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Conservatives Are Fighting

Over Ronald Reagan’s Legacy.


They Overlook What Made Him So Successful.


















Vinyl records outsell CDs

for the first time since 1987

















Fletch was meant to outlive us all’:

Depeche Mode on death, rebirth

and defying the odds





















Never underestimate me.


Garfield Classics

Jim Davis


July 6, 2022




















Don't overthink it, Robby.


Frank & Ernest



September 28, 2011


















Henry Payne

Editorial cartoon

The Detroit News


18 November 2005


















Kevin Siers

political cartoon

The Charlotte Observer

North Carolina


10 June 2009


















Steve Breen

Editorial cartoon

The San Diego Union-Tribune


1 June 2010


Apple CEO Steve Jobs

















Steve Breen

Comment cartoon

The San Diego Union-Tribune


1 June 2010


















The Guardian    Review    p. 8    6 December 2008



















The Guardian    Technology    p. 8    12 April 2007
















California sues oil giants,

saying they downplayed climate change.


September 16, 2023    NPR


















An experimental Alzheimer's drug

outperforms one just approved by the FDA


July 17, 2023    NPR



















Wes Anderson has outdone himself

with 'Asteroid City'


June 16, 2023    NPR




















Omicron keeps finding new evolutionary tricks

to outsmart our immunity


October 25, 2022    NPR










































































































































The Art of Blackmail


October 4, 2009

The New York Times



In 1824, a publisher wrote to the first Duke of Wellington with a threat: he was about to publish a salacious memoir by a former mistress of the duke’s. Money could keep Wellington out of those red-hot pages.

The Iron Duke, vanquisher of Napoleon, sent the letter back with a message scrawled across it: “Publish and be damned.”

Last week David Letterman outdid the duke. He worked with the Manhattan district attorney’s office and a grand jury to arrest a man who allegedly tried to blackmail him. And then Mr. Letterman confessed to his audience of millions that he had had sexual affairs with members of his staff — the very “terrible, terrible things” that, he said, the man had threatened to expose unless he paid him $2 million.

The Art of Blackmail,






Economic Scene

Health Care Rationing Rhetoric

Overlooks Reality


June 17, 2009
The New York Times



More to the point: Rationing!

As in: Wait, are you talking about rationing medical care? Access to medical care is a fundamental right. And rationing sounds like something out of the Soviet Union. Or at least Canada.

The r-word has become a rejoinder to anyone who says that this country must reduce its runaway health spending, especially anyone who favors cutting back on treatments that don’t have scientific evidence behind them. You can expect to hear a lot more about rationing as health care becomes the dominant issue in Washington this summer.

[ ... ]

But flat-out opposition to comparative effectiveness is, in the end, opposition to making good choices. And all the noise about rationing is not really a courageous stand against less medical care. It’s a utopian stand against better medical care.

Health Care Rationing Rhetoric Overlooks Reality,






BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

The United Nations envoy in Baghdad urged Iraqis

on Wednesday to press on with setting up

a broad parliamentary-style body

to help oversee the new interim government

that is charged with organizing elections.

UN Urges Iraqis to Set Up Body to Oversee New Govt,






Women outperform men at university,

say academics

20 October 2003,






Deep inside your brain lies a group of neurons

whose job it is to make you overeat.

The fat controller, NS, p. 38, 9.8.2003.






Andrew Gilligan, the BBC reporter

at the heart of the Iraq row,

has submitted a fresh witness statement

to Lord Hutton's inquiry

in an attempt to undo damage caused

by a controversial email.

New Gilligan claim on controversial email,
p. 1, 25.8.2003,






Also overstated, he said, were the existence

of actual chemical and biological weapons

and Iraq's links to terrorism.

"It's pretty clear that

different administration officials overstated

their case,"

said Kenneth M. Pollack, an Iraq expert

at the Brookings Institution

and a member of the National Security Council

in the Clinton administration,

who was a leading advocate of going to war

with Saddam Hussein.

Truth and Credibility As Casualties of War,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 3, 15/16.6.2003.






A Paris investigating magistrate has overruled

the recommendation of a senior public prosecutor

and set up a formal inquiry into the £1.4m grocery bill

claimed by Jacques Chirac and his wife

during eight of the 18 years that the president spent

as mayor of the French capital.

Paris judge holds Chiracs to account for £1.4m grocery bill,
p. 9,
12 June 2003,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

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