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present perfect américain :

haveauxiliaire gotten










haveauxiliaire got





haveauxiliaire (got) + toconnecteur + Base Verbale





have + -ing / adjectif > valeur résultative






haveauxiliaire + not + got    /    doauxiliaire + not + have




registre / variations sémantiques





The Guardian        p. 24        4 November 2005
















The Guardian       p. 42        22 january 2009

















The Guardian        p. 42        26 June 2007
















The Guardian        G2        p. 16        25 April 2007
















The Guardian        p. 15        15 February 2007
















The Guardian        Society 1        p. 13        10.5.2006


















The Guardian        Sport        p. 2        21.2.2006
















The Guardian        Education        p. 5        21.2.2006
































The Guardian        p. 6        15.1.2007
















The Guardian        p. 29        17.2.2007
















The Guardian        p. 19        29.3.2007















































The Guardian        Society 1        p. 11        5.4.2006
















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 76        4.3.2006

















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 68        19.11.2005
















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 92        19.11.2005
















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 92        12.11.2005
















The Guardian        Media        p. 11        14.8.2006















































The Guardian        Weekend        p. 24        12.11.2005















The Guardian        Media        p. 1        28.11.2005
















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 28        5.11.2005

















Rex Morgan

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis        12.4.2005



















Ed Stei

The Rocky Mountain News, Colorado        Cagle        4.11.2005



George W. Bush,

43rd president of the United States.














Senate Emphasis on Ideology

Has Some in G.O.P. Anxious


June 7, 2006
The New York Times


WASHINGTON, June 6 — Though some Republican candidates may relish the Senate's current concentration on same-sex marriage and other ideologically charged topics, Senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island is not among them.

"It may stir up my primary voters a little bit against me," said Mr. Chafee, a centrist Republican up for re-election. He opposes the push for a constitutional amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage and is under intense pressure to back a proposed amendment that would forbid flag burning. "I'm collateral damage."

Other Republicans, including some conservatives, say Mr. Chafee may not be the only potential victim of what they see as a misguided effort to appeal to social conservatives by staging votes intended primarily to make a point about the party's values. They say that voters are more concerned about the economy, health care and immigration, and that replaying the marriage debate in particular could do as much damage as good as Republicans fight to retain control of Congress.

"I don't think the problem is primarily with social conservatives," said Pat Toomey, a former Republican House member who now heads the Club for Growth, a conservative political action committee. "The problem I see is with economic conservatives who see out-of-control spending, huge deficits and that Republicans can't make the tax cuts permanent. The problem is on a different field."

Those who doubt the strategy are up against a long-held belief among Republican leaders that highlighting issues like same-sex marriage, flag desecration and abortion speaks to the party's convictions and carries concrete political benefits.

    Senate Emphasis on Ideology Has Some in G.O.P. Anxious, NYT, 7.6.2006,






At a free clinic in Philadelphia, Jennifer Brown, 26,

spent a recent lunch hour talking to a counselor

and waiting anxiously for a small white strip

to tell her whether she had the AIDS virus.

Ms. Brown said

she and her partner had stopped using condoms,

and she recently discovered that he had been unfaithful.

"How would you feel

if the results come back positive?"

the counselor asked.

Ms. Brown exhaled.

"I'd have to get on with it," she said.

"I have a daughter."

U.S. Weighs Whether to Open an Era of Rapid H.I.V. Detection in the Home, first §§,
    NYT, 5.11.2005,






WOMEN who have a baby by Caesarean section

have more difficulty conceiving a second time,

research suggests.

A 17-year study of more than 25,000 women has found

that women who had surgical deliveries were less likely

to have another baby compared

with those who gave birth naturally.

    Caesareans may reduce fertility:
    A 17-year childbirth study suggests that the procedure could lead to problems with future conceptions,
    Times, 2.8.2005,






Kylie cancels Showgirl tour

after announcing she has breast cancer


She has gone from playing a tomboy mechanic

in a soap opera

to being dubbed one of the world's sexiest women,

via a rollercoaster of a career and love life

that has been feverishly documented

in thousands of tabloid headlines.

But yesterday, the gossip and the glamour surrounding

Kylie Minogue's latest, sell-out world tour ground to a halt

after the star announced she had breast cancer.

    Headline and first §§, I, 18.5.2005






Kennedy and wife have baby boy


The Liberal Democrat leader, Charles Kennedy,

became a father today,

as his wife Sarah gave birth

to the couple's first child

- a baby son named Donald James.

The baby boy was born just after midnight

in St Thomas' hospital in London,

weighing six pounds nine ounces.

The couple were "absolutely delighted",

according to the party.

Headline and first §§, G, 12.4.2005,






Ailing Pope has throat surgery


Pope John Paul II last night underwent

successful surgery to his windpipe

after being rushed to hospital

for the second time in a month

with what the Vatican described

as "acute" respiratory difficulties.

Headline and §1, G, 11.3.2005,







In geometry, a three-sided plane figure,

the sum of whose interior angles is 180°.

Triangles can be classified

by the relative lengths of their sides.

A scalene triangle has three sides of unequal length.

An isosceles triangle has at least two equal sides;

it has one line of symmetry.

An equilateral triangle has three equal sides

(and three equal angles of 60°);

it has three lines of symmetry.

© Research Machines plc 2005.
All rights reserved.
Helicon Publishing is a division of Research Machines plc.
    added 19.2.2005,






An equilateral triangle has got 3 sides of equal length

and 3 angles that are equal.

Since ALL the angles in a triangle add up to 180ş

then 180 divided by 3 must be 60ş.

Maths > Shapes: Triangles, copié 19.2.2005,






The Pentagon is a symbol, and the WTC is, or was, a symbol, and an American passenger jet is also a symbol - of indigenous mobility and zest, and of the galaxy of glittering destinations. The bringers of Tuesday's terror were morally "barbaric", inexpiably so, but they brought a demented sophistication to their work. They took these great American artefacts and pestled them to gether. Nor is it at all helpful to describe the attacks as "cowardly". Terror always has its roots in hysteria and psychotic insecurity; still, we should know our enemy. The firefighters were not afraid to die for an idea. But the suicide killers belong in a different psychic category, and their battle effectiveness has, on our side, no equivalent. Clearly, they have contempt for life. Equally clearly, they have contempt for death.

Fear and loathing:
The attack on the United States last Tuesday has brought home to the west two uncomfortable realities -
the ferocious hatred felt for America; and that none of us will ever feel safe again.
So, asks Martin Amis,
where do we go from here?,
G, 18.9.2001,






"have got contempt" :

au 26.2.2005,

Google ne propose qu'une seule occurrence

sur les 8 058 044 651 pages web recensées :


Hope is nearly abandoned as far as the revival of the Irish language is concerned. People who believed in the revival have got contempt for the language because the majority of the people are learning the language for nothing else but to get a soft job. There are too many soft jobs because of the Irish language and that is what is killing Irish and its preservation. What I say cannot be disputed. It is a fact but people are too cowardly to say those things. They are too afraid to say them. Nothing has been done for the preservation of the Irish language.

Dáil Éireann - Volume 156 - 19 April, 1956,
An Bille Airí agus Rúnaithe (Leasú), 1956—An Dara Céim (D'atógaint
















Mark Trail        (US cartoon)        Jack Elrod        5.2.2005

















Rex Morgan

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis        15.5.2005















Warren and Linda Johnson have three sons:

Matthew (24), Clayton (18) and David (15).

They are Bush supporters who have lived

in the president's home town - Crawford, Texas -

for nine years.

Warren is the director of the McGregor Centre

for the McLennan Community College;

Linda is the assistant director for academic advising

at Baylor University, Waco.

The Johnson Family, G, 1.11.2004, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uselections2004/documentography/






The health secretary, John Reid,

today denied there is a nursing recruitment crisis,

insisting the NHS has more and better-trained staff

than ever before.

Speaking on Radio 4's Today programme,

Mr Reid said

the NHS had 80,000 more nurses than in 1997,

and that 18,500 nurses had returned to the profession

in the last four years.

Reid denies nursing recruitment crisis, G, 1.1.2004,






Thousands of lives a year could be saved by a revolutionary new test that can detect most common forms of cancer before there are even any symptoms.

The cheap test, based on a simple blood sample, can find cancers as soon as they start forming and has been described as the 'holy grail' of cancer diagnosis.

Most cancers have no early symptoms, and are only diagnosed after it is too late to treat them effectively. The new DR-70 test offering early detection makes successful treatment far more likely.


However, the test does have some drawbacks. It may miss some cancers. It also only shows that the patient has cancer, not which type it is. If the result is positive, then further tests must be done to identify where the cancer is and what form it has. There is also the danger that the test may produce false positive results, raising the false alarm that someone has cancer.


Gary Dreher, chief executive of AMDL, claimed that the test should be used for annual screening. 'Since early diagnosis has many advantages and cancers in their early stages don't show any symptoms, it's just common sense to spend $100-or-so every year or two after you are 30 or 35 to learn whether you have cancer,' he said.

Cancer 'holy grail' set to cut deaths : Special report: the future of the NHS,
O, 5.11.2000,






How bad could the US blackout have got?

Headline, G, 21.8.2004,






'I am made up that we have got it'


I helped towards Liverpool becoming Capital of Culture,

because we made a film at our school

and we went down to London about a month ago.

I interviewed Sir Bob Scott as part of it.

I watched the announcement

and I was really excited

when Tessa Jowell said it was going to be Liverpool.

I am made up that we have got it.

Headline and §1, G, 5.6.2003,






The Guardian has got it wrong

Future of the monarchy

Join the debate online


A constitutional monarchy is a form of government

in which a hereditary head of state reigns

but does not rule.

In separating the role of head of state

from that of head of government,

a constitutional monarchy ensures

that the head of state is free from party ties.

This, surely, is of inestimable value in an age

when politics has come to invade

almost every aspect of our national life,

choking all too many activities

in its unnatural embrace.

Headline and §1, G,,















The Guardian        p. 8        22 October 2004













Since 1997, Tax Freedom Day, the day calculated by economists to be the notional day of the calendar year that you stop paying all taxes and start 'working for yourself' has got later and later. In 1997 it was 27 May, rising to 10 June in 2001 - meaning just over 41 per cent of income on average is spent on taxes. Even in the supposed high 'tax and spend' era of the Seventies the date was 23 May. In the United States it is 27 April and falling.


Another official close to Blair said: 'People think that public services are now as much part of their standard of living as whether they have got a house or a car. They know they have to be funded properly.'

Here comes tax-man : Middle-income earners will foot the bill for tax rises set to be announced by Gordon Brown. Kamal Ahmed and Faisal Islam report on Labour's biggest gamble, Observer [ UK English ] , 14.4.2002,






winston salem, north carolina: John, I am about to go crazy. I changed careers three years ago, took a cut in pay, lost almost all my savings in the stock market crash. Now, I cannot make enough money to pay my bills. We have a house where my kids have been raised and do not want to sell it; I have a $20,000 line of cr4edit on top of my $143,000 mortgage that I cannot pay down. I get unanticipated bills such as medical, car repairs, car accident every month. I do not know what to do!!! If I could get rid of my line of credit, then I would have $300 more each month, but just can't do it. Help!

Personal finance: John Waggoner, USA TODAY  [ US English ] , 2003,






Life has gotten even shorter

in digital age


Technology raises

issues of obsolescence,

data 'rot'


By Edward C. Baig

If Moses had been handed the Ten Commandments on floppy disks,

would word from on high have survived through the ages?

Literal interpretations of the Bible aside, the answer, quite possibly, is no.

In the digital era, consumers worry about the staying power of their sacred possessions. They fret about the permanence of computers and electronics gear. They read about "CD rot," short-lived iPod batteries and pricey plasma TVs with traces of static images "burned into" the display. And they pray that the most prized digital treasures -- family photographs -- will last from one generation to the next.

Sometimes, as with digital TV, the latest gear really is the next big thing. But often a new product merely reflects powerful market forces, like changing styles or planned obsolescence. Businesses require regular turnover to generate profit. Never mind that what exists might not need fixing.

    Headline and first §§, USA T  [ US English ] , undated / added 18.2.2005,






The mother, who didn't live with them and had no exposure to poultry, visited her daughter's bedside where nurses reported seeing them hug and kiss. The mother, who got sick days after the girl died, died almost two weeks later. An autopsy showed the mother tested positive for bird flu.

Meanwhile, the aunt had gotten rid of the chickens days before the girl became ill. Throat swabs later confirmed the aunt also had bird flu. Health investigators believe she could not have caught it from the chickens and conclude she got it from the child.

Last year, bird flu struck 10 Asian countries, killing or forcing the slaughter of more than 120 million birds and causing more than 30 deaths in Thailand and Vietnam.

    Researchers: Girl passed bird flu to women:
    Experts fear human-to-human mutation could cause pandemic,
    Monday, January 24, 2005 Posted: 9:55 PM EST (0255 GMT), CNN
 [ US English ],






While analysts believe that most e-commerce sites improved their performance over last year, the glitches at these popular and reputable sites underscore a paradoxical set of circumstances for Internet merchants. They are now better prepared for peak shopping days, but they also manage more complex Internet systems than ever before - some of which involve technologies that are getting long in the tooth.

So while shoppers have gotten happily accustomed to problem-free surfing 11 months of the year, they are being treated once again to a harsh reminder that online retailing is still in its early days.

Some Online Sites Falter During the Holiday Rush, NYT [ US English ] , 13.2.2005,






At the same time, as the percentage of people who are divorced has risen steadily over the past 20 years, society's perception of divorce has changed dramatically, to the point where divorced, childless men and women are considered catches in some circles. The thinking goes as such: Divorced people have demonstrated they're capable of making a commitment; there's no confusion about their sexual orientation; and with their "starter marriages" out of the way, they can concentrate on real, lasting relationships.

It has gotten so that faced with two potential dating choices
— a divorced thirtysomething or a never-married person
of the same age — men and women will often opt for the former.

Why? Single-and-never-married has become synonymous with immature.

Singled out by society's stare, USA T, 13.2.2005, [ US English ] ,






In Britain

the growth in anti-Americanism is not so marked

as in France, Japan, Canada, South Korea or Spain

where more than 60% say their view of the United States

has deteriorated since September 11.

But a sizeable and emerging minority

- 45% - of British voters

say their image of the US has got worse

in the past three years

and only 15% say it has improved.

Poll reveals world anger at Bush:
Eight out of 10 countries favour Kerry for president,
G, 15.10.2004,















Nsujet + have + Nobjet + -ing / adjectif


sens résultatif


Gorgeous has everyone talking.
































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