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be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives



futur validé,

décidé, programmé, "officiel"


futur inévitable, inéluctable,

proclamé, prophétique



Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys

is being placed under a legal conservatorship


May 10, 2024    NPR


Brian Wilson,

one of the founders of The Beach Boys

and the writer of many of their hits,

will be placed under a legal conservatorship

due to a "major neurocognitive disorder,"

a judge in Los Angeles ruled Thursday.


















Yes, Biden is really running in November.


But a lot of voters say they doubt it


April 7, 2024    NPR





















March 4, 2021    NPR


















































































validation + décision irrévocable + autoritarisme


futur prévu, organisé, programmé, décidé

comme je le veux


agenda, projet, décision,

intention, résolution, proclamation


imposition, autoritarisme


of course,

I'm not marrying you just for your money!


I want sex too!





Last Kiss

by John Lustig


December 18, 2013


















The Guardian        p. 27        8 September 2006


















Don Wright


The Palm Beach Post, FL


24 August 2005





U.S. dismisses call for Chavez's killing

Venezuela VP urges U.S. to act on Robertson's 'criminal' remark


Bush administration officials Tuesday dismissed

Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson's

call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

as the remarks of a private citizen,

but Venezuela accused Robertson of promoting terrorism.



Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Posted: 1:34 a.m. EDT (05:34 GMT)


















Gary Markstein


Copley News Service


9 October 2009
















Loomus        Steven Appleby

The Guardian        Family        p. 2        11 February 2006

















The Guardian        p. 7        20.12.2005


















Najwa al-Bayati

is standing as a Communist party candidate in next month's election


The Guardian        p. 19        10 December 2004



















I take it

you're going to see more of Robert while you're here?


Yes, I'm helping him fix his boat tomorrow!



Judge Parker

Harold LeDoux and Woody Wilson

Created in 1952 by Nicholas P. Dallis

7 january 2005

















Judge Parker 

Harold LeDoux and Woody Wilson

created in 1952 by Nicholas P. Dallis

29 August 2004


















Judge Parker

Harold LeDoux and Woody Wilson

Created in 1952 by Nicholas P. Dallis

1 December 2004


















Mark Trail

Jack Elrod    Created by Ed Dodd in 1946    19 November 2004



















Chip Bok


Akron Beacon Journal / Cagle

7 September 2004



L: John Kerry.

R: George W. Bush.


















Sandy Huffaker



30 August 2004



















John Deering


Band of brothers


30 August 2004
















The Guardian        p. 34        Wednesday 18.5.2005
















Attention, Shoppers:

Kroger Says

It Is Phasing Out Plastic Bags


August 23, 2018

12:47 PM ET



One of the largest supermarket companies in the U.S.

has announced it is phasing out single-use plastic bags

in an effort to reduce plastic waste.


The Kroger Co. says

it plans to stop distributing single-use bags

completely by 2025 across its chains.

Attention, Shoppers: Kroger Says It Is Phasing Out Plastic Bags,
August 23, 2018,
12:47 PM ET,






I like the EU,

but I’m voting out


The Guardian

Saturday 18 June 2016

07.00 BST

[ Thursday June 23:

Date of the in/out referendum ]

Patrick Collinson


The EU has given us

cheap mobile phone roaming charges,

cheaper flights and proper compensation

when things go wrong.

It has helped clean up the environment,

improving our rivers and beaches.

It has given us

unprecedented freedom to travel visa-free

across the continent.

And I’m voting out.



I know a painter/decorator who has not been able

to raise his wages for 15 years.

There’s always someone else, he says,

willing to work for less. A driver who arrived from Turkey

18 years ago, who says the bus companies used to pay

more than £12 an hour,

but can now pay £10 or less because they have so

many takers (and yes, the irony is noted).

A care-home cleaner in a rundown seaside town

who reckons her hopes of ever getting

more than the minimum wage are zero.

Each blames an influx of workers from the EU.

Each of them are voting out.

Tell them the EU protects workers’ rights

and they just laugh.

 I like the EU, but I’m voting out,
18 June 2016,






The Hell of Online Shopping


December 23, 2012

The New York Times



A FEW days ago, I got an e-mail from my sister Amy in Los Angeles saying she and her husband had received boxes from J. Crew. Christmas presents from me, she assumed, since I had ordered them online and told her to expect them.

But for whom, she asked? The cards were buried deep in the packaging, and one of them was missing. Nothing was gift-wrapped, either (although I had requested and paid for it). The boxes contained two pairs of shoes (although I had ordered only one pair), a man’s pullover and a sparkly pink woman’s sweater. The sweater was for a friend who also lives in Los Angeles, but somehow ended up being sent to Amy’s husband.

I called J. Crew to complain, and what followed was tedious and time-consuming, as all Internet dramas are, involving a review of numerous e-mails — “your order has been received,” “your order has been shipped” — in this case to the wrong place and in the wrong ways, some of which I might have prevented if I’d been vigilant tracking the flurry of e-mails.

The customer-service representative, consulting records, assured me that the box for my friend had been delivered. It had been left at the front door, she said, and gave me the address, which turned out to be not my sister and her husband’s house but my friend’s office, a gigantic building in Beverly Hills. “Left outside the front door? Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she said, and, as an apology, she would send me a $50 gift card. I e-mailed my friend. Had she received a box from J. Crew? “No,” she said.

My sister offered to gift-wrap and deliver my friend’s present. This was especially kind because traffic in Los Angeles is awful, as bad as New York’s during the holidays, which is one reason I order on the Web. But rather than make life easier, Web shopping only complicates it in new, more frustrating ways.

My husband, in charge of buying for all the children in our life, announced one evening that he had bought all his presents. To be done with Christmas shopping was so exciting that you’d think he’d used up some calories to do it, when in fact he’d never left his desk. The next morning he got an e-mail from Hammacher Schlemmer saying the item was out of stock and would ship after Jan. 1. So he had to phone and cancel the order. He then had to Web-shop all over again.

When I ordered the presents on the J. Crew Web site and checked a box for the gift-wrapping, I received a message back that J. Crew did not wrap shoes, my sister’s present. As Amy and I were sorting things out, I wondered why in the world I thought it was O.K. to send a Christmas present that wasn’t gift-wrapped.

It seems to me — a fact I had completely forgotten — that a Christmas present should be wrapped in pretty paper, maybe with some Santas dancing across it, maybe something glossy and glamorous. Shouldn’t the tag be handwritten? Shouldn’t the ribbon be made of paper that curls when you whip it across a scissor blade? A present should beckon you. Who wants a Christmas tree with a bunch of U.P.S. boxes under it?

Last week a U.P.S. box arrived. I opened it, and inside, unwrapped, was a slate cheese board and a gift card that said, in computer script, “Merry Christmas Julia and Jerry, love Anna.”

Anna is my niece. Jerry is my husband. I assume that I am Julia.

Precious holiday giving cannot be entrusted to a Web site. A gift shouldn’t be something you open by accident — hello, what is this? — ripping open the cardboard outer box with a knife, and then having your present fall out naked.

Ordering Christmas presents on the Web, regardless of the dubious ease, has obliterated the idea that there should be some grace to a present, some beauty, and that the receiver should experience it. Instead it’s become as mundane and problematic as all our Web purchases, which in my family include paper towels and toilet paper.

All this joy of Internet shopping was accompanied by our phone ringing several times a day: a computer voice from Virgin America insisting that my husband owes $70 — a $50 credit-card fee and $20 interest for not paying it. My husband has never had a Virgin America credit card. But to “proceed,” as in clear the problem up, the electronic voice asked him to identify himself by giving the number of the credit card that he does not possess. The telephone, which used to symbolize “reach out and touch someone” — remember that tear-jerking TV ad? — has become a disembodied voice reaching out to drive us crazy.

But I digress. Or do I? It all seems related. Intimacy replaced by expedience.

So this is my New Year’s resolution:

I am never ordering another Christmas present

on the Web again.

Next year I am wrapping all my gifts myself

and standing in line at the local post office

for an hour or two to mail them.

It’s the least I can do for the people I love.


Delia Ephron is the author, most recently,

of the novel “The Lion Is In.”

The Hell of Online Shopping,







Is ‘Marriage’ Subject to Compromise?


February 25, 2009

The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage,”
by David Blankenhorn and Jonathan Rauch (Op-Ed, Feb. 22):

My partner and I are getting married this summer (in Massachusetts, of course). One of my dearest friends is an evangelical Christian and does not support same-sex marriage. Knowing her feelings, I told her that I would not be hurt if she didn’t come to the wedding. To my surprise, she said she planned to attend. When I asked why, she responded, “I want you to be happy.”

My relationship with my friend has convinced me that it is possible to arrive at a compromise on the issue of same-sex marriage. I’m concerned, though, that the compromise David Blankenhorn and Jonathan Rauch suggest would create another “separate but not equal” situation.

The way to prevent marriages and civil unions from becoming a two-tiered unequal system is for the federal government to establish a category called “civil union” available to both heterosexual and homosexual couples. I believe that given the choice, many heterosexual couples who are not religious would choose civil unions. And heterosexuals like my friend who are religious and want to be recognized by their religious organization would continue to choose marriage.

Denise Danford
Media, Pa., Feb. 22, 2009

Is ‘Marriage’ Subject to Compromise?,






Next time I see you I'm arresting you.


Réplique du personnage

joué par Catherine Zeta-Jones

dans Ocean's Twelve (2004).


Zeta-Jones, qui joue le rôle d'un limier d'Europol,

tombe par hasard sur son ancien amant,

spécialiste des cambriolages.


Elle le laisse filer sans l'arrêter.


Traduction explicative :

la prochaine fois, je t'arrête,

tu m'as bien compris ?






One last time and we're going.

(Un père à son fils

qui ne veut pas quitter une aire de jeux.)


Traductions explicatives :


Bon, encore une fois, mais après on y va, hein.


D'accord encore une fois

mais après il faut vraiment qu'on y aille.














be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives


futur inévitable, inéluctable



































Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


be + -ing



modaux > will

will + be + -ing > valeurs




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