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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


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formation, transformation


nom -> nomà suffixe












King -> Kingdom / Nation -> Nationhood


His reign gave birth to notions of a British national identity, an empire and the Union flag, yet the 400th anniversary of James VI of Scotland's accession to the English throne has gone virtually unnoticed.

In uniting the kingdoms, James sowed the seeds of nationhood and encouraged subjects to describe themselves as Britons. The new flag was designed to be flown by both Scottish and English shipping and settlements were established in North America. But while the current Queen's Golden Jubilee last year was marked by major celebrations, a tour of the United Kingdom and by concerts, few people were even aware that Tuesday was the nation's birthday.

An inquiry to Buckingham Palace's press office was initially met with the response: 'The union of the crowns. That was on Tuesday, wasn't it?'

UK's birthday marked by lack of celebration:
he 400th anniversary of James VI of Scotland's accession
to the English throne has gone virtually unnoticed






Dictator -> Dictatorship


For all his literary talent, though, it was as an outspoken critic of both the corrupt and oppressive civilian regime of western Nigeria and, after two military coups and a civil war in 1966, of the subsequent federal military dictatorship that Soyinka reached a wider audience in the west. He was detained as a political prisoner between 1967 and 1969, and was forced to flee Nigeria during the Abacha dictatorship of the 1990s as his life was at risk. Even now, with Abacha dead and a superficially more tolerant government in place, you sense he is still a man with one eye constantly watching his back.

Fellow of the world: Wole Soyinka tells John Crace
how western academics cosily acquiesce to injustice
G, 6.8
, 2002,






Garden -> Gardener / Seed -> Seedling


For the organic gardener, chickens are almost a necessity, although put a chicken in a flower border and they will scratch up every seed, seedling and piece of mulch and eat every piece of juicy green growth.

Monty Don's organic way of life:
If your idea of happiness is a beautiful fresh-laid egg,
buy your own chickens
- and learn to love them,
O, 15.7.2001,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formation / transformation des mots >

nominalisation, verbalisation, adverbialisation




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