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be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives



passif en be + -ing



passif simple





passif en be + -ing



be + being + verbeau participe passé + objet / complément


valeurs > focalisation,




appel à prise de conscience,

exagération, emphase, dramatisation,




Innocent civilians are being slaughtered in Darfur




The Guardian    p. 17    12 October 2006










































































passif simple


beauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé


valeur > objectivité, description factuelle


A policeman was killed

and an other [ was ] wounded

after they opened fire

on the assassins.















autres énoncés


Do you know

what your money is being spent on?




The Guardian    p. 18    9 June 2007

















The Guardian        p. 6        7 March 2007
















The Guardian        p. 1        17 December 2008

















The Guardian        p. 35        7 March 2007
















The Guardian        Technology        p. 1        1 March 2007

















Private Eye    May 2004        n° 1066

http://www.private-eye.co.uk/index.cfm  - broken URL

L to R:

President George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld
















Saturday, May 06, 2006

























Teenager dies

after stabbing outside party


Monday 8 September 2008

The Guardian

Damien Francis


A teenager was stabbed to death in Sheffield after a group of up to 40 people, some armed with baseball bats and knives, fought outside a 16-year-old girl's birthday party.

Emergency services were called to Rokeby Drive, Parson Cross, just after 11pm on Saturday. Witnesses said they saw the victim staggering in the street before he collapsed.

The 18-year-old, named yesterday as Dale Robertson, was taken to hospital, where he died from his injuries, South Yorkshire police said.

A 16-year-old and a 17-year-old were last night being held on suspicion of murder.

Part of the street remained cordoned off as officers searched gardens and alleyways close to the murder scene. The police called for witnesses.

A group of tearful youths arrived to place flowers at the scene yesterday afternoon. One said a fight had begun in the street and had been between rival gangs. "It all started after a bit of banter and name-calling between the two gangs. One of them walked off to go home and then they all started fighting.

"About 40 people were involved in the fight - some were carrying baseball bats and knives. It lasted for about 10 minutes. At one point two cars came screeching up the street and you could hear them being trashed."

He added that the victim had walked away before collapsing on the ground.

It is understood members of one of the gangs were invited to the party, but that a rival group turned up without invitation.

A pensioner who called the police said: "There was a tremendous noise and I saw a lot of men fighting. I didn't dare go out so I phoned the police. The next thing I hear, someone has been stabbed."

Teenager dies after stabbing outside party,






'We want to play an old folks' home'

Monday January 16, 2006

The Guardian


The Noisettes are being called Britain's best live band.

It's all about picking the right venues,

they tell Leonie Cooper

'We want to play an old folks' home',






Diller Stake in NBC Unit Is Being Sold


IAC/InteractiveCorp, controlled by Barry Diller,

said yesterday that it had agreed

to sell its 5.4 percent stake

in Vivendi Universal Entertainment

for about $3.4 billion,

ending a fractious partnership

and allowing Mr. Diller

to focus on his Internet businesses.

Vivendi Universal Entertainment is part of NBC Universal,

which is 8o percent owned by General Electric

and 20 percent owned by Vivendi Universal.

NBC Universal is putting up roughly $900 million

to buy Mr. Diller's stake in the entertainment unit,

which includes cable networks, Universal Pictures

and other assets.

The rest of the money is coming from Vivendi Universal,

and the deal resolves its legal dispute with Mr. Diller

over tax liability issues.

On a conference call with analysts,

Mr. Diller sounded relieved and pleased.

The deal is "done, done and done," he said.

In a telephone interview, he added:

"Three-way relationships are always complex

and all the parties are better off"

now that the deal has been made.

[ present perfect passif ]

Headline and first §§,





Analyse du texte ci-dessus


Première validation : passivation.


Mettre au passif un énoncé,

ce n'est pas seulement mettre en avant

un référent présenté comme passif,

c'est aussi valider l'énoncé :


moi énonciateur,

je vous assure que

ce que je dis du sujet,

ce que je lui attribue,

est vrai.


Enoncé 1 (théorique) :

Diller Stake in NBC Unit Is Sold.





Deuxième validation,

presque redondante :


adjonction de being,

ing portant sur le prédicat.


Enoncé 2 :

Diller Stake in NBC Unit Is Being Sold


Traduction explicative :

La part de Diller est vendue,


moi énonciateur je vous (r)assure,

je suis en mesure de vous l'affirmer,

au cas où vous en doutiez,

c'est une certitude :

The deal is "done, done and done"












Asbos 'criminalising whole communities'


Tories say

flagship Labour crime-fighting policy is being overused


He said campaigners were too ready

to attack government policy

without recognising that crime and anti-social behaviour

affected the liberties of the poor,

the young and the elderly.

They were always prepared to criticise

without suggesting positive solutions, he added.

Headline, sub  and §1,






G8 hammers out

debt relief deal for poor nations


Sat Jun 11, 2005

12:19 PM ET


LONDON (Reuters) -

The world's wealthiest countries agreed on Saturday

to write off more than $40 billion of impoverished nations' debts

in a drive to free Africa from hunger and disease.

The deal was struck by finance ministers

from the Group of Eight industrialized nations in London

after months of tense negotiations and leaves leaders to consider

proposals for doubling aid at a summit in Gleneagles, Scotland,

next month.

"We are conscious of the abject poverty

that so many countries and individuals face.

We're being driven forward by the urgent need to act.

We've found ourselves united with a shared purpose,"

British finance minister Gordon Brown told a news conference.

Headline and first §§,
R, 11.6.2005,






Donor hunt to ease kidney shortage


Trials to boost the number of healthy people

prepared to donate one of their kidneys for transplant

are being launched to ease the chronic shortage of organs.

Headline and §1,
G, 31.5.2005,






Pope Is Being Fed With a Tube

ROME, March 30 -

Pope John Paul II is receiving liquid feedings

through a tube that was inserted through his nose

and winds down into his stomach,

Vatican officials announced Wednesday,

raising new alarms about the pope's deteriorating health

and his ability to lead the Roman Catholic Church.

Headline and §1,
NYT > IHT, 31.3.2005,






Thousands of inmates

are being beaten, bullied and intimidated

by prison gangs which are becoming increasing powerful

and violent as the prison population soars,

The Observer has found.

Gangs bring terror and death to jails,
O, 23.1.2005,






A top reggae star on tour in the UK this week,

who has exhorted his audience to 'burn white people'

and 'kill queers',

is being investigated by police on the ground

that his lyrics incite murder

Police to vet lyrics of 'anti-gay' reggae star on British tour,
O, 31.10.2004,






Aids, the new killer in the fields


A nation still recovering from years of political bloodletting,

Cambodia is being weakened by a new scourge

Headline and sub,
O, 17.10.2004,






Prison officers are being taken off suicide watch

and replaced by unqualified 'babysitters'

because the system is overwhelmed

by an epidemic of self-harm.

Prison suicides soar as jails hire 'babysitters', sub,
O, 17.10.2004,






Graham Greene's classic tale The Quiet American, released this week in cinemas starring Michael Caine in a potentially Oscar-winning role, is still stirring up controversy over its apparent anti-Americanism.

The 1955 novel tells how a British journalist duels with an American official, Alden Pyle, for the affections of a woman in Vietnam. But the story of deception and espionage also reveals how Pyle is secretly organising terrorist acts and plotting to establish a puppet government friendly to the Americans.

Greene's fiction has often riled Americans, but it appears that in real life too, his views caused the US government some concern.

Documents obtained by the Guardian under the US Freedom of Information Act disclose how officials in Washington went to extraordinary lengths to compile secret reports on the distinguished novelist over 40 years as he travelled the world in support of anti-US causes.

He was monitored when he stayed up talking to Fidel Castro until five in the morning, as well as when he and Yoko Ono heard actor Kris Kristofferson "eschewing women and whisky to discuss God, war and peace".

In life as in fiction, Greene's taunts left Americans in a quiet fury:
US compiled secret reports on novelist for years, FBI files show,
G, 2.12.2002,






The pot-bellied, olive-uniformed image of Saddam Hussein popped up on Middle Eastern television sets yesterday, along with a slurred, rambling call to arms, confounding US hopes that the Iraqi dictator is dead and fuelling fears he may have gone underground in the hope of fighting back another day.

Abu Dhabi TV showed a man sporting the trademark beret and moustache and looking every inch like Saddam acknowledging the acclaim of a crowd in a Baghdad street. It also broadcast a separate sound recording of an address to the Iraqi nation.

The network claimed both were authentic and were recorded in the Azimiyah district on April 9, the same day Baghdad fell with the toppling of Saddam's statue.

Was Saddam still alive as statue toppled?,
G, 19.4.2003,






The programme filmed one party member, Steve Barkham, describing how he kicked and punched a British Asian man for racist pleasure during the Bradford riots in 2001. Activists also admitted spraying dog faeces into Asian restaurants and wanting to shoot Muslims or blow up a mosque.

The film recorded the BNP's leader, Nick Griffin, a Cambridge graduate who has tried to make the party "respectable", on the lines of the French National Front led by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Mr Griffin was shown describing Islam as a "wicked" religion which was a threat to white children.

He claimed that saying this publicly could bring a seven-year jail sentence. After the programme was broadcast he said that he would welcome being charged, but he was not among those held yesterday.

Five arrested for racist boasts in television exposé of BNP,
G, 21.7.2004,






I spent two and a half months in Feltham.

While I was there an Asian boy was battered to death

by his cellmate.

I was then moved to Portland,

a three-hour drive from my home town.

Around 11 months into my sentence

I suffered an attack of paranoid schizophrenia.

I believed I was being monitored,

that my thoughts were being broadcast to the officers.

I believed my every move was being recorded.

There were holes in the wall

where nails holding up panel mirrors

and poster boards had been torn out.

I put my ear up to each hole

listening for the mechanical buzz of recording equipment.

Undecided, I filled up each hole with toothpaste.

I knew that what I was doing was odd, but I couldn't help it.

A thousand days of despair:
People are shocked by a 14-year-old prisoner's suicide. Not me,
G, 12.8.2004,






Apple unveils

'world's thinnest' desktop computer

Neil McIntosh

Tuesday August 31, 2004


Apple's new iMac model,

which is being described by the company

as 'the world's thinnest desktop'.

Caption, G, 31.8.2004,
0,12597,1294308,00.html  - broken URL






The number of south Asian murder victims has almost quadrupled in the past decade from 10 in 1993 to 38 last year, compared with 32% for the general population, while the kidnap rate has more than doubled from 90 to 228 from 1998 to 2003, accounting for 20% of the Met's total kidnap figure last year and racking up 114 kidnaps so far this year. In some cases, victims are being seized in India or Pakistan and ransoms demanded from relatives in the UK.

A growing number of young Asians are becoming embroiled in drug dealing, guns and gangs.

Minor disputes are escalating [ actif ]

with young south Asian gang members resorting to violence,

including stabbings and shootings.

Drug crime in Asian communities has increased 41% in the past five years, compared with the overall figure of 37% for London. Pakistan is the source of 27% of the heroin found in London, with a rising number of Asian addicts and associated crime, and Tower Hamlets, one of the Asian crime hotspots, dubbed the UK's heroin capital.

In the past year in London, there were 2,270 Asians arrested, 81 gun crimes, 72 firearms seized and 442 knives recovered from the Asian community. More and more south Asians are also carrying out organised economic crime, such as benefit fraud and money laundering.

Met unit to tackle Asian crime rise:
Number of murder victims quadruples in a decade,
G, 15.6.2004,






Children are being put at risk

as a result of a campaign of harassment and intimidation

against paediatricians by some groups representing parents,

leading figures in the child protection field said yesterday.

Attacks on paediatricians 'put children at risk',
G, 7.6.2004,






WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

The deaths of eight more detainees

held by American forces in Iraq

-- including one of Saddam Hussein's top generals --

are being investigated as homicides,

the Pentagon said on Friday

U.S. Probes 8 More Iraq, Afghan Prisoner Deaths,
R, 21.5.2004,






He played professional football at 15,

lifted the World Cup at 25

and was being called one of the greatest players ever

by the time he was 30.

And yesterday, after years of drug abuse,

Diego Maradona was in hospital fighting for his life.

Richard Williams on the twilight of a god

Falling down, sub, G/G2, 20.4.2004,






Ambulance drivers on emergency calls

are being caught so often by electronic speed cameras

that NHS trusts have had to take on extra administrative staff

to deal with penalty notices.

The public health service union Unison

said scarce resources were being wasted

and staff feared fines and loss of their driving licences.

Why ambulance drivers fear to speed, G, §§ 1-2, 29.4.2004,






President Bush was given an intelligence briefing,

entitled Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States

just weeks before the September 11 attacks,

it emerged yesterday.

Bush told of hijack warning weeks before 9/11:
Rice says briefing contained no fresh information,
G, 9.4.2004,






There is nothing new about a beefy man singing very loudly at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.

But the imminent prospect of the distinctive asteroid-hits-a-scrapyard sound of Lemmy and Motorhead blasting the temple of high art is enough to shiver the ice in the gins and tonic.

Motorhead hold the official record, logged in the Guinness Book of Records, as the loudest band of all time.

Fronted for more than a quarter-century by the remarkably resilient Lemmy, who celebrated his 59th birthday just before Christmas, the band are about to appear at Covent Garden for - not surprisingly - the first time.

They could certainly fill the 1,300 seats of the main opera house at Covent Garden - after all, their record is a 64,000-seater stadium in South America - but they are being confined to the Vilar Floral Hall. And for one night only.

Just as well, since Lemmy famously declared: "If Motorhead moved in next door to you your lawn would die."

Next Sunday's concert, for which tickets are being distributed only as competition prizes, is part of One Amazing Week, a series of events highlighting culture in the capital.

Motorhead to show their metal at Covent Garden,
G, 17.2.2004






Take out a personal loan and it's almost certain

you will be offered loan protection.

According to the sales pitch,

this optional-extra insurance will give you peace of mind

if you are unable to meet your repayments.

It may sound like the responsible thing to do but,

in many cases, consumers who sign up

are being charged hundreds of pounds

for cover they don't actually need.

Smothered by cover:
why are borrowers paying for protection they don't need?:
It's big business for banks but bad news for millions of consumers.
Sam Dunn investigates loan insurance, I, 7.3.2004,






San Francisco's mayor, Gavin Newsom,

is the latest gay and lesbian pinup in the US.

White, rich and heterosexual,

he is the reason why the city has become

the battleground for an issue

that promises to polarise the US in election year.

He has also set himself

on a collision course with the White House.

On his initiative,

San Francisco officials are thought

to have issued marriage licences

to 1,600 gay couples in the last four days,

a move that has so enraged some rightwing groups

that it is being challenged in court

in two separate actions today.

Anger at San Francisco's gay weddings spills over into court challenges:
Judges asked to rule licences illegal despite 1,600 being issued,
G, 17.2.2004,






Two men were arrested yesterday in connection with the murder of an elderly peace campaigner whose death nearly 20 years ago led to rumours that the security services and the nuclear industry were involved.

West Mercia police confirmed [ actif ]

the two men were being held in connection with the murder of Hilda Murrell, whose half-naked body was found on March 24 1984 in a coppice six miles from her home in Shrewsbury. She had been stabbed and left to die of hypothermia.

Last June, Andrew Harold George, described as a builders' labourer from Shrewsbury, was charged with her murder and remanded in custody until a hearing next month. He would have been 16 at the time of Murrell's death.

Detectives began a "cold case" review of the killing in 2002, saying they would re-examine 3,000 statements, 500 police reports, 6,000 lines of inquiry and more than 3,000 exhibits.

Police arrested the men yesterday morning at undisclosed locations, and they are being held for questioning.

Two arrested over 1984 murder, G, 17.2.2004,






"The prospects are especially high that muscle-directed gene transfer will be used by the athletic community for performance enhancement, just as many drugs are used and abused today," he said. "In many cases, policing such abuse will be much more difficult than in the case of drugs, since detection will be difficult."

Rats injected with the same factor, known as IGF-1, grew bigger muscles. When the rats were subjected to weight training, the genetically treated muscle gained twice as much strength as the animal's uninjected muscle.


"As far as drugs are concerned in sport, we let the genie out of the bottle in the 1960s and 1970s and we have been playing catch-up ever since. What we would like to do with genetic developments is to be there at the start when the regulatory and ethical frameworks are being set," Mr Pound said.

Gene cheats: the new risk posed to world sport, G, 17.2.2004,






Are we being served?


In his MacTaggart lecture,

BSkyB's boss says

growing public antagonism to the BBC

threatens its future

Headline and sub, G, 23.8.2003,






Are we being served by our banks?

We don’t think so


A BANK executive designate this week summarised what we want from our banks. According to John Varley, soon to be the boss of Barclays, our requirements are “respectability, traditional values in banking, alongside mastery of the details” in summary, a reassuringly stuffy institution that gives good service, supported by 21st-century technology.

But while Mr Varley may have a sound grasp of the issues, his own organisation often seems unable to deliver. This gap between the future chief executive’s vision and the reality is one of the reasons why the record profits now being reported by banks have attracted such criticism, even from those who usually applaud superior corporate performance. The banks are seen to be making money from exorbitant charges, while treating customers shoddily.

Headline and first §§, Times Online, 28.2.2004,
article/0,,8214-1016726,00.html - broken link






"And I tell you honestly what my fear is,

my fear is that we wake up one day

and we find either that one of these dictatorial states

has used weapons of mass destruction

- and Iraq has done so in the past -

and we get sucked into a conflict,

with all the devastation that would cause;

or alternatively these weapons,

which are being traded right round the world at the moment,

fall into the hands of these terrorist groups,

these fanatics who will stop at absolutely nothing

to cause death and destruction on a mass scale.

Now that is what I have to worry about."

Full text:
Tony Blair's speech,
Speech given by the prime minister in Sedgefield,
justifying military action in Iraq
and warning of the continued threat of global terrorism,
G, 6.3.2004,






Eight players from Premiership club Leicester City

were being questioned last night in a Spanish court

after allegedly being involved in a group sexual assault

on three women at the exclusive La Manga resort

in south-east Spain.

Soccer players arrested over sex allegations, G, 5.3.2004,




Même information,

mais au passif simple,

à la Une du site web

du même quotidien :



Eight players from Leicester City football club were questioned

last night in Spanish court after allegedly being involved

in group sexual assault on three women.

Soccer players arrested over sex allegations,
G, web frontpage, 5.3.2004.






A 49-year-old railway worker was today found guilty

of a series of rapes during a year-long campaign

of terrorising women in the Home Counties.

Rail worker found guilty of seven rapes, I, 4.3.2004,






Law lord believes his report's findings

on David Kelly's death were misinterpreted by media

and is dismayed at accusations of whitewash

Lord Hutton was shocked by public anger

at his report into the suicide of the weapons scientist,

Dr David Kelly, and by the turmoil it caused at the BBC

with the resignation of the corporation's

two most senior figures, the Guardian has learned.

Top BBC resignations astonished Hutton, sub and first §,
G, 4.3.2004,






One of the great missing pieces of Britain's archaeological jigsaw

may finally have fallen into place with the discovery of swords,

ship nails and a silver Baghdad coin in a Yorkshire field.

Tight security has been put on the site

since metal detecting enthusiasts came upon

what is thought to be the first known Viking ship burial

south of Hadrian's Wall.

An exploratory dig is being organised for traces

of rotted timber and other fragments.


The trove was found in a ploughed riverside field,

whose location is not being made public,

by detectors who followed the regulations

designed to protect archaelological sites.

Suspected Viking burial fills a hole in English history,
G, p. 6, 17.2.2004.






According to a Yemeni newspaper,

the first 25-mile stretch of the barrier,

erected in the last month,

is less than 100 metres from the border line.

The head of Saudi Arabia's border guard,

Talal Anqawi, told an Arab newspaper last week

that the barrier was being constructed inside Saudi territory

but did not specify the exact location.

He also dismissed comparisons with Israel's West Bank barrier,

which has sparked international condemnation.

"What is being constructed inside our borders with Yemen

is a sort of screen ...

which aims to prevent infiltration and smuggling," he said.

"It does not resemble a wall in any way."

Saudi security barrier stirs anger in Yemen, G, 17.2.2004,






Lottery cash is not being used to subsidise the rich,

nor is our spending being concentrated

on high-profile London-based arts organisations

(Lottery cash 'subsidies arts for rich' February 13). (...)

Peter Hewitt, Chief executive, Arts Council England.

Transforming the arts, Letters, G, p. 17, 17.2.2004.






One of Britain's biggest building societies yesterday

said mortgage deals that allow people to sign up

without having to prove their income

were "an accident waiting to happen".

Yorkshire building society said

the Financial Services Authority should bring in tougher rules

for so-called self-certification mortgages

when it starts policing home loans in October.

Its comments follow warnings from other commentators

that some home buyers are being encouraged to lie

about their incomes to get on the housing ladder.

No-proof home loans 'invite disaster', G, 17.2.2004,
http://money.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4860296-110115,00.html - broken link






A leading shareholder in the Russian oil giant Yukos

yesterday offered the Kremlin controlling shares in the firm,

worth some £8bn, if its chief executive, Mikhail Khodorkovsky,

was freed from jail.

Leonid Nevzlin, wanted for extradition to Russia

on tax evasion charges, said his three Yukos associates,

including Mr Khodorkovsky, were being held hostage

while the Kremlin tried to extort the company

from its shareholders.

"We are offering a choice

- free the hostages and we will be ready

to talk about ceding the controlling stake,"

he told Reuters from Israel.

Yukos looks for Kremlin deal, G, 17.2.2004,






Most Kashmiris would favour

independence from both countries,

according to a recent poll.

Above all, the pollsters found,

Kashmiris wanted an end

to the terrorist attacks and army reprisals

that have claimed 65,000 lives

in Indian-controlled Kashmir since 1989.

In the latest outbreak of violence,

a local politician was shot dead

in the main town of Srinagar yesterday

by suspected Islamist terrorists.

A policeman was killed and an other wounded

after they opened fire on the assassins.

Across the frontline in Muzaffarabad,

capital of Pakistani-controlled Kashmir,

more than 500 people demonstrated against the peace talks

and for Kashmiri independence yesterday.

"These negotiations are being held to end the Kashmiris'

struggle," said Ghulam Nabi War,

of the independence-seeking Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front.

"The two countries are not interested in people of Kashmir.

They don't respect their wishes."

Talks raise hopes of peace for Kashmir:
Pakistan and India make symbolic concessions,






Three government inquiries were launched yesterday

into riots in Sydney's Aboriginal suburb of Redfern

which left dozens injured

and caused hundreds of thousands of pounds' worth of damage.

At the height of Sunday night's violence,

Redfern railway station was set on fire

while fireworks and petrol bombs were thrown

at a police line on neighbouring Lawson Street.

Riot officers fired high-pressure hoses on 150 Aboriginal youths,

who were armed with shopping trolleys and wheelie bins

filled with bricks and bottles.

Police say that 30 officers were injured,

although only one was still in hospital last night.

Inquiries begin into boy's death and Sydney riot:
Fatal accident involving an Aboriginal teenage cyclist
sparks violence in the poor suburb of Redfern leaving dozens injured,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


syntaxe > passif + -ing



be + -ing



active  ≠  passive



passif > ellipse de beauxiliaire



infinitif passif



séquence avec 2 infinitifs passifs



modal + infinitif passif



impératif actif / passif




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