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verbes à particule adverbiale,

verbes à préposition,

verbes à préfixe >


verbes à particule adverbiale



verbe à particule adverbiale > passif




beauxiliaire + Vau participe passé




The Guardian    31 August 2004















Certains verbes à particule adverbiale

- ou certaines de leurs acceptions -

appellent le passif

(beauxiliaire + Vau participe passé).



1 : shake up ne signifie pas ici

secouer, remanier (gouvernement),


bouleverser (the established order),


traumatiser :


1 - The American marine whom kidnappers are threatening to behead deserted the military because he had been emotionally traumatized, and was abducted by his captors while trying to make his way home to his native Lebanon, a Marine officer said.

The officer, who spoke Tuesday on condition of anonymity, said he believed that Corporal Wassef Ali Hassoun had been betrayed by Iraqis he had befriended on his base.

The officer said


a 24-year-old Marine linguist,

was shaken up

after he saw one of his sergeants blown apart

by a mortar shell.

Captured Marine is described as deserter,
IHT, p. 4, 1.7.2004,






BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - Millions of people around the Indian Ocean scrambled for food and clean water on Thursday, with the threat of disease and hunger now stalking survivors of the most devastating tsunami on record.

The official death toll rose to 82,847 but the true scale of the disaster may not be known for days, or even weeks, as rescuers struggled to reach stricken areas and grieving survivors searched for relatives.

"Entire villages have been washed away,"

[ present perfect passif affirmatif ]

said Rod Volway, program manager

for CARE Canada's Emergency Response Team

which was one of the first aid groups

into Indonesia's northern Aceh province,

the worst-hit area.

Millions Hunt for Food as Tsunami Toll Over 80,000,
Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:14 AM ET,






BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

A military judge jailed a U.S. army sergeant,

described in court as a typical all-American boy,

for eight years on Thursday

for sexually and physically abusing Iraqi prisoners.

The sentence for Staff Sergeant Ivan "Chip" Frederick,

38, is by far the toughest of those Ø Ø handed down

[ passé passif affirmatif,

Ø Ø = that were ]

to three soldiers now convicted over abuses at

Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison.

U.S. Soldier Gets 8 Years for Iraq Jail Abuse,
Thu Oct 21, 2004 01:16 PM ET,

















Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates

being sworn in Monday.


Photograph: Doug Mills


Attacks in Iraq at Record High, Pentagon Says


19 December 2006















Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


verbes à particule adverbiale



verbes à particule adverbiale,

verbes à préposition,

verbes à préfixe




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