Les anglonautes

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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires non modaux




passé = did


pas de conjugaison :


à toutes les personnes

(I, you, he, she, it, we, they)



sens et valeurs énonciatives :


mise en évidence, focalisation,

insistance, intensification, emphase,

dramatisation, théâtralisation,

"coup de projecteur",

"arrêt sur image / prédication",

affirmation catégorique,

vérité indiscutable



souligner, signaler

















































I want you baby

yeah I want you

I really fucking want you you know

Oh yeah I do

Oh yeah I do

Oh Oh yeah I do

I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do baby


Iggy Pop & The Losers - I Wanna Be Your Dog

@ Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles, California

27 April 2023





Iggy Pop & The Losers - I Wanna Be Your Dog

Music video    Iggy Pop & The Losers @ Hollywood Palladium

Los Angeles, California


Surprise guest: Slash from Guns N Roses



















rappel :




didauxiliaire au passé







didverbe au passé


doneverbe au partcipe passé















forme affirmative


Nsujet + doauxiliaire + Base Verbale


I do solemnly swear (or affirm)

that I will faithfully execute

the Office of President of the United States,

and will to the best of my ability,

preserve, protect and defend

the Constitution of the United States.

Executive Oath of Office
The Constitution of the United States,
Article II, Section 1, Clause 8




I do blame people on social media

over their hatred towards police




Inequality does matter















forme négative


Nsujet + doauxiliaire+ not + Base Verbale


So let's start with a basic fact.

The majority of Americans do not

-- let me repeat --

do not get health care

through the Affordable Care Act.

Eighty percent or so of Americans

get health care on the job,

through their employer,

or they get health care

through Medicaid,

or they get health care

through Medicare.


President Obama Speaks on the Affordable Care Act

The White House    20 October 2016

















autres énoncés



And though they did hurt me so bad

In the fear and alarm

You did not desert me

My brothers in arms





Mark Knopfler - Brothers In Arms (Live In Berlin 2007)

Video    Mark Knopfler    27 April 2018



















President Obama Speaks

on the Affordable Care Act

The White House    20 October 2016





President Obama Speaks on the Affordable Care Act

Video        The White House        20 October 2016





Related > Transcript



















Baseball ain't social studies.


Although I DO see similarities!


Big Nate: First Class

Lincoln Peirce


for June 26, 2022




















Oh, do say

you'll join me in London for the benefit tomorrow.


Agent Gates

Carmen Subhiyah & Kyle Hilton


October 17, 2013


















The Guardian        p. 31        14 May 2007































Do wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. This is the smartest thing you can do to prevent the spread of viruses.

Do make sure that if you are able to buy a lesser-known brand of hand sanitizer, it’s made of at least 60% alcohol, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (C.D.C.) That rules out some of the so-called “botanical” options and popular kid-friendly options.

Do make sure that if you decide to try and make your own hand sanitizer, it also contains at least 60% alcohol. This recipe (two parts rubbing alcohol, one part aloe) sounds like it should achieve 60% alcohol. Keep in mind that some recipes call for using liquor (like vodka), which is usually 40% alcohol, and might not reach the threshold you need. For instance, Tito’s Vodka has been urging people not to use its product in DIY sanitizer solutions.

Do dry your hands before applying any hand sanitizer. A 2019 study published in the American Society for Microbiology’s publication, mSphere, found that wet mucus protected the influenza A virus, rendering hand sanitizer less effective.

Coronavirus Has Caused a Hand Sanitizer Shortage.
What Should You Do?
Using hand sanitizer helps prevent the spread of coronavirus.
So what do you do when it’s sold out?

Published March 11, 2020
Updated March 12, 2020, 10:03 a.m. ET






When the Government

Really Did Fear

a Bowling Green Massacre


FEB. 8, 2017

The New York Times


When the Government Really Did Fear a Bowling Green Massacre,
FEB. 8, 2017,






Military Widows Find

Hope And Understanding Together



February 4, 2017

5:39 AM



Erin Murzyn's husband, retired Marine Master

Sergeant Russell Murzyn, committed suicide

at the age of 44.



He did leave a letter.

And he put in the letter that his head hurt so bad,

and he didn't feel he could be fixed.



Russell who had served two tours in Iraq

was being treated by the VA when he died.

His widow says she didn't realize how bad things

had become - that he was a wonderful new father

and kept his feelings inside to protect

those he loved.

Military Widows Find Hope And Understanding Together,
FEB. 4, 2017,






With Conflict And Drama,

Trump Hooks You

Like A Reality TV Show


February 3, 2017

4:50 AM ET




That is still the engine that powers all reality

television. I guess I would note that, candidly,

reality television does not typically address

giant, macro issues particularly well, right?

It's not a genre of big ideas. And that's OK.



You're not going to take on

the relationship with Iran in a reality,

taped TV show.



Right. What it does do really well

is interpersonal relationships - is taking big themes

like love and jealousy and revenge and boiling them down

to conversations between two people.

With Conflict And Drama,
Trump Hooks You Like A Reality TV Show,
FEB 3, 2017,






Lesson for P.O.W.’s Father:

Men Sometimes Do Come Back


MAY 31, 2014

The New York Times





WASHINGTON — For five years Robert Bergdahl waged a father’s war for the return of his soldier son.

He accused the Obama administration of stalling talks for his release. He made his own contact with the Taliban to try to find out more. He pressured the State Department and Pentagon during frequent trips to Washington, where in 2012 he spoke in anguish to a crowd of 100,000 on Memorial Day.

A father’s war came to an end on Saturday with the freeing of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 28, who had been America’s only known prisoner of war. But Sergeant Bergdahl, a skier, expert marksman and ballet dancer from rural Idaho, will remain one of the more unusual members of the American military — and the central character in a bizarre disappearance in Afghanistan that set off a frantic search with Predator drones, Apache attack helicopters and military tracking dogs.

On Saturday, in a statement from both of the sergeant’s parents, Mr. Bergdahl and his wife, Jani — written after President Obama telephoned to tell them of their son’s release — the tone had changed: “We were so joyful and relieved when President Obama called us today to give us the news that Bowe is finally coming home!” they wrote. “We cannot wait to wrap our arms around our only son.”

Bowe Bergdahl grew up as an outdoorsy free spirit in Hailey, Idaho, a town of some 6,000 people that provided many of the self-described “worker bees” for the expensive resorts of Ketchum and Sun Valley to the north. His father, an anthropology major who had dropped out of college, drove a delivery truck for United Parcel Service. His mother home-schooled Bowe and his elder sister, Sky.

The family lived in a small cabin that had 5,000 books but no telephone, a close-to-nature existence that fed Sergeant Bergdahl’s wanderlust. After a series of odd jobs, including as a crew member on a large sailboat and dancing the role of the Nutcracker in the Sun Valley Ballet, he turned to the Army to try to find focus in his life, friends and family say. He was lured by the promises of Army recruiters that he would be helping people in other parts of the world, his father said in an interview two years ago, and had come to see the military as a Peace Corps with guns.

Those dreams were dashed soon after Bowe Bergdahl arrived in Afghanistan, in May 2009, when American forces were stretched thin. As a machine gunner with the First Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, Fourth Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, he was sent to a small combat outpost in Paktika Province, on the eastern border with Pakistan.

At first his emails home were cheerful, his father said, full of stories about “how beautiful it was, how wonderful the people were.” The tone of the emails quickly darkened, said Robert Bergdahl, who declined in the interview to say what specifically set off the change. But in an interview with Robert and Jani Bergdahl in Rolling Stone magazine in June 2012, the parents described morale and discipline problems in the unit and quoted from what they said was their son’s last email to them, three days before his capture.

“I am sorry for everything here,” Sergeant Bergdahl said in the email, according to Rolling Stone. “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live.” He then described what his parents believed may have been a formative, traumatic event: seeing an Afghan child run over by a heavy American military vehicle. “We don’t even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks,” Sergeant Bergdahl wrote.

Sergeant Bergdahl’s superiors first noticed he was missing on the morning of June 30, 2009, when he failed to show up for the unit’s 9 a.m. roll call. Initial military reports said Sergeant Bergdahl had simply walked off his post, but in a Taliban video released after his capture, Sergeant Bergdahl said he had lagged behind on a patrol.

His parents have not said publicly what they believe happened, but Robert Bergdahl has discounted accounts in classified Afghan war logs, made public by WikiLeaks, that suggest insurgents grabbed Sergeant Bergdahl while he was in a latrine.

However he disappeared, a furious hunt, described in cold military detail in the war logs, was quickly underway.

The military deployed unmanned Predator surveillance drones overhead, searched nearby villages with dogs, set up checkpoints and raided suspected enemy outposts.

The war logs also describe how the American military intercepted communications among members of the Taliban, who discussed their attempts to sabotage the search by lining the roads with homemade bombs.

“Yes we have a lot of I.E.D. on the road,” one of the members of the Taliban said in the intercepted communications, referring to improvised explosive devices.

Three hours after that communication was intercepted, military intelligence confirmed that “a U.S. soldier has been captured.”

The militants were overheard saying that they believed the Americans were using many resources to try to find the missing soldier. “I think he is a big shot, that is why they are looking for him,” one of them said.
Yellow ribbons adorn many of the trees along Main Street in Hailey, Idaho, the Bergdahl family’s hometown. Credit Bill Schaefer for The New York Times

The documents also describe how the military talked to local tribal elders who said they had been asked by the Taliban to arrange a prisoner swap with the Americans. The elders told the Americans that the Taliban wanted 15 of their “brothers in U.S. jail and some money in exchange” for Sergeant Bergdahl.

The military had numerous indications after Sergeant Bergdahl’s capture that he was still alive, mostly from videos released by the Taliban. (At the time of his disappearance, Sergeant Bergdahl had the rank of private. The military promoted him twice during his captivity.)

The first video surfaced in July 2009, another the following December. In that video, Sergeant Bergdahl criticized the United States and said that unlike prisoners held in Guantánamo Bay and in Abu Ghraib in Iraq, he had been fairly treated and was not tortured.

“One of the biggest illusions that the Army gives us coming over here as a soldier, as a private in their Army, is that we’re coming over here to fight a terrorist group of men,” he said in that video. In an April 2010 video, Sergeant Bergdahl was shown begging to be released, and appeared in additional videos in December 2010, February 2011 and this past January, when he seemed in declining health.

His future in the Army remains unclear. But if Sergeant Bergdahl did in fact walk off his post, there has been no indication from the military that he will be punished for doing so. Any penalty appeared even more unlikely on Saturday, when Robert and Jani Bergdahl appeared in the Rose Garden with Mr. Obama, who embraced them and welcomed their son home.

As he stood at the president’s side, Robert Bergdahl said that his son was having difficulty with English after spending so much time with the Taliban, then said “bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim,” a common Arabic phrase meaning “in the name of God, most gracious, most compassionate,” and then spoke a few words in Pashto, a language of Afghanistan.

Hours earlier on Saturday, while Sergeant Bergdahl was on an American military helicopter after his release, he wrote on a paper plate with a pen — because the noise was so loud — “S.F.?” for Special Forces, seeking to find out who was taking him away.

The men on the helicopter yelled back, “Yes, we’ve been looking for you a long time!”

At which point, according to a senior defense official, Sergeant Bergdahl broke down crying.


Helene Cooper contributed reporting from Singapore.

A version of this article appears in print on June 1, 2014,
on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline:
Lesson for a Prisoner’s Father: Men Sometimes
Do Come Back.

Lesson for P.O.W.’s Father:
Men Sometimes Do Come Back,






We can't ban pornography

– but we do need to stop

children accessing it

However inconvenient it may be for adults,
we need to protect children
from hurtful representations
of sex and sexuality


Friday 28 March 2014
17.52 GM
Lola Okolosie

We can't ban pornography
– but we do need to stop children accessing it,
28 March 2014,






Q: In San Diego, Nevada, Arizona, Republicans were the targets of investigations, and those U.S. attorneys were removed. Does that not give the appearance —

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don't — it may give the appearance of something, but I think what you need to do is listen to the facts, and let them explain to — it's precisely why they're going up to testify, so that the American people can hear the truth about why the decision was made.

Listen, first of all, these U.S. attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President. I named them all. And the Justice Department made recommendations, which the White House accepted, that eight of the 93 would no longer serve. And they will go up and make the explanations as to why — I'm sorry this, frankly, has bubbled to the surface the way it has, for the U.S. attorneys involved. I really am. These are — I put them in there in the first place; they're decent people. They serve at our pleasure. And yet, now they're being held up into the scrutiny of all this, and it's just — what I said in my comments, I meant about them. I appreciated their service, and I'm sorry that the situation has gotten to where it's got. But that's Washington, D.C. for you. You know, there's a lot of politics in this town.

And I repeat, we would like people to hear the truth. And, Kelly, your question is one I'm confident will be asked of people up there. And the Justice Department will answer that question in open forum for everybody to see.

If the Democrats truly do want to move forward and find the right information, they ought to accept what I proposed. And the idea of dragging White House members up there to score political points, or to put the klieg lights out there — which will harm the President's ability to get good information, Michael — is — I really do believe will show the true nature of this debate.

And if information is the desire, here's a great way forward. If scoring political points is the desire, then the rejection of this reasonable proposal will really be evident for the American people to see.

Listen, thank you all for your interest.

President Bush’s Comments on the Dismissal of U.S. Attorneys,






Inside politics


Whatever you doverbe,

doauxiliaire mention the war

 [ impératif > valeur emphatique ]

Ministers must engage
with the public more intelligently
if they are to sustain support
in an open-ended struggle with terrorism


Andrew Rawnsley

Sunday July 24, 2005

The Observer

Here is the paradox: they blame his war, but they rate him more. Pollsters are reporting that a majority of people think there is a connection between the war in Iraq and terror in London, however stridently and insistently Tony Blair and his ministers refuse to acknowledge a link. And yet the Prime Minister who took Britain into Iraq is also enjoying the best approval ratings he has had since before the war. They judge him to be good in a crisis even when they think he bears some responsibility for that crisis.

Whatever you do, do mention the war,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé








séquence auxiliaire / verbale >

séquence impérative




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