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verbal / modal -> nominal


this underrated drama is a must-see


a must-see

est un groupe nominal

qui comprend 2 éléments nominalisés :

le modal must et le verbe see


















wipe out -> wipeout


Wildlife faces wipeout

in the cradle of evolution

Experts warn

of 'catastrophic' fishing threat

to Galapagos Islands


Environmental disaster is looming in the Galapagos Islands, the Pacific archipelago whose unique wildlife inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Already under pressure from a rapidly growing population and mass tourism, the waters around the Galapagos face being devastated by one of the world's most wildlife-damaging fishing methods.

Headline, surb and §1, I, 31.3.2005,






Must see -> must see


Final performances prior to Broadway


'A must see'

Mail on Sunday

Ad, ES, p. 7, 3.2.2004.






Smoke -> smoking


Smoking linked to impotence

in young men

Headline, G, 12.2.2004,






Know -> know   


Are you in the know?

Quiz, DT, web frontpage, 11.2.2004.






Has been -> has been

Tired of Hutton?

There was one other story that mattered

this week - the trials and tribulations

of a bunch of has-beens aching for the TV limelight

Jungle celebs - we can't get enough of them,
G, 31.1.2004,






Rip off -> ripping off   


John Hellier, head of ELSPA's anti-piracy unit, said:

'There's a huge education problem here.

We need people to understand that ripping off

content has an impact on the future employment of people

working in the creative industries.'

Rising tide of counterfeit goods costs UK £10bn:
Criminal gangs move out of drug smuggling into less policed racket,
18 January 2004,






See - > seeing / believe -> believing   


Seeing is believing

G, 3.1.2004,






Don't know -> don't knows   


But the results of this month's Guardian/ICM poll show that the royals have staged a strong recovery from that low point with 57% - up 14 points - saying that the country would be worse off without them. The "don't knows" have shrunk to only 10% while the republican voters who believe Britain would be better off without the royals has stayed steady at a substantial minority of 33% of voters.






Take over -> takeover   


Microsoft runs search for a way

to take over internet giant Google


The phenomenal success of Google, the internet search engine, has attracted the attention of the biggest name in hi-tech business, the Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Microsoft is said to be pursuing talks to buy the Silicon Valley firm. Google, which was started from scratch five years ago by two Stanford computer science graduate students, was recently valued at between $15bn and $25bn.

According to a report in the New York Times, Microsoft executives have approached Google about a range of options, including a takeover by the software company,
at meetings in the past two months.

Headline and first §§, G, 1.11.2003,






Can't -> can't   


WE can't run a train system, we can't provide a decent health service and we can't produce competent secondary education.

Is there no limit to the number of abject can'ts (and we haven't even mentioned Earl Spencer, who can't be playing with a full deck) in British life? Apparently not. It now emerges that we can't produce enough semen.

Such is the shortage of donor sperm (and given a flat fee of £15 a shot, small wonder), we will soon have to import the stuff from Denmark. It could be worse. Denmark is a civilised nation with a superb cradle-to-grave welfare state.

It's breeding disgraceful, Matthew Norman,
DMi, 24.10.2003,






Shoot dead -> shooting dead   


British forces vowed yesterday

to continue their "softly softly" tactics in Iraq

despite the growing threat of guerilla attacks

and the shooting dead of three British soldiers

in Basra at the weekend.

Troops stick to tactics despite killings,
GI, p. 1, 25.8.2003.






Single out -> singling out


"With the first mention of school, Thomas must have had the same thoughts - are they going to be at the bus stop, are they going to get me today, do I have enough money on me to cover what they take?

"When it's your own child that can't walk down the street without someone getting at him you ask yourself, 'Why is it always him?' You even begin to wonder if he's doing something to provoke it. But it seems that there's always one child who gets singled out."

There were reasons forpréposition that singling out, numerous and at the same time insufficient.

Death of a schoolboy,
GI/G2, p. 2, 25 August 2003,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formation / transformation des mots >

nominalisation, verbalisation, adverbialisation



verbe à particule adverbiale -> nominalisation -> nom




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