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grammaire anglaise explicative en BD

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et entendre les mots anglais



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Firefox > Mate Translate


Double-click on any word

to see instant translation on web pages.


Translate any word / sentence

to the language of your choice



listen to every word / text selection



































TransOver and Pronounce




TransOver > Hover (= point at), click or select to translate





How to use Transover

Video    15 November 2016












1 - Add Transover to Chrome


2 - right-click

on the Transover icon

to choose

the following options:


Translate word

(or text selection)

to the language of your choice

by pointing

or clicking at it.












Add Pronounce to Chrome


English text-to-speech app

with natural voice to read aloud,

boost your productivity

and improve pronunciation.


Tired of reading?


Want to hear correct intonation?


Would you like to speak

like a native?


Would love to improve

your pronunciation?


Best free online

chrome browser extension

for English text-to-speech reader

and pronunciation improvement.



will read aloud

the text you highlighted,

record your speech

and play your record.


Listen, record,

compare and repeat,


your English pronunciation.


You can read aloud words,

phrases or articles

on any web pages.


Replenish your dictionary

and don’t be shy speaking



You can proofread

your materials.


The voice changes

on question marks,

to sound

as if they have a question.


The commas

are read as commas,

with a pause.


Pronounce extension

helps you to look up

correct pronunciation

most easily and efficiently.


Even if you are a native speaker,

you might encounter words, phrases

and even sentences

that you want to pronounce better

without spending too much time.


The app provides

quick access to the reader

and a voice record tool

with a player.


Select the text

you want to hear and read.


Click on the app icon

on the top right;


pop-up starts

reading automatically,

showing you

record and play buttons

to work with your pronunciation



Also available via context menu.


Select text and right click

to open the context menu

with an option to pronounce

the selection.






Pronounce utilize

a text-to-speech (TTS) system

that converts

English language text

into speech.

















comment chercher dans cette grammaire

avec Google Search








mots clés :

soyez le plus précis possible

(deux mots au minimum)










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Learning English >


Grammaire anglaise explicative en BD - niveau débutants / révisions




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