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Learning English > Spoken English


sounds, rhythm and flow > flow


Connected speech / Linking / Fluency / Flow


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Connected speech in English - why do we need it?

Video    6 December 2023    Accent's Way English with Hadar


Whadaya thin-ki-nabout?

Connected Speech in English

- it’s not always so clear!

Connected speech in English

is a powerful tool to help us understand others,

and be even clearer in English!


connecting your words will actually help you sound clearer.

Do you ever get the feeling

that you have to pronounce every word separately?


You’re not the only one.


But actually,

not connecting words together

can have a significant impact on your clarity

and lead to some misunderstanding.


In this episode,

I’ll show you how connected speech works in English

and how you can practice it

in a way that will help you as a listener

as well as a speaker of English.



















How to RELAX your ACCENT | Part 1

Connected Speech & Linking in English

mmmEnglish    15 March 2019





How to RELAX your ACCENT | Part 1

Connected Speech & Linking in English

video    mmmEnglish    15 March 2019


















How to RELAX your ACCENT | Part 2

Consonant Linking

mmmEnglish    22 March 2019





How to RELAX your ACCENT | Part 2 | Consonant Linking

Video    mmmEnglish    22 March 2019


















How to RELAX your ACCENT | Part 3

Vowel Linking in English

mmmEnglish    29 March 2019





How to RELAX your ACCENT | Part 3 | Vowel Linking in English

video    mmmEnglish    29 March 2019




















How to Pronounce Phrasal Verbs

with Word Stress and Linking    2018





How to Pronounce Phrasal Verbs with Word Stress and Linking

Video        English with Kim        26 June 2018


Want to pronounce phrasal verbs like a native English speaker?

Then you need to learn how to stress phrasal verbs

based on whether it's a noun, verb, or adjective.


You also need to understand how to link phrasal verbs together.


Practice the pronunciation of phrasal verbs, stress,

nd linking in English with 10 common phrasal verbs.


As you can hear in these examples,

stressing phrasal verbs correctly

is an essential part of clear sentence stress and English rhythm.


Word and sentence stress help native speakers understand you,

and we're expecting to hear phrasal verbs

stressed on the right word depending on its part of speech.

We often link consonants to the vowel that follows,

and we use the flap t to make this happen.



















How to Link Words

Speak English Fluently

Pronunciation Lesson    2017





How to Link Words

Video    Speak English Fluently - Pronunciation Lesson    30 March 2017


In this lesson,

you can see some common examples of linking

in English pronunciation.




















Consonant - vowel linking






Pronunciation: Consonant - vowel linking

Video        BBC Learning English        7 October 2016

Tim's back in his pronunciation workshop.

This time he's finding out what happens

when a word ending in a consonant sound

is followed by a word starting with a vowel sound.


















Consonant + Vowel Connected Speech






Consonant + Vowel Connected Speech in English Pronunciation

Video    ElementalEnglish    25 November 2014


















Connected Speech Practice    2015





Connected Speech Practice

English Pronunciation Lesson        Video        9 May 2015

YouTube > ElementalEnglish

















with Connected Speech    2014




“h”-deletion with Connected Speech | English Pronunciation Lesson

Video        22 October 2014


YouTube > ElementalEnglish
















Connected Speech & Linking

American English Pronunciation    2013





Connected Speech & Linking

American English Pronunciation

Video        5 March 2013


YouTube > ElementalEnglish
















Related > Anglonautes > Learning English


spoken English:



speech clarity,


word stress,

sentence / contrastive stress,

connected speech >

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