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Videos > Documentaries > 2010s > USA


Gun violence


What Does the Rise of Homemade Guns

Mean for Gun Laws?

We Made One To Find Out

NYT    16 December 2019





What Does the Rise of Homemade Guns Mean for Gun Laws?

We Made One To Find Out.

Video    NYT    16 December 2019


Virtually anyone can buy a kit online

to build a gun from parts

— without a background check.


That raises questions about the future of gun regulation.


















The families left behind after police killings:

'You never get over losing a child'

G    23 August 2019





The families left behind after police killings: 'You never get over losing a child'

Video        The Guardian        23 August 2019


Tamir Rice, Terence Crutcher and Ramarley Graham

were all killed by police officers.


The Guardian

meets the women, men and children

who lived with them, raised them,

called them brother or father or son,

and hears how they now live

with the grief of their loss


















Queen & Slim

Official Trailer    2019





Queen & Slim

Official Trailer        Video        Movie trailer        2019

















Senior Spring:

How Teens Feel About Guns in America

NPR    7 February 2019





Senior Spring: How Teens Feel About Guns in America

Video    NPR    7 February 2019


On Feb. 14, 2018,

a gunman killed 17 people

at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

in Parkland, Fla.


In the aftermath,

led first by students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas,

teenagers around the country initiated

an unprecedented wave

of youth activism for gun control.


Teenage voices

from all sides of the issue weighed in,

and in the months that followed,

they helped reinvigorate

one of the nation's longest-raging debates.


Beginning in March 2018,

NPR sought out more than 15 teenagers

from nine states and Washington, D.C.,

to document their relationship with guns.


Everyone featured in the resulting film

was 17 years old in 2018.


Most of these teens were seniors in high school.


As they approached their graduations,

they spoke from a variety of diverse backgrounds and perspectives

— from sport shooters in the Midwest

to a student planning to join the military in the Southwest;

from a teenager in Washington, D.C.,

who lost his twin brother to gun violence

to a young woman in Montana

who followed the example of the teens from Parkland.


What emerged

was a portrait of the budding political consciousness

of the next generation of American voters,

and a fresh look at America's complex relationship with guns

from the teenagers who have grown up with them.


















Mapping global gun violence

The Economist    27 September 2018





Mapping global gun violence

Video        The Economist        27 September 2018


El Salvador, Venezuela and Guatemala

have the worst gun violence in the world.


America's lax firearm laws are adding to their problems.


Since 1990

the number of gun deaths worldwide has reached

6.5 million.


Three quarters of gun deaths occur in just 15 countries.




















Official Trailer    Lionsgate Movies    2018





Blindspotting (2018 Movie) Official Trailer - Daveed Diggs, Rafael Casal

Video        Lionsgate Movies        2018


Starring Daveed Diggs, Rafael Casal, Janina Gavankar, Jasmine Cephas Jones,

Ethan Embry, Tisha Campbell-Martin, Utkarsh Ambudkar, and Wayne Knight.


















The Hate U Give

Official Trailer    20th Century FOX    2018





The Hate U Give

Official Trailer        Video        20th Century FOX        2018

















A message from Dunblane

to Florida school shooting survivors

G    13 March 2018





A message from Dunblane to Florida school shooting survivors

Video    Guardian News    13 March 2018

















Trump Targets Devices

That Make Guns Deadlier

NYT    20 February 2018





Trump Targets Devices That Make Guns Deadlier

Video        NYT News        The New York Times        20 February 2018


President Trump announced his support

for regulating items like the so-called bump stock,

which was used in the mass shooting in Las Vegas.


















Survivors of the Florida School Shooting Speak Out

NYT    16 February 2018





Survivors of the Florida School Shooting Speak Out

Video        NYT        The New York Times        16 February 2018


Just hours after 17 people

were killed in a mass shooting

at their high school in Parkland, Fla.,

students turned to social media

to advocate for more gun control.


















Gun Nation

G    16 September 2016





Gun Nation

Video    G    16 September 2016


A revealing and unsettling journey

to the heart of America’s deadly love affair with the gun


In the 18 years since Zed Nelson’s

seminal photography book Gun Nation was published,

500,000 Americans have been killed by firearms in the US.

Half a million people dead and many more injured,

Nelson returns to the people he met, re-photographs them,

and asks why America is a nation

still with an insatiable appetite for firearms.

Gun Nation explores the paradox

of why America's most potent symbol of freedom

is also one of its greatest killers.


Director: Zed Nelson

Producer: Zed Nelson

Editor: Noah Payne Frank

Commissioned by The Guardian

and Bertha Foundation for the Guardian Bertha documentary partnership


















Why so many Americans love their guns?

BBC    17 February 2016





Why so many Americans love their guns?

Video    BBC News    17 February 2016


There are more than 350m legal firearms

owned in the US,

and it is estimated that between a third and a half

of all Americans own at least one.


In the first 48 days of 2016

1,556 people have died

as a result of gun violence in the US.


President Obama

says the biggest regret of his presidency

is his failure to secure effective gun laws.


















Stray Bullet    NYT    Oct. 7, 2015





Stray Bullet

Video    Op-Docs    The New York Times    7 October 2015


This short documentary follows a mother’s devotion

after her 11-year-old daughter is struck by a stray bullet

in New York City.






Op-Docs - Op-Docs: Season 4

NYT        By SHIHO FUKADA | Oct. 7, 2015 | 7:58
















After Tamir Rice Shooting, Pain Lingers

NYT    22 April 2015




After Tamir Rice Shooting, Pain Lingers

Video        The New York Times        22 April 2015


Family and friends of Tamir Rice struggle with their loss

five months after a Cleveland police officer fatally shot the 12-year-old

while playing with a toy gun.


Produced by: Brent McDonald and Michael Kirby Smith

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1EcONB4

Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video


















A Harlem Mother’s Anti-Violence Mission

NYT    9 April 2015





A Harlem Mother’s Anti-Violence Mission

Video    Made With Kickstarter    The New York Times    9 April 2015


Jean Corbett-Parker shared the story of her son’s death

and her fight to prevent violence on the very streets in Harlem

that her son warned others about.























Walter Scott Death:

Video Shows Fatal North Charleston Police Shooting

NYT    7 April 2015





Walter Scott Death: Video Shows Fatal North Charleston Police Shooting

Video    The New York Times    7 April 2015








ideo Shows Fatal Police Shooting        NYT        Apr. 7, 2015 | 4:16

















No Guns for Christmas

NYT    29 December 2014





No Guns for Christmas

Video    Op-Docs    The New York Times    29 December 2014


Based on two police shootings in Ohio,

this short documentary questions

whether toy guns can really be innocent gifts.


Produced by: Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1xsUKFC

Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n

Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video


















Gun Play for Grownups

NYT    2 December 2014





Gun Play for Grownups

Video    The New York Times    2 December 2014


A married couple bonds

over their shared love of the local shooting range.


Produced by: Mike Shum

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1A7Quvu

Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video

















When Loud Music Turned Deadly

NYT    4 February 2014





When Loud Music Turned Deadly

Video    Op-Docs    The New York Times    4 February 2014


This video tells the story of Jordan Davis,

a black teenager in Florida

who was killed by a white man, Michael Dunn,

after an argument over loud music.


The slain youth's father shares his loss.


Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1frGZMH


















An Accidental Shooting

NYT    September 29, 2013





An Accidental Shooting

Video    The New York Times    30 September 2013


14-year-old Noah McGuire was accidentally shot by his friend,

with a gun that had been stashed behind a television.






*By Vijai Singh and Christopher Toothman

 NYT    Sep. 29, 2013 | 4:28

















President Obama Speaks on Trayvon Martin

The White House    July 19, 2013





President Obama Speaks on Trayvon Martin

Video    July 19, 2013


President Obama

makes a statement about Trayvon Martin

and the verdict of the court trial

that followed the Florida teenager's death


YouTube > The White House















N.R.A. Press Conference:

Group Calls for Armed Guards in Schools

NYT    21 December 2012





N.R.A. Press Conference: Group Calls for Armed Guards in Schools

Vodeo    NYT    21 December 2012


Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association

announces the creation of the National School Shield Program

and calls on government to put armed security officers

in every school in the nation.


















President Obama Makes a Statement

on the Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

14 December 2012





President Obama Makes a Statement on the Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

Video    White House    14 December 2012


President Obama delivers a statement

on today's shooting at a school in Newtown, Connecticut.


December 14, 2012.


















Welcome to the NRA    30 March 2012





Welcome to the NRA        NRA        30 March 2012


Join NRA Today and help us protect

your Second Amendment rights.



The National Rifle Association, chartered in 1871,

is America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights.


We're proud protectors of history's patriots

- advocating the right to keep and bear arms,

advancing the shooting sports and championing

gun safety, education and training.


















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