundary midstream.

“A lot of the times it’s in our best interests and the best interests of the people on the raft to not attempt to necessarily grab them from the raft,” said Enrique Romero, a Border Patrol agent, as he stood by the river eyeing the smuggler scouts who eyed him from the far bank. “You put their lives at risk.”

While men are told to run, women and children are instructed by smugglers to look for the Border Patrol and turn themselves in. They are told, falsely, that is the way to get a permit.

The agents were initially cautious with the migrants, checking for gang members or drug couriers. But soon Chief Ortiz was fist-bumping with the children. A boy, 4, pulled on his ears to clown for the agents.

This week Secretary Jeh C. Johnson of Homeland Security sent an open letter warning Central American parents who are considering sending their children. “In the hands of smugglers, many children are traumatized and psychologically abused by their journey or worse, beaten, starved, sexually assaulted or sold into the sex trade,” he wrote. “There are no ‘permits’ or free passes at the end.”

At the border, agents trained to stop drug traffickers and adult crossers are adjusting to the new migrants.

“We’re law enforcement officers, but a lot of us are parents or we have young siblings,” Chief Ortiz said. “We try to make sure they recognize that, you know what, it’s going to be O.K. You’ve got some safety and security here.”


A version of this article appears in print

on June 26, 2014,

on page A14 of the New York edition

with the headline:

Snakes and Thorny Brush,

and Children at the Border Alone.

Snakes and Thorny Brush, and Children at the Border Alone,






Innocents at the Border

Immigrant Children
Need Safety, Shelter and Lawyers


JUNE 16, 2014

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages | Editorial



The surge of desperate young migrants across the southwest border has the Obama administration scrambling to respond. It was clearly ill-prepared for a problem that grew steadily for years before exploding this year, with more than 47,000 unaccompanied children caught at the border since October.

It is past time for excuses, and too soon for the post-mortem. The administration needs to mount a sustained surge of its own, of humanitarian care, shelter and legal assistance for children who have faced horrific traumas in fleeing violence in their home countries, mainly Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. As Vice President Joseph Biden Jr. meets this week with officials in those countries, they should all commit to making it safe for would-be migrants to stay home, by reducing the murders and gang crimes that feed the exodus. Congress should meanwhile approve the administration’s $1.4 billion request to handle the emergency on this side of the border, though more will surely be needed to assure health, safety and due process for these young migrants.

The administration’s job has been made harder by an atmosphere of histrionics and wild accusation, as Republican officials, far more interested in blame than solutions, have spent weeks braying about a besieged border and laying the crisis entirely at President Obama’s feet. More justified, and vexing, are the complaints from those witnessing the chaos close-up.

State officials in Arizona were furious that immigration officials, apparently without better ideas, had dumped hundreds of migrants at a bus station in Phoenix, with no resources, to find their way. Civil-liberties groups have reported that children have told of being beaten, harassed, threatened and sexually abused in detention. Some children, interviewed by groups including the American Civil Liberties Union and National Immigrant Justice Center, said they had no food or medical care and had been held in icebox-cold cells — nicknamed hieleras, Spanish for freezers. The administration, which has been racing to set up emergency shelters on military bases in California, Texas and Oklahoma and a converted warehouse in Arizona, needs to investigate and immediately correct conditions that threaten any child’s safety and health.

Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency responsible for taking custody of the unaccompanied Central American children, badly needs to increase its ability to shelter thousands properly as they wait to reunite with their parents and be seen in immigration courts.

The good news is that the Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson, and the head of the Border Patrol, Gil Kerlikowske, who took office promising more openness and accountability, have ordered an inquiry into the reported abuse. The administration has also started a program to provide about 100 lawyers and paralegals for unaccompanied minors.

That is a welcome response, but it needs to be bigger. The Dickensian absurdity often seen in immigration courts — little children propped up before judges and government lawyers with no idea of what is going on — must not be tolerated. Concerns about the cost of providing lawyers should by eased by a recent study from the New York City Bar Association showing that free legal representation for indigent migrants pays for itself, mainly by reducing the costs of unnecessary detention.

Despite what Republicans are saying, there are reasonable responses to the crisis at the border. None requires ignoring the law or granting mass amnesty to migrants who may have no legal claim to entering the United States. (Though many surely do, as refugees.) Nor is it necessary to pile on more harsh and panicked border enforcement, or abandon the administration’s promise to enforce deportations more humanely, with a priority on criminals, not minor offenders. The administration needs to keep its eye on the larger goal: a more rational, lawful immigration system. Nothing about the current crisis changes that.

It’s infuriating to see the long-term reform that would ease the problem — by opening more routes to legal immigration, and restoring mobility to a population trapped on this side of the border — being sent to its doom by the short-term political scheming of Congress’s hard-core anti-immigrant, anti-Obama caucus.

A version of this editorial appears in print

on June 17, 2014,

on page A24 of the New York edition

with the headline:

Innocents at the Border.

Innocents at the Border,






A 12-Year-Old’s Trek of Despair

Ends in a Noose at the Border


APRIL 19, 2014

The New York Times


Noemi Álvarez Quillay took the first steps of the 6,500-mile journey to New York City from the southern highlands of Ecuador on Tuesday, Feb. 4, after darkness fell.

A bashful, studious girl, Noemi walked 10 minutes across dirt roads that cut through corn and potato fields, reaching the highway to Quito. She carried a small suitcase. Her grandfather Cipriano Quillay flagged down a bus and watched her board. She was 12.

From that moment, and through the remaining five weeks of her life, Noemi was in the company of strangers, including coyotes — human smugglers, hired by her parents in the Bronx to bring her to them. Her parents had come to the United States illegally and settled in New York when Noemi was a toddler.

Noemi was part of a human flood tide that has swelled since 2011: The United States resettlement agency expects to care for nine times as many unaccompanied migrant children in 2014 as it did three years ago.

For these children wandering thousands of miles, it is a grueling journey, filled with dangers. The vast majority come from Central America. Noemi’s trip was about twice as long. She had already tried once, leaving home last May, but was detained long before she even made it halfway.

“I went with a coyote and spent two months in Nicaragua and came back from there,” she wrote in a school information sheet.

She got a little closer this year. In March, a month after she left home, the police picked up Noemi and a coyote in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. The authorities took her to a children’s shelter. She was described as crying inconsolably after being questioned by a prosecutor. A few days later, she was found hanged from a shower curtain rod in a bathroom at the shelter. Her death, ruled a suicide by Mexican authorities, remains under investigation by a human rights commission there.

The number of unaccompanied minors caught entering the United States and then referred for placement is expected to reach 60,000 in the 12 months ending Sept. 30, said Lisa Raffonelli, a spokeswoman for the Office of Refugee Resettlement, an increase from 6,560 in 2011. In Mexico, the number has more than doubled.

No single factor explains these surges, but in Noemi’s hometown there are clues about the forces at work in her story.

In the district of El Tambo in Cañar province, her maternal grandparents, Mr. Quillay, 57, and María Jesús Guamán, 59, live in an adobe home with no running water. About 15 years ago, during an economic crisis in Ecuador, their adult children began migrating to the United States without visas.

“My four children went to find decent lives,” Mr. Quillay said. “So I took over five grandchildren from when they were little.”

They ate from the grandparents’ farm. “We don’t have the little sweets that they sometimes ask for,” Mr. Quillay said.

“She was just born when her father left, and when she was 3, my daughter decided to go herself,” Ms. Guamán said of Noemi. “I raised my granddaughter the same as the others.”

As the children grew, their parents sent money to pay for the construction of a two-story concrete house nearby where the five grandchildren, cousins, lived on their own.

Leonela Yupa, a cousin and playmate of Noemi, remembered playing “cocinita” with her — fashioning from their imagination a little kitchen where they fixed pretend meals. Noemi often joined in one of the world’s universal games: hide and seek.

The children moved through a landscape that is a hybrid of peasant houses, like the home of their grandparents, and larger, modern ones that are “a symbol of the success of the Ecuadorean immigrant,” said Rafael Ortiz, mayor of El Tambo.

The Quillays’ unparented household was common. “We have 1,040 students, and at least 60 percent are children of migrant parents who have been under the care of grandparents, uncles or older siblings,” said Magdalena Choglio Zambrano, a guidance counselor at the regional high school.

The parents abroad “at times send a little shirt, shoes, $100, but it is not the same as being papa or mama,” Noemi’s grandfather said.

A generation of children who grew up on their own in El Tambo have started to leave, getting a hand from their parents abroad, but still requiring shadowy journeys.

“Now we are seeing that the migrants are small children or teenagers whose parents are sending for them, running the risk of putting them in the hands of the coyotes to whom they pay 15, 20, 25 thousand dollars,” said Ms. Choglio, the guidance counselor.

The cost of the trip depends on whether the smuggler uses airline flights to cut down on overland travel, Mayor Ortiz said.

“We don’t know anything, not how they go or where they go,” Ms. Guamán said. The parents “made the arrangements directly from there, and they called to tell us when we had to send the girl.”

Both grandparents say they and Noemi were reluctant for her to leave. Ms. Guamán said she argued with her daughter, the girl’s mother.

“I said to her, ‘Why take her away? She’s studying here, she’s doing well,’ ” Ms. Guamán said. “But my daughter says education in Ecuador is no good and it’s better for her to study there. And she took my Noemi away, only for this to happen.

Little is known about Noemi’s travels until about 4,000 miles later, more than a month after she left home.

On Friday, March 7, in Ciudad Juárez, police saw Domingo Fermas Uves, 52, urinating outside a pickup truck, according to Alejandro Maldonado, a police spokesman. Inside was Noemi. In the official account, Mr. Fermas told officers that he was part of a network of smugglers hired by the girl’s family to take her to the United States. The man gave false details about the girl, saying she was 8 years old and from an inland state in Mexico. The police recorded her name as Noemi Álvarez Astorga.

Noemi was taken to Casa de la Esperanza, a shelter for Mexican minors whose name means “House of Hope.” Over that weekend, she was questioned by a prosecutor. After that, a doctor described Noemi as being “terrified,” according to a report in El Diario of Juarez.

On March 11, when called to eat, Noemi instead went into the bathroom. Another girl could not get in. The doctor, Alicia Soria Espino, and others broke open the door and found Noemi hanging by the cloth shower curtain.

The next day, her parents in the Bronx received a phone call from a woman who told them that Noemi had safely crossed the border. Later that day, they received a second call saying that she had died, according to Ecuadorean consular officials.

The authorities determined that the girl initially thought to be an 8-year-old Mexican was probably the 12-year-old Ecuadorean. In part because her parents, who do not have legal immigration status, decided not to go to Mexico, DNA tests were required to confirm her identity, said Jorge W. Lopez, the Ecuadorean consul general in New York.

The man said to have been the smuggler, Mr. Fermas, was arrested but was later freed by a judge, who did not find enough evidence to hold him for prosecution, said Ángel Torres of the federal prosecutor’s office in Ciudad Juárez. “Mr. Fermas is still under investigation for immigrant trafficking,” Mr. Torres said. In published interviews, Mr. Fermas has said that the story about the pickup truck was untrue and that the police had entered his house and taken the girl under the guise of rescuing her. In the week after Noemi’s death, 370 foreign child migrants were detained across Mexico, according to the national immigration agency. Nearly half were traveling alone.

The minors coming from Central America and Mexico are “propelled by violence, insecurity and abuse,” the United Nations high commissioner for refugees said in a report issued the day after Noemi’s death. The prospect of immigration reform in the United States is also enticing, Mr. Lopez said, because of the belief that anyone already in the country illegally will be allowed to stay.

Noemi’s parents have said little publicly. Her mother, Martha V. Quillay, who works in a hair salon, spoke briefly with a reporter, then curtailed the conversation. Her father, José Segundo Álvarez Yupa, a construction worker, said it was too difficult to discuss. “These are private matters,” he said. “This is a very painful thing. It’s all over. We want to recover, we want to move on.”

Last week, President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, who was visiting New York, called on the family at their home in the Bronx to offer condolences. Ms. Quillay posted pictures from the president’s visit on her Facebook page.

Msgr. James Kelly, pastor of St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn, which has a large number of Ecuadorean parishioners, said recently that he heard every day about the young people traveling alone.

“I had parents in here yesterday whose child was coming north,” Father Kelly said. “They wanted a Mass said, that the journey would be safe.”


Maggy Ayala Samaniego in El Tambo Canton, Ecuador,

Annie Correal in New York and Paulina Villegas

in Mexico City contributed reporting.


A version of this article appears in print

on April 20, 2014,

on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline:

A 12-Year-Old’s Trek of Despair Ends in a Noose

at the Border.

A 12-Year-Old’s Trek of Despair Ends in a Noose at the Border,










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