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mots faciles à comprendre

mais parfois difficiles à traduire

dans certains contextes


defiant, evil, plight, crackdown,


experience / experience






































Jodi's killer to serve at least 20 years in jail

Kirsty Scott

The Guardian

Saturday February 12, 2005

















The Guardian        p. 27        29 July 2006
















The Guardian        G2        p. 4        24 August 2006
















The Guardian        Review        p. 2        29 July 2006




























































The Guardian        Sport        p. 9        18 December 2008






























The Guardian        p. 14        13 August 2005















1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz,

whose name was Job;

and that man was perfect and upright,

and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.

King James Bible,
The Book of Job, Free Public Domain E-Books from the Classic Literature Library, copié 21.8.2005,






BTK Serial Killer Gets 10 Life Sentences


Friday August 19, 2005 12:16 AM
The Guardian

Associated Press Writer

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - Evil incarnate. A demon. A depraved predator. So evil hat Stephen King couldn't have created a more monstrous character.

BTK serial killer Dennis Rader was ordered to serve 10 consecutive life terms Thursday at a hearing that produced an outpouring of emotion and anger from families of the people he stabbed and strangled while terrorizing the Wichita area starting in the 1970s.

``As far as I'm concerned, Dennis Rader does not deserve to live. I want him to suffer as much as he made his victims suffer,'' said Beverly Plapp, sister of victim Nancy Fox. ``This man needs to be thrown in a deep, dark hole and left to rot. He should never, ever see the light of day ... On the day he dies, Nancy and all of his victims will be waiting with God and watching him as he burns in hell.''

BTK Serial Killer Gets 10 Life Sentences,
headline and first §§, G, 19.8.2005,






Judge calls for action

to halt 'evil' baby trade


Court hears

how suicidal woman adopted in Texas

Saturday March 8, 2003
The Guardian

A high court judge called yesterday for action to stamp out the "evil and exploitative trade" in buying and selling babies for adoption, as he revealed how a couple who would never have been allowed to adopt in Britain "bought" a baby in the US.

Mr Justice Munby, sitting at the high court in London, said the trade was causing "untold harm to children, untold misery to their birth mothers and untold heartache to adopters".

Judge calls for action to halt 'evil' baby trade, G, 8.3.2003, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2003/mar/08/






England 39 - 7 Italy

If I never lead England again

this was so exhilarating

Monday March 14, 2005

Leading England out at Twickenham was everything I hoped it would be, a moment so exhilarating I'm still struggling to find words to describe it. Sitting in the changing room afterwards, though, my main emotion was relief. When you're captain of your country, particularly after the year we've had, you soon realise you're being personally judged on the result. It gives you a much keener appreciation of the task ahead.  

If I never lead England again this was so exhilarating, G, 14.3.2005, https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2005/mar/14/






Simply exhilarating


BBC cricket correspondent Jonathan Agnew

looks back on an extraordinary first day at Edgbaston.

We've been looking forward to the opening day

of the Ashes for months.

So often in those circumstances one is left feeling let down,

but this was one of the most extraordinary,

exhilarating day's cricket I have ever seen.

Simply exhilarating,
BBC Sport, Thursday, 5 July, 2001, 19:47 GMT 20:47 UK,






Focus: Fight against terrorism

The crackdown

Last week London's streets seemed half empty as fears of a bomb attack gripped Britain. Gaby Hinsliff and Martin Bright report on the agonised debate behind Tony Blair's series of tough new anti-terror measures

Sunday August 7, 2005
The Observer

[ ... ]


For those of the small group assembled in Tony Blair's study that July morning who did not know him well, it was something of an eye-opener.

Banging the table with a frustrated fist, as the Home Secretary and his two startled opposition counterparts looked on, the Prime Minister was demanding to know 'why the fuck' it was so impossible to rewrite human rights legislation to allow decisive action against a terrorist threat.

'He just kept saying, "Why can't we do this?" and looking at his officials for answers,' says one source from the meeting. 'And they were just shrugging their shoulders.'

By the time the meeting broke up, Blair appeared no nearer getting his answer. But those closer to him could have predicted how it would end.

Last Friday the Prime Minister decisively got his way, sweeping aside not just the caveats of his officials - plus those of his own wife, who warned last month that it was easy to respond to terror in a way that 'cheapens our right to call ourselves a civilised nation' - but the amour propre of his Home Secretary.

Hijacking at the last minute what had been planned as a much lower-key, less detailed announcement by the Home Office minister Hazel Blears, Blair last Friday unveiled a package that profoundly changed the terms of the domestic war on terror. Not only would foreign-born preachers of hate now be deported, as Clarke had already suggested, but Britain would, if necessary, rewrite the Human Rights Act to do it - a personal victory for Blair.

Other draconian measures, from closing mosques suspected of extremism, to house arrest for suspect British nationals, shattered the uneasy cross-party consensus formed after the 7 July bombings. It was the first that opposition MPs - told by Clarke they would be consulted every step of the way - had heard of much of it.

But rather more embarrassingly, it caught the Home Office on the hop too: only a fortnight ago, officials had been busily ruling out some of the ideas floated by Blair, and suggesting it would take much of August to ponder the perfect package. By Friday morning, everything had changed - so fast that Home Office officials did not receive their media 'lines to take', usually prepared well before an announcement, until hours after it had been made.

Whitehall gossip that the rush was driven largely by Blair's desire to be seen to do something before going on holiday is probably unkind. Blair has been consumed by frustration, and by a sense that - particularly since the second bombing - the world had changed, and his government was not keeping pace.

'It is very dangerous if you get into a position where it looks as if Government is behind public concerns,' says a senior Downing Street source. 'People do not want to hear, "We are thinking about it and we will get back to you in three months".'

But serious questions remain over the scramble - egged on by the Sun, with its vocal campaign for holidaying MPs to come back and do something about 'lawless Britain' - to publish a full anti-terror manifesto within a month of the fatal attack

Downing Street sources insist the frenzy of last-minute phone calls between it and the Home Office were 'no more than the usual to-ing and fro-ing' expected in the middle of a crisis. But the negotiations have exposed growing differences between the cautious civil servant's son Clarke, and his hyper-vigilant master.

Nor is it just the bombings that have strained the relationship between Clarke and Downing Street. The whispers around Whitehall are gathering strength: that Clarke has not made a good enough job of selling ID cards, that he does not grasp the 'big picture', that he is too soft on yobbery - unlike Louise Casey, the outspoken civil servant who runs his anti-social behaviour unit. His fondness for a sociable glass of wine is tutted over, his decision to take his long-planned family holiday - although Blair and Straw are also now taking theirs - while leave is cancelled for the Metropolitan Police raises eyebrows.

The crackdown, first §§, O, 7.8.2005, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2005/aug/07/






Blair pledges crackdown on yobs

Thursday May 12, 2005
Guardian Unlimited

Tony Blair today signalled that a crackdown on antisocial behaviour would be the centrepiece of Labour's third term, alongside plans for rapid reform of the NHS and education over the summer.


In the first press conference of his third term, the prime minister promised white papers on health and education modernisation by the autumn, and a major speech on "respect in society" within weeks.

In an hour-long session with journalists, Mr Blair said he supported a shopping centre's ban on youths wearing hooded tops, and pledged to fight the EU parliament's decision to scrap the UK's opt-out of the maximum 48-hour working week.

Mr Blair began by outlining his priorities after last week's election, saying :"Our task now is to deepen the change, accelerate reform and address head-on the priorities of the British people in the National Health Service, schools, welfare reform, childcare and support for working families, crime, disorder, respect on our streets, asylum and immigration."

Blair pledges crackdown on yobs, first §§, G, 12.5.2005, https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/may/12/






Britain's most senior policeman remained defiant last night over the new "shoot-to-kill" policy for dealing with suspected suicide bombers, despite the killing last week of an innocent man by armed officers.

Sir Ian Blair, the Scotland Yard commissioner, apologised to the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the 27-year-old Brazilian who died after being shot five times in the head at close range by police on board a tube train at Stockwell, south London, on Friday.

Met chief warns more could be shot, first §§, G, 25.7.2005, https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/jul/25/






Hospital defiant after TV revelations

Thursday July 21, 2005

The hospital featured in a BBC undercover investigation into the mistreatment of elderly patients has no plans to discipline staff, it said today.

But the nurses' disciplinary body, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, announced it has begun an investigation into whether any nurses have broken their professional code of conduct.

Hospital defiant after TV revelations, headline and first §§, G, 21.7.2005, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2005/jul/21/






Thorpe answers critics

with defiant innings


Surrey 394-5 v Kent

Thursday July 21, 2005

A spurned England batsman, a flat pitch and a watching Test selector... all the ingredients were there for Graham Thorpe to make a point on the eve of the Ashes, especially as he is a cussedly determined cricketer.

Up to a point, he did, for he played well for his 95 against Kent, the championship leaders. But his failure to score his first championship hundred since May 2003 came as a considerable anti-climax.

Thorpe answers critics with defiant innings,
headline and first §§, G, 21.7.2005,






Defiance and solidarity on the web

Images include 'We defy terrorism'
superimposed on London Eye
as 90% of searches focus on bombings

Monday July 11, 2005

From messages of support superimposed on well-known London landmarks to angry weblogs and defiant postings on community message boards, the internet was fizzing with responses yesterday to the London bombings.

Many of the messages were posted by commuters who narrowly missed becoming victims of Thursday morning's bomb atrocities. Others chronicled the appalled reaction of Arabs and Muslims eager to distance themselves from the acts of the terrorists. But interspersed with moving first-person accounts and agonised soul-searching there was also much defiant humour.

Defiance and solidarity on the web,
headline, sub and first §§, G, 11.7.2005, https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2005/jul/11/






Remembering 1945

Monday July 11, 2005
The Guardian


When ministers decided to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of second world war this weekend by splitting the difference between VE Day and VJ Day - May 8 and August 15 respectively - it struck many as a clumsy solution. Alas, Thursday's bombings in London have given fresh poignancy to the scattering of a million poppies over the capital yesterday, not least because the Lancaster bomber which dropped them was itself once an agent of destruction and death to the civilian inhabitants of a number of great European cities.

The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke yesterday of another "people's war" and of a moral struggle against another venomous tyranny. But the anniversary also serves to remind us that it may have been premature to invoke the defiant spirit of the Blitz on the strength of Londoners resilience during the past four days. Imagine having to endure far worse carnage, on and off for more than four years, as London did between 1940 and the final capture of the V2 rocket sites in 1945. If the bombers strike again, as seems likely, we may yet look back with envy on a generation which knew who their enemy was and how victory would be won.

Remembering 1945,
G, 11.7.2005,










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