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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


groupe verbal


équivalents anglais

du présent du subjonctif

en français


N + Base Verbaleà valeur de subjonctif


God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us;

God save the Queen!

Royal anthem,
















Nsujet + adjective + thoughconjonction + Nsujet + may + be


... I fully support the TSA screening methods,

invasive though they may be!




Nate Beeler

The Washington Examiner

Washington, D.C.


22 November 2010


L: U.S. President Barack Obama.






Traduction explicative :


Je soutiens complètement

les mesures anti-terroristes de détection

mises en place par la TSA,

aussi intrusives soient-elles !

[ présent du subjonctif du verbe être ]


aussi intrusives puissent-elles être !

[ présent du subjonctif du verbe pouvoir ]
















it's recommended + Nsujet + bebase verbale à valeur de subjonctif


... actually it's recommended

you be pretty gullible to see this film.




Larry Wright (American cartoonist)


21 June 2004
















let + Base Verbale (BV)


Let them eat crumbs


Traduction explicative :


Qu'conjonction ils mangent les miettes


A la 3ème personne du pluriel

(ils / elles),

le présent du subjonctif de manger

est identique

au présent de l'indicatif :


qu'ils mangent


ils mangent




Let them eat crumbs


So the Queen has vouchsafed us

another peek inside the royal art collection?

It's not enough, says Jonathan Jones

Seven weeks after executing Charles,

the British republic decided to sell off his art collection.

This is not fantasy,

although it's becoming easier by the day

to see the current Prince of Wales

as a reincarnation of Charles I,

beheaded outside the Banqueting Hall of Whitehall Palace

on January 30 1649.

Judging by his recent statements,

Charles Windsor shares Charles Stuart's total inability

to imagine public reactions to royal actions.

Headline, sub and §1, G, 29.11.2004,

















long + live + Nsujet


God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us;

God save the Queen!

Royal anthem,


















Film & Music































should + Base verbale


It's not fair

I should be suspended!


Traduction explicative >

Présent du subjonctif du verbe être :

il n'est pas juste

queconjonction je sois suspendu!


I committed violence, not nudity!





Larry Wright (American cartoonist)

24 November 2004




artest-today-show_x.htm - broken link
















BV + Nsujet


Queconjonction vienne la révolution / Queconjonction la révolution vienne

















Queconjonction il pleuve ou qu'il neige

















demand + thatconjonction + Nsujet + BVbase verbale à valeur de subjonctif


the Queen shrugged off demands


thatconjonction she say sorry...




The Queen last night

used the occasion of a state visit to Germany

to say that she recognised

the "appalling suffering of war on both sides".

Speaking at a banquet

hosted by President Horst Köhler,

the Queen shrugged off demands

by the mass-circulation tabloid Bild

thatshe say sorry

for the destruction of Dresden

by allied bombers.

Queen: both sides suffered in the war :
No apology for Dresden on state visit to Germany,
but appeal to treasure peace in Europe and abandon 'stereotypes',
first §§,
G, 3.11.2004,






In a recent interview,

a top Hezbollah official,

Hajji Hussein al-Khalil,

rejected American demands

that it cease military operations

and leave the area in southern Lebanon bordering Israel.

Hezbollah Adjusts To New Pressure,
NYT/Le Monde, p.1, 18/19.5.2003.
















request / demand


thatconjonction + Nsujet + Base Verbale à valeur de ubjonctif


Mr. Roper is present

on my request that he investigate

ugly rumors brought to my attention!




Mr. Roper is present on my request

that he investigate ugly rumors brought to my attention!


Steve Roper and Mike Nomad

Fran Matera (American cartoonist)

14 November 2004












The Australian Soccer Association had declined

a written request from Leeds

that the striker be withdrawn

but remain in "continued dialogue"

with both parties.

City on  alert for United takeover bid,
G, p. 22, 17.2.2004.

















GN avec adjectif (s) au superlatif


Nsujet + haveauxiliary + ever + Vau participe passé

(bilan au present perfect)


The most powerful and advanced

range of business devices

we have ever created.


Traduction explicative :


la gamme la plus puissante et la plus avancée

que nous ayons jamais créée.


nous ayons :

présent du subjonctif de avoir




The Guardian        p. 24        19 June 2006

















Nobjet/sujet (objet de la propistion principale / sujet de l'infinitive)


toviseur -> Base Verbale


You expect

me to believe that?!?


Vous vous attendiez

à ce que je croie à ça ?!?


 je croie : présent du subjonctif de croire




You expect

me to believe that?!?


Fred Fredericks        Created by Lee Falk        15 March 2005

















forconjonction + Nsujet + to viseur -> Base Verbaleà valeur de subjonctif


wait forconjonction

us to email vacancies


traduction explicative :


attendez queconjonction

nous vous envoyionsprésent du subjonctif les postes disponibles




The Guardian        Society 2        p. 28        22 February 2006


















Rob Rogers

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pennsylvania


6 January 2006

















The Economy in 2011


January 1, 2011

The New York Times


When people say

that the recovery does not feel like a recovery,

they are describing reality.

The economy is growing,

but for many Americans life is not getting better.

Unemployment remains high.

Home values are depressed.

And state budgets are in deep trouble,

presaging more layoffs,

service cuts and tax increases.

The question for 2011 is whether growth

will ever translate into broad prosperity.


For that to happen,

[ pour que cela puisse se produire ]

the federal government must ensure

that the recovery does not falter

for lack of adequate stimulus,

while fostering job-creating industries

and committing itself to long-term deficit reduction.

[ ... ]

The Economy in 2011, NYT, 1.11.2011,






Budget Woes Expose

Rifts Over Tobacco Money


January 14, 2009
The New York Times


MIAMI — Lawton Chiles spent his last years

as governor battling Big Tobacco,

pushing one of the first major cases

against cigarette companies,

which resulted in an endowment of almost $2 billion

and a “truth campaign” against smoking

that became a national model.

Now, a desperate Florida stands

poised to raid the endowment,

cutting it by more than half to help close

a huge budget gap brought on

by the economic downturn.


“For the governor to say


[ Que le gouverneur dise

- présent du subjonctif de dire /


Que le gouverneur puisse dire..

- présent du subjonctif de pouvoir.]


that this is just a rainy day fund

is really disrespectful of my father’s legacy

and what he fought for,”

Lawton Chiles III, 55, son of the former governor,

said of Gov. Charlie Crist.


“They’re just looking to plug a hole.”

[ ... ]

Budget Woes Expose Rifts Over Tobacco Money,


















if + Nsujet + had + Vau participe passé

(past perfect modal)


for + Nsujet + toviseur -> have



If God had meant

for everyone to have healthcare,

he would have created more doctors.


Traduction explicative :


Si Dieu avait voulu

que tout le monde ait accès aux soins gratuits,

il aurait créé plus de docteurs.


 tout le monde ait :

présent du subjonctif du verbe avoir





Monte Wolverton

The Wolvertoon


21 September 2010

















it is time + Nsujet + Vau passé modal / virtuel


Is it time

I had an eye test?


Traduction explicative:


Ne serait-il pas temps

queconjonction je fasse un test de la vue?


je fasse :

présent du subjonctif du verbe faire




The Guardian        p. 2        22 June 2006
















recommend + N + Base Verbaleà valeur de ubjonctif


The decision by Perry,

a Republican,

came one day after

the state's Board of Pardons and Paroles

voted to recommend

Newton receive a four-month stay.




HOUSTON, Texas (Reuters) -

Texas Gov. Rick Perry

granted a rare stay of execution

to a Houston woman just hours

before she was scheduled to die

on Wednesday night by lethal injection

for the 1987 murder

of her husband and two children.


Frances Newton, 39,

has protested her innocence

since she was charged

in the shooting deaths of her husband Adrian, 23,

son Alton, 7, and daughter Farrah, 21 months,

in what prosecutors said

was an attempt to collect $100,000

from life insurance policies on her family.


Had she been put to death,

Newton would have been

the first black woman to be executed in Texas

and the fourth woman to be executed

in the state since 1863.


The decision by Perry, a Republican, came one day

after the state's Board of Pardons and Paroles voted

to recommend Newton receive a four-month stay.

Governor Stays Texas Woman's Wednesday Execution,
R, Wed Dec 1, 2004 06:35 PM ET
















Ne pas confondre


recommend / demand / demanding + GNsujet + Base Verbale




for + GNsujet + toviseur -> Base Verbale




Mr Putin also clashed with Mr Blair

bypréposition demanding

UN weapons inspectors bebase verbale allowed back into Iraq

and challenged Mr Blair's

vision of a new strategic partnership,

arguing it would be unacceptable

for the US to dominatebase verbale

the international community.


We are not with you and we don't believe you,
GE, p. 1, 30 April 2003


















lest + Nsujet + BVà valeur de subjonctif


sans "S" à la 3e personne du singulier


lest he give his white supervisors

the slightest excuse to fire him




Edward Thomas,

Policing Pioneer

Who Wore a Burden Stoically,

Dies at 95


AUG. 14, 2015

The New York Times



When Edward Thomas joined

the Houston Police Department in 1948,

he could not report for work through the front door.

He could not drive a squad car,

eat in the department cafeteria

or arrest a white suspect.

Walking his beat,

he was once disciplined

for talking to a white meter maid.

Officer Thomas, who died on Monday at 95,

was the first African-American

to build an eminent career

with the Houston Police Department,

one that endured for 63 years.

By the time he retired four years ago,

two months shy of his 92nd birthday,

he had experienced the full compass

of 20th-century race relations.

His days were suffused

with the pressure to perform perfectly,

lest he give his white supervisors

the slightest excuse to fire him

— and he could be fired,

he knew, for a transgression

as small as not wearing a hat.








Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé




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