grammaire anglaise explicative en BD
argumenter / réfléchir avec des modaux
syntaxe, sens et valeurs énonciatives
can / could + Base Verbale (BV)
exprimer la capacité, le savoir-faire, la possibilité, au présent :
can + Base Verbale
But you can make my costume by then, right?
But you can make my costume by then, right?
Freshly Squeezed Ed Stein GoComics October 30, 2011 http://www.gocomics.com/freshlysqueezed/2011/10/30
can't be for you, dad, no one ever calls you
Luann Greg Evans GoComics January 22, 2012
I can't tell if you're serious or kidding
FoxTrot by Bill Amend GoComics January 22, 2012
I can't eat with them staring at us like that!
Garfield by Jim Davis GoComics October 16, 2011
Dad, can I have more legos?
The Buckets by Greg Cravens GoComics October 09, 201
Can I have an umbrella, mom?
For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston Gocomics October 16, 2011
can > présent
capacité, savoir-faire, potentiel
I can do it! Je peux / sais le faire !
"Also, you'll find people look up to you when you can play the guitar well. When I was a teenager, I'd get asked to come to parties and play my guitar all the time." http://www.kidsturncentral.com/topics/music/guitar.htm
could > passé de can
valeur passé temporel :
Discours direct : "I can [ présent ] do it."
Discours indirect : He said he could [ ici valeur passée de can ] do it. Il a dit qu'il pouvait [ imparfait ] le faire.
s'applique aux verbes et aux modaux :
le verbe say étant au passé (said), le modal can a ici sa forme passée (could).
Attention, could peut avoir 2 valeurs, passé temporel ou conditionnel :
Discours direct : " I could [ ici valeur de conditionnel ] do it." Je pourrais le faire (conditionnel).
Discours indirect : He said he could [ ici valeur de passé ] do it. Il a dit qu'il pouvait le faire.
valeur hypothétique > possibilité
simple hypothèse, simple supposition, théorie
If you could do anything tomorrow [ ici valeur hypothétique de could ],
what would it be [ conséquence ]?
Si tu pouvais faire tout ce que tu voulais demain, que ferais-tu / tu ferais quoi ?
Si tu avais la possibilité de faire...
Supposons que tu puisses faire [ présent (temps) du subjonctif (mode) ] ...
sens et valeur énonciative > hypothèse > (forte) probabilité
hypothèse raisonnée, fondée scientifiquement, démontrée
It's called Apophis. It's 390m wide. And it could hit Earth in 31 years time
Et il pourrait (bien)
Developing technology could take decades
Wednesday December 7, 2005 The Guardian Alok Jha
While people worry about the risks of flying or bird flu, an asteroid strike is far more likely.
In Egyptian myth, Apophis was the ancient spirit of evil and destruction, a demon that was determined to plunge the world into eternal darkness. A fitting name, astronomers reasoned, for a menace now hurtling towards Earth from outerspace. Scientists are monitoring the progress of a 390-metre wide asteroid discovered last year that is potentially on a collision course with the planet, and are imploring governments to decide on a strategy for dealing with it.
It's called Apophis.
The hands-on revolution but new touch-sensitive screens could give [ hypothèse fondée, démontrée > pourrait bien ] us a whole new way to work with computers. Charles Arthur reports
The Guardian
It's more than two decades since the last computer interface revolution - the mouse - and now the next one is just around the corner. Slightly less than a year ago, Jeff Han, a researcher at the computer science department at New York University, stood up in Monterey at the annual TED (Technology, Engineering, Design) conference, a showcase for interesting new products and ideas, and began demonstrating his new big idea. Standing in front of a 36" by 27" screen tilted towards him, he began demonstrating how he could operate [ capacité > pouvait ] a computer using just his hands. The crowd whooped. "I think this is going to change the way we interact with computers," Han said.
The hands-on
could > valeur énonciative > conditionnel
capacité soumise à condition :
'If students were [ "passé" hypothétique de be ] armed [ condition ]
they could fight back' [ conséquence, résultat prévisible ]
"Si les étudiants étaient armés, ils pourraient se défendre" [ capacité soumise à condition > proposition conditionnelle en "si" ]
Traduction explicative : la condition pour que les étudiants puissent riposter, c'est qu'ils soient armés.
Last Updated: 2:23am BST 19/04/2007 The Daily Telegraph By Tom Leonard in Roanoke
What vexes John Markell most about the Virginia Tech massacre is not that he sold the killer one of his guns but that none of the victims was able to shoot back. "I shoot with those people at the university - the professors, the deans, the grad students - and they shoot good," he said, fiddling with the same model handgun as that used in the killings. The owner of Roanoke Firearms, a packed armoury of shotguns, assault rifles and handguns a half-hour drive from the university, said that his daughter graduated from Virginia Tech 10 years ago.
'If students were armed they could fight
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Learning English > Grammaire anglaise explicative en BD - niveau débutants / révisions
argumenter / discuter / réfléchir
capacité / demander la permission