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Vocapedia > English language


America, USA > Iconic words > 19th century


Civil war (1861-1865) > Confederate anthem > Dixie - 1859



























Dixie - 1859


If the Confederacy and its memory

had an accompanying anthem,

it was "Dixie."


The song was played

at Davis' inauguration in Montgomery, Ala.

and caught fire in army camps

as the rallying cry of the Confederacy.


But the song that powered the Southern cause

was actually born in the North.


"Dixie actually was only created in 1859,

as a minstrel show in Ohio.


People tend to forget that minstrelsy

was the most popular art form in the United States:

White men in blackface, very often from the North,

imagining happy enslaved people and parodying then

at the same time that they are pretending to be them,"

Ayers says.


"So it's a very weird thing for people to have adopted

as a national anthem of the Confederacy."


















song > "Dixie",

also known as "I Wish I Was in Dixie", "Dixie's Land"

by Daniel Decatur Emmett

of Mount Vernon, Ohio (1859)














Related > Anglonautes > Vocapedia


language > countries > America, USA > iconic words



characters, personifications > USA > Uncle Sam



describing / talking about


actions, things, facts, events, trends, ideas,

sounds, pictures, places, people



19th century > Civil war > Confederate battle flag



19th century > Civil war > Confederacy

Confederate flags, monuments / statues / emblems



USA > slavery



USA > race relations > white nationalists / supremacists



USA > racism > Ku Klux Klan



USA > slavery, racism > lynchings - warning: graphic



slavery, eugenics,

race relations,

racial divide, racism,

segregation, civil rights,




time > day > state holiday > USA > Juneteenth

on 19 June 1865

enslaved African-Americans in Galveston, Texas,

were told they were free



slavery, race relations, racism, civil rights, apartheid



democracy, politics > activism, protests, riots, looting > UK, USA






Related > Anglonautes > History


19th century > Civil war > Confederate battle flag



17th, 18th, 19th, 20th century

English America, America, USA

Racism, Slavery,

Abolition, Civil war,

Abraham Lincoln,




17th, 18th, 19th century

English America, America, USA




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